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Hypno-kink Audio Sex Stories

2 results
!!!WARNING WARNING!!! This file includes association play and amnesia play with post-hypnotic suggestions to desire obedience and trance. !!!WARNING WARNING!!! Start this file clothed, you'll have a chance to strip during the file <3 In this file I bring you down quickly and lightly, seeding in the blank trigger before progressively bringing you down deeper, spiraling deeper and deeper into obedience and amnesia. Check out my other content here: https://linktr.ee/atrazinepearl
vvv !!WARNING!! vvv This file includes suggestions to associate pleasure and arousal with falling in trance and to forget what happened while in trance. ^^^ !!Warning!! ^^^ In this file I have you focus on a file of your choosing, specifically, I recommend the one below before I then bring you down and have you focus on the spiral, falling deeper and deeper making your mind blank and thoughtless while I make you more aroused and stimulated, counting down slowly, until I get you near orgasm at 0, and bring you out of trance, associating the arousal that you felt with being in trance. Suggested Spiral: https://www.deviantart.com/demonicclone/art/Golden-Spiral-Pink-Hypnosis-Swirl-617099526