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Resonant Audio Sex Stories

3 results
By calia 49 13:47
Welcome participant, to the first of a series of experiments, entitled MC Ultra. This initial experiment will prime your mind for what's to follow by teaching you the techniques and triggers that will help you return to trance, and experience a pleasurable sensation while hypnotized. Your participation is crucial to the success of the program. The purpose of this series of experiments is classified. This file is the first of a series of 4, each one building on the last, for a cumulative conditioning effect. In this first file, you'll be guided on a meditative journey based on the work of Robert Monroe, started in the 1950s and studied later by the US government. The whole series is based on MK Ultra, but this opener is more closely based on the Gateway Process, designed to help you enter a state known as hemi-sync, where both sides of your mind are in perfect harmony. This file is mostly a gentle experience, with a lot of suggestions to experience pleasure, and switch off your conscious mind. It does include triggers that last beyond the duration of the file, and a mantra to repeat. While this file does not, future files in the series will deal in darker themes, so please be aware of that, as the triggers introduced here are repeated later. Ultimately, this series does not aim to be harmful, rather give that impression in a safe roleplay scenario that appears dangerous. I do hope you'll participate, and try this one out - it uses an interesting technique to induce trance, and I'd be open to feedback on that!