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Raceplay Audio Sex Stories

79 results
By SennaSaysHi 42 12:16
--- #Language Warnings --- Audio uses 'faggot' and 'cuck' and teases about the listener wanting that cock for themselves. I don't think it's in a mean way, more a loving/teasing way. --- ###Important Stuff --- * Script was written for me by a friend ♥
I am a long-time fan of this particular sub-reddit (read: lurker), Chirbit, and Tumblr. As a matter of personal interest I wanted to try and compose an interracially themed audio piece using female voices from some of my favorite erotic audio performers. I had intended on including the accompanying video along with the audio, but unfortunately that does not seem to be allowed. Regardless, the video is nowhere close to finished nor is the audio finalized (I plan on doing a more fast paced second act), but I thought I would go ahead and share what I have done so far for any interested parties. Any feedback or thoughts would be appreciated. The themes covered in this piece are not for the faint of heart, and involves incest, mother daughter corruption, black superiority, and some race play. You have been warned. However for those of you with the appropriate sentimentality required: enjoy. All credit to MizSpecific and PumpkinPlz for the voices used in this composite piece. I was not sure if I needed verification or not since it is not my voice used in this post. http://www.chirbit.com/pumpkinplz http://mizspecific.tumblr.com/