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Stranded With A Siren

The only survivor of a shipwreck is left stranded on a desert island. After exploring the inner jungles he finds a lagoon which traps a Siren, apparently unable to return to the sea. Curiosity gets the better of him as he watches her and can't help but feel she has a familiar face. Script by u/theycalledhimquiet Sound effects from u/Paradoxxxical, u/JustForMeAudio and Freesound.org.
When war came to your peaceful village and the army conscripted your closest friend, you had no choice but to enlist and fight by her side. She's happy to see you but increasingly jaded with the war effort. A nasty ambush leaves you unconscious and you awaken to her tending to your wounds -- your injuries preventing your safe retreat. Here, she proposes a different plan to ensure your safety. Sound effects courtesy of u/Paradoxxxical, and u/JustForMeAudio. Gorgeous script by u/theycalledhimquiet.
It’s all over the news: a mass hack of cybernetic neural implants has hit across the world. The strangest thing is that no one on the news seems willing to explain what the hack actually does. When your girlfriend comes home and uses her own implant one too many times, triggering what you can only imagine is the hack itself, you soon find out firsthand what it does to its victims. Other tags: This one is probably one of the darkest ones I've done so far. Please mind the rape tag. Script by kopaf12686.
The listener is a person staying a remote B&B up in the rocky mountains after a tough breakup and stressful time at work. He now spends vacation time with the eager to please B&B owner enjoying the comforts of relaxation, when suddenly a radio report of nuclear war comes on. The pair rush down to the fallout bunker located under the B&B but little does the listener character know that this was all part of the B&B owners plan to keep him all to herself! Script by Stuckinasmut. Sound effect clips from Freesound.org. Background music is owned by The Ink Spots, and oldies radio music from the Lepreezy YouTube channel.
Your boyfriend keeps putting themself down and highlighting their perceived flaws. They always brush it off as a joke, but it’s become quite distracting and unwelcome for you. When they take the submissive role in the bedroom, they're fully expecting you to degrade and talk down to them, but you have something entirely different in mind. It might actually be harder than putting themself down, but you want them to praise themself. It’s hard to get the words out and push back against the habits of a lifetime, but you’re persuasive—and they won’t have any relief from being edged until they finally praises themself! Script by Icedrake402
It's time for a tale of a "Frankengirl" who turns the tables on her creator, then straps him to one and has her way with him. This one is a bit different and new, and there's a bit more humor incorporated. Hope you enjoy!. Script by u/Dr_Frankenduck Sound effects from u/Paradoxxxical and u/JustForMeAudio.
My first RumbleFap! Sadly, I think the audio quality is terrible. I was lying face down on my bed, and just used my phone recorder, so sadly I think some of you might find it unlistenable (you can hear my breathing into the mic at times, and it might be distracting or unenjoyable). However it is all very real, and I enjoyed using my fucking machine for a slow, Sunday morning orgasm. Hope some of you can enjoy!
You've been together with your boyfriend for a little bit, but you have a secret you haven't been able to talk about with him. Something you don't know if you can keep hiding. When you see him in your arms...how vulnerable he looks...it brings out something in you...something you're afraid of...something you can't control. But when it comes out while you're cuddling, he reassures you that it's okay, and you work through it together. Script by: theycalledhimquiet
We've both had a bit to drink, and your girlfriend lets slip that she loves your "scruffy" look... in fact, she wants to make you her scruffy puppy boy for the night. Characters are in a relationship and fully consenting (even if a little tipsy...).
A woman shares how she discovered her fucked up tendencies and how she started living them out. “His big wide eyes... This visceral fear in them as he begged me to stop. This absolute helplessness he must have felt before I finally came to my senses and got off him. That was the spark." Script by: u/SomeMeanScripts
It’s a type of mental conditioning. Maybe even cognitive restructuring, suited to fit your needs. I’ve realized that now. First, it started in subtle ways. A joke here and there. Appealing to my desire to eventually be your slave (“slaves shouldn’t have limits, don’t you agree?”). When you slowly started switching terms of endearment for your preferred names, the ones you know I hate; that was when it started working. As long as you referred to me in a possessive sense, or tenderly, or sweetly, you learned it was easier for me to take. A way for you to worm in and start re-conditioning me.
Your Mistress awakens to find you've been turned into a bat by some witches. With snap of her fingers, she's able to turn you mostly human again, but you still have some bat ears and wings. Adorable. She punishes you with a spanking...but you end up enjoying it anyway. Characters are both over 18. Bat-Boy has already consented to a familiar/Mistress dynamic. Adding the Dub Con tag out of an abundance of caution.