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Say You Love Me And Mean It

Synopsis: You stopped unannounced at a friend's house and much to their displeasure you've invited your way inside. The air feels heavy as uneasiness lingers. They tell you they're fine but the way their voice wavers you know they're doing anything but. They slump in your shoulder the moment you hug them, explaining how they feel their life is meaningless. The only thing that makes them happy is you. Will you push them away like others have done before, or keep them close? Script by livejoker
You had often noticed a certain dog girl stalking you. She'd pant and wag her tail in excitement whenever you passed by your window to enter her view. Flattered, you followed her home one day to her mother, where you offered to buy her. Now she lives with you, happy to flee her old life. She's also a bit of a flirt with you if her countless innuendoes are anything to go by. Script by Yan-con
"This is a really sappy and lovey aftercare script, with the speaker just telling the listener how much they're appreciated while cuddling, and between a bunch of kisses, before the listener falls asleep while the speaker hums them to sleep. Since it's an aftercare script, there is mention of previous activities, but nothing specifically mentioned." Script by u/CloverTheLesbian
They love you so much it hurts. They love you so much they just have to have you, no matter what. They're already in a relationship with you, but that's not enough. They need to HAVE you. That's why you wake up to find they've tied you to the bed. Now all there is to do is wait for them to put their rambling, incoherent obsession into words for you.
You've been having a hard time lately. Life is getting to you, the way it gets to all of us. You hate it when people see you when you're vulnerable. That's understandable. We don't really like displaying weakness, especially when we worry if it might cloud the opinion of someone you love. Lucky for you, your girlfriend is sweet, caring and supporting. She wants to have your back, to comfort and caress you. When she sees you at your most vulnerable, she shows you just how much she loves and values you....