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Muscle Audio Sex Stories

78 results
By grinningpup 157 24:03
Muscle Man to C-Boy DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated authors and performers. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
By Jackstock 56 36:04
Muscle Genie Domination A gay fantasy of Jafar as a genie from Aladdin. It starts off with Jafar trapped inside the magical lamp, tricking you into rubbing the lamp to release him. You rub a lamp until a muscular genie appears that uses you for his fun, poisoning you, playing with you, until finally making you his muscular pet. This was a custom request, and a fairly wild one at that. Definitely not for everyone, but if you like it, you will like it a lot. JackDominates.com
By grinningpup 157 33:09
A Rent Boy For You DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated author. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.
All bodies are beautiful baby, so why should your muscles be any different? I think you are the sexiest muscle princess ever. Now come over here and flex those biceps of yours as you ride my face. ..Maybe crush it with your thighs a little too. This is a request fill made by actualsomethintosay. Fingers crosses that she enjoys it!
By SlappyMeats 45 -39:03
Faint Secondary You, the tall, elegant, glamorous dance-floor slayer, go out to a latin club for the first time and catch the eyes of everybody there. Not least among them is the big deal on the scene: the short king muscle bull who intends to make your last night in town a memorable one.
Summary: There's been an odd relationship forming between me (the speaker) and you (the listener). Me blackmailing you with evidence of your homosexuality as revenge for bullying slowly turned into a "frenemies with benefits" type deal that neither of us really want admit we enjoy. But tonight is a turning point in our dynamic. You show up at my door beaten and defeated after trying to do the right thing, and I take it upon myself to take extra special care of you. You were very brave today. Let me reward you. Let me care for you. Let me be there for you. Not just for tonight.