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Dr Audio Sex Stories

26 results
By emeraldd5 52 -09:42
"A request from /u/Emeraldd5 for a mad doctor script for his own character The Maniacal Dr. Em! I was given no prompt besides that so I went with a personal favourite topic: Pleasurable Dissections. If it's well liked I may also do a sequel as o have something else up my sleeve for this as well. In the mean time I hope you all enjoy and I hope this is everything Dr. Em wants! The human body is beautiful. Both outside...and inside." While Dissection is not a kink of mine, is it wrong I actually found this fairly romantic if you took out the abducting angle? Very well done script, in my opinion.
By emeraldd5 52 -15:42
This came from a lovely script from u/ShyLittleMouse , and seeing as it is Dr. Em's Cake Month, I KNEW I needed an appropriate script. Something dark, something emotional, something.... Different. This fit the bill. A person waking up in the hands of their worse nightmare. Someone that wanted their pain, their terror... Their body. But not for them. For their yearly lover.... Death. Time for that yearly date night....