Sissy Couch to 5K
Don't listen to this till you're outside and ready to run. You'll only spoil it for yourself.
Originally this was to be a femdom themed run for anyone to enjoy, but to be perfectly honest I just couldn't help my urges so it's sissy themed.
If you're not familiar with C25K it's exactly what it sounds like. A nine-week running program specifically aimed at people currently jacking it to sissy hypno. Well, maybe not that specific. But it is a brilliantly beginner friendly way to start running. I guarantee you if you stick with the program, you WILL be running 5K or more in nine weeks. Probably a lot sooner than that. It's exactly what I did.
Each week consists of three repeated runs. Don't do them on subsequent days. Personally I like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, but you do you.
Eventually, when you're a super slick fitness freak you'll alternate between runs and strength training, and probably rest one day a week. But for now, just three half hours on three days when you can get out the house. Pick the same time each day. Make it part of your routine.
...yes, if you really want, you can use a treadmill, but I don't recommend it. Without going into all the details, it's just not as good for you. Trust me. Plus, I wrote this specifically for you to listen to while out and about.
So don't cheat. Get ready, and leave the house. Then press play. Don't pre-listen; don't try to be clever and game it. You're either going for a run or you're not.