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Well, happy Thursday. We’ve made it to Friday Eve. Yay!! It’s been….a week. Maybe 2 weeks?? Honestly, time has been a little lost to me, but I’m starting to feel pretty OK. And you know what? Sometimes you just need to take a little time to make yourself feel better. Stress relief. It’s a thing. Getting off is self care. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else.
Happy Thursday! We have made it to Friday eve. I’ve got some people coming over tomorrow, and I’m kind of excited. Then my socialization quota will be met. But let’s talk about before that. How I’ve been having trouble sleeping. How the weekends for sleeping have been awful. How even if I do sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night. And that sometimes, I can be kinda needy. So I take care of it. And sometimes? This girl right here? She’s loud. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.
Another week is coming to a close. Which is good, because I’m sleepy. I started a new routine this week of going to the gym in the morning before work instead of at night. It kinda works out better for me because I am socially anxious, socially awkward…generally a social mess. I get my workout done without being surrounded by tons of people. Then home, shower….maybe other things before work. Sometimes, you gotta have a good time after the gym. As always, let me know what you think. Please don’t download or distribute my content anywhere else.
Well, good afternoon fellow audiophiles. Happy freaking Monday! I know, I know, I usually drop my audio on Monday morning to make up for our collective case of the Monday’s. My dogs however had other ideas and I had to cut barking out of my audio in between meetings that started at 8:30 this mornings because let’s talk about shipments before you’re fully awake. Or, in my case, still dripping in sweat from the gym because you lost track of time and had to rush home to clock in. Thankfully my camera did not have to be on. Anyways, please do enjoy my sleepy good time. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.
Good morning, friends! It’s Thursday…Let’s drop some audio. The Lovense app and I…We’ve been having words. Not good ones. I choose patterns, it stops the pattern. I get frustrated. It’s a whole thing. Guess what you’ll hear at the beginning of this when the pattern stops because the app crashes?? Damn it….Anyways, it was weird not to have a post up on Monday with the blackout. Hopefully this makes up for it. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.
Well, we’ve made it through yet another week of work and fun. Woo! I had a request. Honestly, I don’t get a ton of requests. I’ve had one solid request from the beginning, and that request doesn’t seem like something I could do. I think I’d need to build the confidence you seem to have in my voice myself. I guess you’ll have to enjoy this one for now. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or distribute my content anywhere else.
It’s Friday Eve! I’m excited. It has been a long, crazy work week for me. I am ready to hang out and do nothing this weekend. Well, I mean, I should do laundry…. Anyways, I am off to the day job. I’m usually remote, but today requires me to be in person for a bit, so away I go. But before I do, you should know that while this starts quiet, it does not end that way. So…uhh..yeah… Anyways, enjoy! As always, please let me know what you think. Please do not download or distribute my content anywhere else.
Belated Merry Christmas! If you celebrate, I hope you had a great day with your family, friends or chosen family. If you celebrate a holiday other than Christmas, I hope it was wonderful. If you don’t celebrate a holiday at all, I hope you had a great day I’ve had visitors off and on all weekend, and will have them until New Year’s Eve morning. Didn’t stop me from needing to do some “things”. And, I mean, come on…It’s good stress relief. So, when I had a moment alone in the house, I chose a pattern and had a time. I stayed a bit quiet because, you never know when they’re going to return.
It’s almost Friday…Finally. It hasn’t been a bad week, just…blah…I’m ready for the weekend. Last night I was laying in bed and listening to the snow tap against my window. I was thinking of some things someone had said to me. My mind was wandering. And then my hands were wandering. And then… Well, you get the picture… As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or distribute my content anywhere else.
Happy Monday! Another week of work. Yay! Over the weekend, I recorded a little something. You might hear my dog walking above me in the kitchen at one point. And, I was way more talkative than usual. Do I remember saying any of it? No. No I don’t. It’s just…there. So, for those asking me if I’ll ever talk more, I guess the answer is, yeah. I will. Enjoy the talkativeness of it all. As always, let me know what you think. Please don’t download of distribute my content anywhere else.
It’s Monday again…yayyyyyy. We’ll get through this together! I thought I’d try building a little on my request from last week. I have to make a conscious effort to talk when I do this, which is, honestly, hard for me. I’m not a talker when I’m alone. I think I’m going to talk, and then I can’t. Whatever comes out of my mouth just….comes out. I never remember saying it. So, enjoy me actually making myself say things. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else.
It’s almost Friday! Finally. Not that I have a ton to look forward to this weekend. Reading and laundry. Woah, dream big!! Anyways, it’s been a hell of a week for work. Busy..Stressful..Long days..Sleepy. Well, I’m a terrible sleeper, so the sleepy part is on me and my brain that won’t shut the hell up while I’m lying in bed. And a few days ago, I was laying there in the dark listing off all the things I needed to do in the morning to meet a deadline for a project. I knew I was going to be up for a long time just ticking all these things off. I needed things to be quiet for a minute. This is a great way for things to be quiet and satisfied. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or distribute my content anywhere else.
Well happy Friday Eve! Look at us, surviving another glorious week of work (said with all the sarcasm)… I got home from the gym this morning and jumped right into work mode. But then I needed a break because sometimes when I’m done at the gym, I just need to do some things. And I know I’m not the only one that gets like that. At all. And I recorded something completely different to share today. But, here I am, sharing this instead. And here you are, listening in. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.
Oh Look, another glorious Monday. What awaits me this week? Time will tell. Weekends have been awful for me lately. And I don’t mean in the there’s nothing to do way, I mean the sleep way. I haven’t been falling asleep until almost 8am, and waking up about 2 hours later. At least it’s on a weekend and I’m sleeping not great, but better, during the week. Saturday at around 6am I caved and tried to help myself out. Even though in the end it didn’t work, I still had a pretty good time. As always, please let me know what you think. Please do not download or distribute my content anywhere else.
Happy Monday and happy first Monday in April and wooo…Monday…(said with significant sarcasm). The weekend was…interesting. The weather decided to be off its rocker. We got a blizzard overnight on Friday night, which means the plow was kind enough to block my driveway. By the time I started to shovel, it had started to melt, because it was almost 60 degrees. The snow was very heavy, so I got a workout and now my arms, shoulders and back hurt. I hate snow….so much. I came in, had a beer and took a shower. Then I went to my bed and made myself feel even better. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else.
Here we are again. Monday. I know some people are lucky and get the Monday after Easter off of work. I am not one of those lucky people. After the last couple of rollercoaster weeks, this weekend was calm. Did I sleep? Fuck no. But, I caught up on laundry. I read. My driveway finally melted….It’s the little things. Oh, and, I also spent a lazy morning in bed doing something else. As always, let me know what you think. Please, do not download or share my content anywhere else.
Ah, Thursday. Friday Eve. The eve before I must be in the office and I’m not excited. This week, work has been….crazy. I have about 1,000 different things on my plate and I am feeling the stress. A lot. I’m trying to remind myself that I am only one person and can only do so much in a day. It kinda helps… But other things help, too. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. I went out with some friends last night, had way too much to drink and then made a drunk friend at a free concert the casino we went to had who handed me a vape pen, told me to hit it and after I did and asked what it was, she said, “Oh..So much weed!” So, also got pretty stoned. Then, I came home and decided…what the hell?? Let’s try a drunk Ramblefap. You can tell I’m definitely still recovering from being sick. My voice hasn’t returned to 100% normal yet. It sounds raspy and worn out. Anyways, Happy New Year!
Oh good…It’s Monday again. The joy… This weekend was pretty calm. Saturday I ran some errands, saw my wax girl (I’ll let you connect those dots), got my favorite drink from the coffee place in town (Sparkling Green Tea Lemonade) and read for a good long while. The smut has finally started smutting with only 150 pages left in this book. What a crazy slow fucking burn!! At least this book didn’t make me cry like my last read did. Sunday was a napping day. And maybe, a little bit of a playing day. As always, let me know what you think. Please do not download or share my content anywhere else. Want to know where else you can find me? Check the link in my bio.