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Script by: TarkusTrooper Mmmm, Mommy...you like my navy blue skirt? Here, touch it. It's nice and velvety, isn't it, Mama? You like how smooth it is? The skirt goes so well with my fishnet thigh highs. See the lace tops? They're so cute, aren't they? Just a little sexy, but still cute. And...you wanna see what I'm wearing underneath my skirt, Mommy? Here, let me lift it up...now, this is truly naughty. D'you like my little black lace G-string, Mommy? Here, let me turn around and lie on my stomach. There we go. Lift up my skirt, would you, Mommy? Doesn't it make my ass look so sexy? Mmm...I can see you, Mamaaaaa. Stroking that purple cock, aren't ya? To be fair, I was waiting for you all this time. I just wanted to give you something a little...different. You've always fucked your little boy so well.
Script By: TarkusTrooper Mmmm, Mommy...you like my navy blue skirt? Here, touch it. It's nice and velvety, isn't it, Mama? You like how smooth it is? The skirt goes so well with my fishnet thigh highs. See the lace tops? They're so cute, aren't they? Just a little sexy, but still cute. And...you wanna see what I'm wearing underneath my skirt, Mommy? Here, let me lift it up...now, this is truly naughty. D'you like my little black lace G-string, Mommy? Here, let me turn around and lie on my stomach. There we go. Lift up my skirt, would you, Mommy? Doesn't it make my ass look so sexy? Mmm...I can see you, Mamaaaaa. Stroking that purple cock, aren't ya? To be fair, I was waiting for you all this time. I just wanted to give you something a little...different. You've always fucked your little boy so well.