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Your god-forged blade regains her true form—a creature of chaos bent on domination

Summary: After destroying your enemies, your intelligent sword as you hold up your end of the bargain you made. She has reform her original body, and not only that, but she also wants for forge a new world with you at her side. You will love her, and serve her for eternity–whether you like it or not.
Listener Summary: You’ve been going through a rough patch, and as a result you shut out the world and retreat into yourself. Curling up in bed and focusing on things that are familiar to you has always been a comfort…things such as your imaginary friend from your childhood. But…she suddenly feels so real…what exactly is going on?
Summary: The Speaker has been an introvert her entire life, never making a single friend. While she doesn’t wish to stop being an introvert, the fact that she’s never had even one person to call a friend haunts her. That is until the Listener approached her, talking about common interests they had such as video games or anime, becoming her first and only friend. However, while he does genuinely share the same interests as the speaker, the listener’s intentions for becoming the Speaker’s friend are far more malicious.