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Coercion Audio Sex Stories

339 results
By AprilW9 131 33:33
I thought it might be too soon for another "Daughter's Best Friend" script, but when u/jjiinn sends a script like this my way, I can't refuse. You discover--to your horror--that a camgirl in a show you've recently enjoyed may be your own daughter. Or it might be her friend who's been staying with you. You resolve to discover the truth....by whatever means necessary. I included the tag because, while everything that happens in this audio is technically consensual, there's a fair bit of coercion involved, and an adult who absolutely abuses his authority over a teenage girl. This is a fantasy by adults, for adults. All characters are 18 or over. Enjoy!
By RaidynReborn 250 15:45
You and I are best friends our shopping for some new outfits for you. However I take my job very seriously and end up in the change rooms with you. Even though you've got a boyfriend I decide to act on the flirty sexual tension that's always been between us and we end up having a hot fuck in the change rooms. This is more coercion than rape but I've included the rape tag to be safe.
By Horizon_VA 16 -24:40
(This audio includes themes of sexual/verbal coercion and brief unwanted physical advances. If any of those themes are triggering and/or something you're not comfortable with, don't hesitate to skip out on this one. Hope to see you next time!) A college-aged bombshell arrives at your high-end house for topless maid cleaning services. At first, she sweeps the floor whilst maintaining conversation; the small talk is quite enjoyable. You both then travel upstairs to the main bathroom within your bedroom. She admires the interior before continuing her assigned tasks and stepping into your shower. The tension between you two reverberates, the consistent teasing and sarcastic remarks leaving you eager for something more... Enjoy~ <3
By RazorMoon96 38 25:06
Summary: You’re a member of a Hunters’ Guild, which is dangerously close to losing a war against a powerful vampire. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, however, you receive a letter from your foe, inviting you to his castle to discuss potential “terms of peace”. Your instincts scream that it’s a trap, yet, for the sake of the guild, you decide to go. Just as you suspected, his terms turn out to have a very high cost: you. CW: themes of domination, possession, and control; alcohol consumption; emotional manipulation; coercion/blackmail; sexual implications/innuendo; threats; mild violence; vampire feeding; use of demeaning language/pet names (calls the Listener "pet", "darling", "dear", etc.); establishing a master/slave relationship
By bimbobipolar 21 13:45
Tags: ♥♥ Hi! I’m Bimbo (hehe) and welcome to my very first uhhhhhh audio on this subreddit! I really do hope you guys enjoy this little scenario I’ve put together for you (:! This was very fun to make and I hope to produce more content soon. Hoping I can get a better mic soon, however, I tried to edit this with the best of my potential.♥♥ --------------------------- Summary: The Teaching Assistant in one of your courses has noticed you’ve been doing fuck all to your work, good thing she thinks you are cute. --------------------------
By Callico_Jack 81 10:18
This post is for the /r/dykeconversion subreddit and is for kink purposes only. Coercion and conversion are entirely unacceptable. I wholeheartedly reject and denounce rape, sexual assault, misogyny and homophobia outside of kink scenes and anyone who thinks otherwise can unkindly fuck off. It's a shame you and Amy had to break up, you girls were cute together and seemed like a solid couple. I'm in the flat while she's out of town so you take the opportunity to come pick up all your stuff (you practically lived here so it's A LOT). But seeing as it might well be the last time I ever see you, I decide to take my shot with you, lesbian or not.
Script written by u/WritSavvy on Reddit Summary: You’re a member of a Hunters’ Guild, which is dangerously close to losing a war against a powerful vampire. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, however, you receive a letter from your foe, inviting you to his castle to discuss potential “terms of peace”. Your instincts scream that it’s a trap, yet, for the sake of the guild, you decide to go. Just as you suspected, his terms turn out to have a very high cost: you. CW: themes of domination, possession, and control; alcohol consumption; emotional manipulation; coercion/blackmail; sexual implications/innuendo; threats; mild violence; vampire feeding; use of demeaning language/pet names (calls the Listener "pet", "darling", "dear", etc.); establishing a master/slave relationship
Summary: I (the speaker) have always been a huge bully to you (the listener). Even though it's been many years since we finished high school together, I continue to use juvenile tactics to get under your skin. I say and do crude things to your mother. I constantly interfere with your love life and friendships. I make you do humiliating things just because I can. But there's always been something beneath it all that neither of us wanted to acknowledge. Tonight the tension between us bubbles over, and I do what we have both waited so very long for.
By kinkyshibby 788 20:03
I saw this script and wanted it so bad I decided to gender flip this script written by u/Hou_bi . In it, you are my little bird, whose been coming to me for therapy for quite awhile now. Wish a cocktail of drugs and intense brainwashing sessions, I've been slowly molding your life to be better- and hitching all of that progress to an association with me. You need me. So why did you try to run away? You missed our last few sessions, and you know how bad that is for you. But don't worry, I've learned something, and you won't be getting away again.