Love and War Pt.1 : The Master Returns
The first part in a series by the wonderful u/clacks_writer set vaguely in a manor during the 1940s. The listener is a servant girl in this manner having an affair with the master of the house (the speaker) though recently the two have been separated for near on a month, building this desire and longing between them. All of this culminating in this night right outside of the study where the two meet after such a long time apart...
Again Thanks must go to the author of the script u/clacks_writer who has not only done an outstanding job with this script but the next two parts!!! Which *wink* *wink* I'll be working on soon enough.
This one was a lot of work and I actually tore up one of my shirts for this (I got the perfect tear first try thank fuck for that). My shirt is only a mere sacrifice for the enjoyment I hope you all have with this one.
Happy Fapping,