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Mutual pleasure Audio Sex Stories

24 results
By ProfessorCal_ 18 19:22
Hi everyone! Last week, I would have never guessed where I'd be with you all in just a few days. The outpour of love and support is honestly mindblowing. After some time relaxing the past couple days, here's another one for you all! Much love x We're both called down to the lab in the middle of the night for some last minute work. Mistakes were made.
By ProfessorCal_ 18 19:13
Hey everyone, I'm Cal! This is my first post ever on here, I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for stopping by! After remembering a short conversation we had during orientation earlier, you decide to swing by my dorm and catch up a bit. Or catch up a lot.
By Daigo 8 26:13
You and your lab partner missed a very important lab practical. Thankfully, Professor Daigo has so graciously given both of you the opportunity to take it during his office hours. However, as Head of the Chemistry Department, he has some other lessons in mind to teach you instead.