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Mantra Audio Sex Stories

39 results
By hidden64 17 -09:06
This file is a loop of the mantra trigger from my Don't Think, Just Sink file. Since it's only me saying the trigger, it won't work if you don't listen to that one first. Please enjoy!
Fractured Fantasy Hello, sweeteas! This one’s pretty interactive and will have you moving around. You need a few things before you begin: Something to write with, something to write on, and preferably a set of wireless earbuds or headphones. You can do without wireless headphones if you must, but it’ll mess with the flow of the session. It’s up to you in the end, though. This will also have you taking of your clothes and kneeling, so make sure you have the privacy, warmth, and comfort to do so! First, there is a long induction which takes you deep. It’s fun and unlike any I’ve done before, so I had lots of fun creating it and I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun falling deeply under to it. The main theme of the session centres around resistance and your effort to resist my hypnosis…and your inevitable loss of control to me. Between taking you in and out of trance, I bring to life a vivid, erotic fantasy in where we do all the fun stuff together. Where you get to fuck me. Where I get to play around with your mind, your cock, and your body. Out of trance, you’ll be writing out a mantra for me. In trance, you’ll be succumbing to my power and getting closer and closer to cumming with me. It’s all fun. I promise! In the end, thanks to some brainwashing here and there, you may not remember any of the trance. You may not remember anything at all about the session, the fantasy, and the suggestions. In fact, you may have to listen again just to remember anything at all. Who knows? You probably don’t. Miss Lilith
This is the LONG AWAITED, HIGHLY REQUESTED third installment of the Seduced into Obedience hypnosis femdom audio series and in this part we play around with need. (I think I see a theme happening here...) So, in this part I just talk to you, we know from part one and two how very conditioned you are becoming to my voice. I don't need to pull any fancy tricks, all I ask is that you play along with me and my games as we sink you deeper than ever before! Although, it doesn't last long as soon you are pulled back up again and we repeat this cycle of push and pull until you finally get left in trance. Yes, there is no wakeup for this one! SUGGESTIONS: In this I play a lot with a new trigger, the sink for me trigger will take you into a deep trance, quickly and then I use my words to take you up again. This is a push and pull themed fractionation, and I really hammer home the image of you sinking into dark depths and being pushed around by my voice, instructing you where to go. So, for some that language might be too forceful. There is a lot of references to obedience as yes, this is a femdom series and I am dominating you here. Also some super sneaky NLP suggestions to like and comment, but it's not guaranteed that everyone will. Also there are AMNESIA suggestions in this one at the end when I leave you deeply entranced and repeating the mantra, "I submit to you Miss Subject" over and over again until you awaken. Some of you might wanna set a timer for this one! Expect a TON of me being a total, trance tease and you being helplessly needy for it, yes you will beg and squirm and love every second. Also has some positive suggestions at the end that being a good submissive brings you joy! ENJOY!
By calia 49 13:47
Welcome participant, to the first of a series of experiments, entitled MC Ultra. This initial experiment will prime your mind for what's to follow by teaching you the techniques and triggers that will help you return to trance, and experience a pleasurable sensation while hypnotized. Your participation is crucial to the success of the program. The purpose of this series of experiments is classified. This file is the first of a series of 4, each one building on the last, for a cumulative conditioning effect. In this first file, you'll be guided on a meditative journey based on the work of Robert Monroe, started in the 1950s and studied later by the US government. The whole series is based on MK Ultra, but this opener is more closely based on the Gateway Process, designed to help you enter a state known as hemi-sync, where both sides of your mind are in perfect harmony. This file is mostly a gentle experience, with a lot of suggestions to experience pleasure, and switch off your conscious mind. It does include triggers that last beyond the duration of the file, and a mantra to repeat. While this file does not, future files in the series will deal in darker themes, so please be aware of that, as the triggers introduced here are repeated later. Ultimately, this series does not aim to be harmful, rather give that impression in a safe roleplay scenario that appears dangerous. I do hope you'll participate, and try this one out - it uses an interesting technique to induce trance, and I'd be open to feedback on that!
My Good Bimbo Girl Hello, Sweeteas. This is slightly different than what I usually do, because if you listen and allow it to work, there is a real possibility that you may become somewhat addicted to the sound of my voice. You’ll enjoy every second, of course, but do be sure you want this before listening. It starts with a long induction which takes you down really, really deep. Then I play around with your mind, making you want to be all blank and empty. Making you want to be a bimbo. A happy, horny bimbo. One of the triggers included is “good girl,” but there’s no mention of gender, so anyone can listen so long as they feel comfortable with that. After you listen, you’ll want very much to think about how I’ll be making you feel. How nice and aroused. How horny and relaxed. Just all the greatest of things. If you’d like to know more, you can read the script. There is but one version of the file: SFX. You can read the script here: https://scriptbin.works/u/LilithUnleashed/f4a-my-good-bimbo-girl-erotic-hypnosis-deep-submission If you would like to hear more of my files, you can visit my website: https://lilithunleashed.net/ Miss Lilith
By ToxicPancakez 4 15:41
so Don't worry, I'm not gonna hypnotize you or anything, that'd be rediculous. Why not just give the audio a listen if you're into the whole hypnosis thing, it couldn't hurt, right? RIGHT? It's been a long time since my last upload, had a lot of things get in the way but it's finally here now. I really love this trope in hypnosis so I thought I'd take a crack at it myself. This is more geared at somewhat experienced hypno enjoyers but anyone's welcome to give it a listen. (SPOILER ALERT: THERE'S HYPNOSIS IN THIS AUDIO) The listener here is prompted to answer and chant out loud in this audio so please try to make sure you're in a safe environment for that or you can simply respond in your head, that's fine too! This is still only my second ever audio so I really hope you enjoy it and if you have any feedback I'd love to hear it :)
By ToxicPancakez 4 18:44
so to Hello there, I'm Pancakez and I'm here to steal your mind, but that's not important right now This file will take you into trance with a conversational induction where I mess with your mind a bit and make you feel a LOT of pleasure. There is the option to touch or not to touch but at the end there is a cum command. There isn't intended to be any major lasting effects aside from a super minor trigger on the words "It's Not Important". There are major themes of control and me being in your mind but at the end this is all reverted. It's not exactly beginner friendly but I've attempted to make the induction as concrete as possible so anyone should be able to enjoy it. Hope you enjoy this, it's my very first file so I'm open to any sort of feedback you might have
By SunnyPup 19 28:16
I’m so glad you requested a one-on-one skype hypnosis session. Shy or nervous as you might feel, I think it won’t be very long until you start to feel a lot more comfortable taking in my words. Just listening and following, as I show you the freedom that comes from being a mindless plaything It’s your first time meeting one on one with a skype hypnotist. You know you want to be here, but you’re deeply nervous. It’s okay though, all you have to do is listen to the words of the ‘tist and all those silly anxieties, stresses and thoughts will just start to melt away. Doesn’t that sound so much nicer?