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Additional Tags: then mention of Summary: After weeks of no contact, your last friend sent you what amounted to a breakup text, citing your "flakiness" and "being sad all the time" as reasons why she was sick of you. It crosses your mind to give up on the world - after all, there's no one who cares anymore, is there? But then a thought occurs to you - and you sing the lullaby I taught you so many years ago... This song is based on the song Monster (Under My Bed) by Call Me Karizma.
It's late one night, when the Listener is awoken by the sound of gentle humming and an approaching feminine figure from the darkness. Out comes something unexpected...A Bogey Man! Or-- Should we say, a Bogey Woman, The Monster under his bed that has come to catch up from those days long ago when she scared him, With a much more lucrative and enjoyable idea in mind! Script By: u/Blueman8305