Summary: Taking place in current-day New York City, our story follows a young couple in the throes of hardship. George Anderson, the listener's sweetheart of three years, is tasked with consoling her as she copes with recent trauma. He provides her with the emotional warmth only a lover can supply.
Script by u/mollysabitch
Your mafia boyfriend has been in a meeting with his men for hours, and you've been missing him. He invites you in, sits you on his lap, but you get a bit needy. He decides to show all his men just who you belong too
Written by: u/that_weeb_student
A few days after your big brother finally moves out of the apartment his best friend of years and years comes over for a visit.
He says he's just picking up a few bits and pieces but he's definitely more focused on you.
All credit to u/S4cred1nf4r3dwritez for this adorable script. All people involved in the making of this audio/script are above the age of 18. Do not listen if you are under 18.
Your big mafia boss boyfriend is busy, and you visit him during a business meeting. He welcomes you lovingly and takes care of you, his needy, precious prince.
Your mafia boyfriend has been in a meeting with his men for hours, and you've been missing him. He invites you in, sits you on his lap, but you get a bit needy. He decides to show all his men just who you belong too
Writer: that_weeb_student