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Standing sex Audio Sex Stories

71 results
In a manor house circa 1940, you are a servant girl who is having a long-standing secret affair with the master of the house. It's wartime, things are tough, but he is a good man... although he takes a certain 'approach' when it comes to his favourite girl... A note on consent: Their relationship works on the basis of her initiating an encounter (by going up to meet him in his private study) after previously teasing him in some way during her work around the house. As such, even though he is dominant during their encounters and decides what happens, she always decides if and when the encounters happen. They are therefore always mutually consensual acts with no coercion involved, even though he is the master and she is the servant. They also both know that she expects (and enjoys) any rough treatment he gives her.
By BunnyAudios 35 -14:36
What she says: "You want to? Right here? But it's so sudden... I don't know..." What she's thinking: FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME Summary: An experimental new treatment you've been undergoing has resulted in your mind becoming temporarily attuned to the thought patterns of others nearby. So far, you've decided not to tell anyone about this strange ability you've acquired. It's an ordinary day and you've come to pick up your friend from her university. -- You're a Mind-reader and it turns out your Shy Best Friend has CONSTANT PERVERTED THOUGHTS about you but --
By maximumwill 352 27:45
Daddy calls you to let you know what behaviour he expects from you and what he's prepared to do for another perfect night. All you have to do is avoid touching yourself in bed for 30 minutes before he gets home. ----------------
Summary: An experimental new treatment you've been undergoing has resulted in your mind becoming temporarily attuned to the thought patterns of others nearby. So far, you've decided not to tell anyone about this strange ability you've acquired. It's an ordinary day and you've come to pick up your friend from his university.
By Pitapout 66 20:52
An experimental new treatment you've been undergoing has resulted in your mind becoming temporarily attuned to the thought patterns of others nearby. So far, you've decided not to tell anyone about this strange ability you've acquired. It's an ordinary day and you've come to pick up your friend from his university. Script by: u/OpalescentMoonrise
By Wuvidove 17 18:35
The first part in a series by the wonderful u/clacks_writer set vaguely in a manor during the 1940s. The listener is a servant girl in this manner having an affair with the master of the house (the speaker) though recently the two have been separated for near on a month, building this desire and longing between them. All of this culminating in this night right outside of the study where the two meet after such a long time apart... Again Thanks must go to the author of the script u/clacks_writer who has not only done an outstanding job with this script but the next two parts!!! Which *wink* *wink* I'll be working on soon enough. This one was a lot of work and I actually tore up one of my shirts for this (I got the perfect tear first try thank fuck for that). My shirt is only a mere sacrifice for the enjoyment I hope you all have with this one. Happy Fapping, Wuvidove