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Obsessive Intent: Salvation Inside You

The search for sanctuary during the Apocalypse can lead a person to some pretty desperate measures. And no one is more desperate for salvation than an abandoned holy man. He’s got…. important plans for his afterlife. Credits: The Holy Man Script and Voiced by u/theycalledhimquiet Narrators Voiced by u/callmebeatrice and u/logosomancer Script by u/Orchid_unbloomed, u/logosomancer, and u/callmebeatrice Art: @Ankorhead_art Original Concept: u/Orchid_unbloomed
You’ve been going through a rough patch, and as a result you shut out the world and retreat into yourself. Focusing on things that are familiar to you has always been a comfort…such as your imaginary friend from your childhood. But…he suddenly feels so real…what exactly is going on?