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Hello again, I'm beginning to think I'm cursed to make long audios only, I find it so hard to fit everything I want into one recording. But anyways, this is just me masturbating for over 40 minutes as I struggle to coherently describe many of my first time sexual experiences in chronological order. Incidences of non-consent play in these retellings were discussed beforehand with the women involved with proper safe words. Timestamps: First Blowjob and Losing my virginity to a cheap escort at 19: START - 6:14 First hookup, First time eating pussy, First time fucking raw with no birth control, First experience with exhibitionism/public play: 6:15 - 13:47 Somnophilia incident, First time 69, First time eating ass: 13:48 - 19:44 Multiple risky pullouts on one slut: 19:45 - 22:46 First facefuck, First period sex, First (safe?) creampie: 22:47 - 30:19 First love, First overnight sex, Many (safe) creampies, Borderline gooning my dick in present day: 30:20 - 38:34 Thinking about a car sex session from the following long term relationship and cumming: 38:36 - END