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Rough stuff Audio Sex Stories

3 results
By Pink_Cantaloupe 20 -18:53
Bad Day Is Over a bit of Quite a few some sooo many Ohmigosh, am I really first? Sheesh, no pressure or anything. ^_^;; For Cinco de Kino, I drew the incredible u/Sunnydale_Bound and immediately panicked. I've been listening to her stuff for over a year and to tell you the truth Audballs, I had more than a bit of performance anxiety. But that became the core for my story idea. A sad lass who's had a very bad day comes home late t find her byfriend zonked on the couch, waiting for her. And he’s bound and determined to make her bad day go away. I tried to incorporate as many elements as I could form the *ahem* staggeringly awesome list I was given, so the mood's a little all over the place, but then again, so is life, right? Sunny, I hope you enjoy the results! :D —— I definitely recommend headphones for this one folks. Much fun was had with mic movement and stereo shifting of the dialog track. Sound Effects were performed by me as well, including the sex-foley (wow, never thought I’d type that word) which is where the fun and the mess came from.
By SumTotalOf1 45 07:18
You put on a brave face every day, dealing with your job, your stresses, your hardships. To everyone else you're strong, independent and powerful. You have a good career and you love your family. You help out in your community and you have a bright future. But you'd give it all up in a second to be my little cock whore. Chained to a post in a basement, covered in spit and cum. That's ok. Come on over.