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Just gonna put this here, don't mind me.
Happy Halloween to all the creeps out there in the internet. If you like this story, make sure you past by the writer's post and give them the praise they deserve. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/59jl8d/the_delivery_man_wont_leave/
What did I learn? Doy means I give. String of smaller words trip me up more than anything else. And I butchered a gorgeous language.
Wishing a very Happy Halloween to all weirdos of Reddit. If you liked this story make sure you go to the original post and give them the praise they deserve. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/57zhf0/hunger/
https://www.reddit.com/r/pillowtalkaudio/comments/5icd99/script_offera4a_sometimes_i_cant_sleep_early/ by u/Belle_in_the_woods Something very sweet to start the year
http://creepypastatoo.wikia.com/wiki/Tenshi_No_Me Check out u/BloodySpaghetti other works on reddit.