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Medieval Audio Sex Stories

93 results
By RuthieRen 366 27:02
The listener is a captured king, naked, bound to a chair and entirely at the Warrior Queen’s mercy. She’s come to lead the interrogation, and It seems she’s got a plan in mind for the captive King. u/ShyScribe is the talented writer of this one, while the edits are those of the kingly u/Kilbeggan32 both of reddit!! Additional Tags:
By RuthieRen 366 21:38
Come, sit up, saucy wench... And gaze upon your prize No tricks, girl, come and look for yourself... Not so fast, foolish girlie... I'm not taking him anywhere before we have our fun... Thank you u/Xinley for being my bratty partner, u/Kilbeggan32 for the edits, and u/mc_cottle for the sexy fun script -- all of Reddit!!
By grinningpup 157 24:21
Goodly King bit of thrown in there DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated authors and performers. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
By RuthieRen 366 30:51
After sometime watching one of the most noble knights of the castle, a simple castle servant decides that she must boldly seek out the desires of her body and heart, the taboo of a match between their two court classes be damned... <3 Edited by the noble u/Kilbeggan32
By grinningpup 157 23:21
A collaboration between u/Grinningpup & u/VexingLex with GrinningPup playing Ser Galihan and VexingLex playing Krogan. DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated author/voice actor. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
Script by /u/Nyaanneko After a traumatizing night, the crown prince and the blacksmith’s daughter find solace in one another. She was a gift to him for his coming-of-age celebrations, and must help prove the prince’s fertility in order for him to gain the throne. Otherwise, both their lives will be lost.