Dr. Ironjunk shows Elsa Gutentight the ins and outs of the Rape Clinic and gives her a little taste.
Original Script Offer: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/10hyeb8/f4m_script_offer_a_generator_for_cumfueled/ ***** This audio was recorded and produced by me, Rory Still-Shine. Thank you to u/TheTakenCatking for writing this script! ***** This audio is the property of the artist known as Rory Still-Shine. You are hereby not authorized to repost this audio or use it for anything other than recreational use. Thank you!
Me, a pretty girl, and an assortment of fuck machines -- what could be better? A whole crowd of people, watching me as I scream and come and pleasure myself certainly helps!
Original Script Offer: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/10hyeb8/f4m_script_offer_a_generator_for_cumfueled/ ***** This audio was recorded and produced by me, Rory Still-Shine. Thank you to u/TheTakenCatking for writing this script! ***** This audio is the property of the artist known as Rory Still-Shine. You are hereby not authorized to repost this audio or use it for anything other than recreational use. Thank you!
I've been playing a lot of First Class Trouble since it's official release on Tuesday. So I thought I'd make a little something about it. It's a social deception game like Among Us or Town of Salem. There are six players, four residents and two personoids. The personoids are rogues androids controlled by C.A.I.N. (Central Artificial Intelligence Network). The personoids job is to kill the four residents and the residents job is to kill the personoids and escape. The main method of killing is strangulation (hence the choking being a theme here).
This is set in the final stage of the game where the remaining passengers have to hold a bridge for one another in order to reach C.A.I.N.. But anyone controlling the bridge can drop it at any time and kill whoever is crossing so it is a big trust challenge. This is where our story begins. You and me are at the C.A.I.N. control panel and I'm holding the bridge for the last remaining resident besides you. We've been through a lot tonight having seen everyone around us getting picked off one by one.
You trust me, don't you?
so consensual, mentioned orc fucking
Another transmission from a possible future.
Everything was covered in grey dust, don't let them inside you.
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