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The speaker’s Erotic Audio Sex Stories

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By mowhispers 38
SCENE 1 - BAKERY: Listener pacing around the kitchen. Sounds of exhaust fans are heard, ambience/mellow/soft music playing in the background. Doors open as the Speaker enters the scene, light footsteps from the Speaker. ... (Surprised) You’re still here… I thought you were just finishing packing up for the day? ... (Curious) What are you working on? Oh, the cupcakes? I see… ... (Spoken softly) Don't worry, I'll make sure to finish frosting them first thing in the morning… All of the bread is in their respective containers… sealed well to preserve freshness… (Playful) or whatever it is that you say. (Concerned) You seem so tense… everything alright, sweetheart? ... (Softly spoken) Look… I know it’s our first bakery fair tomorrow but… It’ll be okay… We've made sure our supplies will be enough… and we got the stand ready… everything we need is all in one box… we've planned it all out… *Everything will be fine.. got it?* ... Hey... look at me… (Chuckle) There's that beautiful smile I love seeing. Like I said… I know it's our first time there but there's nothing to worry about… I'm proud of us, *of you*… of this silly little bakery that we only dreamed of when we were younger… Okay, it's not silly… *hey,* I was just messing with you. (Chuckle) And we'll do great… like we always do… every day… ... (Softly spoken) You got it, cupcake… you always do… You've always made me proud… and tomorrow, I'll be right there beside you… cheering you on… Hell, I'll even wear a cheerleader outfit for you… (Chuckle) But that's for another time… ... I promise you I'll be cheering you on… Of course… I'll help you *and then* cheer you on. ... Now… you better be heading home and get some rest… we need to be up early tomorrow… (Teasing) And I don't want to drag your ass out of bed. SCENE 2: BAKERY - Speaker is finished washing his hands. He turns off the faucet and reaches for a towel to wipe his hands. The door opens to reveal the Listener, seemingly looking for something. (Softly spoken) Yes, cupcake? You forgot something? ... What's it? Is it your apron? I know you don't want to see it out of your sight… Look, it's right there… and even if you forgot it… I would have brought it to you. ... No? *Something else?* ... Your cookie cutters? Cupcake liners? Your recipe book? ... I told you… I have them all ready in a big container box… don't worry about bringing it there tomorrow… it's heavy, I'll bring it to- (Stuttering; Speaker is overwhelmed, surprised even) Did you… did you just… *kiss me?* ... No, no… I… I just… ... (Playful) Goddammit… *come here, you!* (In awe) Wow… *thirteen year old me would be ecstatic.* Why? (Softly spoken) Well… I just kissed the girl I had the biggest crush on, come now… ... I… I liked you too, so (Kiss) so (Kiss) much (Kiss). And I can’t hide the fact that I still like you now… Kiss me more… please, baby… I just *need* your lips on mine. ... Is this okay, baby? ... Hm? You want this? Say it… let me hear you say it… ... That's *my* girl. ... *You're so fucking beautiful*… have I ever told you that? ... Everytime you're so focused on making sure your cupcakes are frosted to perfection… Whenever you bring out a batch of cookies out of the oven and they come out looking perfect… And when people tell you how much they love what you've baked… ... You smile in a specific kind way that tugs on my heartstrings… and it's the most beautiful smile I have ever seen… It's also the same exact smile from when we were younger… *that's why it feels so special to me.* (Kiss) And I bet you'd look even more beautiful when I make you mine. ... Oh, baby girl… you don't have to say please… ... I need to have you… *right now.* (Whiny) I need you so bad… You need me, too? How much do you need me, baby? Yeah? ... Bend over the counter, baby… but before that, let’s… *oh…* you’re wearing a skirt? Easy access, huh? Fuck me… what an eager girl I got here with me… ... I like it… I can just lift it up, push these panties to the side and get a feel of this pussy… You’re so wet, baby girl… Who’s gotten you this wet? ... Me? Just me, right? ... From now on… it’ll just be me and only me… ... Hmm… I should also probably do something to take your mind off the nervousness, huh? Will you let me do it, baby girl? ... (Whispering) Will you let me make you feel good? Will you let me slide my fingers into this wet cunt of yours, huh? ... Yeah? That’s my good girl. ... Don’t worry about anything else, baby… just focus on my voice… and my hand grazing over this beautiful ass of yours… I’m sure you don’t mind if I give it a… Mhm… that feels so nice, doesn’t it? ... Ah-ah… bend over, baby girl… There we go… good God… did you ever expect being fingered right here? Against the counter of *our* little bakery, baby? Did you ever expect you’d get fingered by me? Right here? Like this? Stay still, beautiful… let me take care of you, okay? (Softly spoken) Let me take care of you just the way you deserve… There we go… how does it feel, huh? ... It’s okay… rock your hips against my hand… let me see how good I make you feel… Look at you… you’re a dripping wet mess already… I fucking love how you taste, baby… Go on, baby girl… feel good on it… ... Maybe we can fit another finger in here now, huh? Like that… you feel so wet and warm, baby… and who’s made you this wet? ... Me? That’s right. ... Like I said earlier, it’s all me who’s going to do you like this… who’s going to make you feel good this way… *And my name you’re going to be moaning out like a damn prayer off those lips.* You hear me? ... Suck on it and taste yourself… Lean your head up a bit… Like that… you’re a good girl, aren’t you My good girl… ... I’m so fucking hard for you, baby girl… can you feel me against your ass? ... You know I only dreamt about fucking you against this very counter… whenever you’re leaning down against it… I just wanna press myself against you… Glad to see it’s about to fucking happen… Hm? You thought about the same thing? Naughty, *naughty* girl. ... Eh, I guess we’re both naughty then. I… I… Jeez… someone’s fuckin eager, huh? Wait… wait for me… you’re gonna get what you want… right here, right now… ... Feel that? My cock slapping against your ass? Maybe I should just rub my tip against your pussy lips… to get it wet… I’m so hard fucking hard… and it’s all you… all because of you… And once I slide inside this pussy… it’s all mine… *you’re all fucking mine.* ... Put your hands over your head, baby… Mhm, good… I’ll put my hand over it and the other… Around my cock as I push it inside of you… *fuck, baby.* You’re so wet… I knew I was going to slide right in… you are so fucking wet… ... You feeling okay, baby girl? ... Yeah? You sure? ... (Scoff) Alright, alright… let me just… Oh, you are so fucking wet… I’m not even fucking kidding… You feel my dick just sliding in and out of you? Stay still, baby… let me do all the work and make you feel good… You hear that? Yeah? You want it rough? Then I’ll give you what you fucking want… ... I love how warm your pussy feels around me… I’m never gonna get enough of this… I’m gonna fuck you so hard that when you go to bed tonight… all you can think of is my cock and how I’m thrusting into you… How I’m slamming my hips against you. ... What? You want me to fuck you harder? The more you beg, the more I'll be fucking the slut out of you. ... Oh, you're not making it easy for me, baby... ... Don't you close your mouth, let me hear you moan. No one’s outside… they all left… Which is good because I can fuck my sexy little baker hard… just the way she deserves… ... Lean your back against my chest… I wanna hold you while I fuck you… ... (Moan) Fucking hell… it feels too good thrusting up into your hips like this… The best… fucking feeling ever… ... Lift your shirt and bra up a bit… I wanna hold onto those tits… ... Oh, fuck me… ... Look at how my hands fit under these beautiful tits… ... Hold on tight, baby… I just want to hold you like this… and never let go… and fuck you until you can’t walk… ... I can almost feel myself cumming… Yeah? You feel it? ... I… I need you to ride me this time… I wanna see your face while you ride me… I wanna see your beautiful face when I cum inside this pussy… okay, baby girl? No need to take that off, baby… just lift them up… I’ll sit on the floor and you’re gonna slide my cock all the way inside… can you do that for me, baby? ... Good girl… Get on top of me, baby. Come on… yeah, like… like that… Look here, angel… look into my eyes while my cock sinks inside you… ... That’s *my* pretty girl… Oh, my fucking god… that’s even better, huh? ... Bounce yourself on that dick, baby… ride it like you fucking own it… I’m all yours… use me to feel good… ... Are you loving this, baby? Hmm… I can tell that you're loving it, your legs are shaking… ... That’s alright… hold onto me… ... Scratch that… come here and kiss me, sweetheart. Right there? Fuck you right there? ... Am I hitting the right spot, huh? ... Hold your tits for me, baby... play with your nipples and look into my eyes... ] Such an obedient little whore I got here. I feel you clenching around my dick and I'm gonna make you feel so good you'll forget about being nervous for the bake fair… All you'll think about is nothing but me... my dick fucking your warm and wet pussy... how I kiss your lips, your body... how you and your body react to the way I fuck you. ... How your sweet lips utter my name in every rough thrust I do… like a prayer rolling off your tongue… ... You… are gonna be the death of me… But what a way to go, huh? Rub your clit while you ride me… lift your shirt up… I wanna see those tits bouncing up and down… Mhm…. just… just like that… ... (Kiss) That’s a pretty little slut riding my cock like that… Yeah? That’s you… you’re the pretty little slut… ... Your pussy was *made* for my cock, baby… I fit so perfectly inside you… ... You feel so good, baby… your pussy feels so good around my dick… Hm? I know, baby, I know… It feels so good, doesn’t it? ... Feel good on that dick, baby girl… feel good on it… As much as I *love* fucking your wet pussy, baby… I wanna feel you cum on my cock… ... Then I’m gonna fill you up just the way you fucking deserve… You’re gonna feel so full of my cum… And it’ll stay in there… it’ll drip down your thighs… That’s my girl… ride me, baby… ... Fuck, yeah… bounce on *that* dick. ... You’re taking me so, so good… ... Look at me… look into my eyes… let me see those beautiful eyes… ... Fuck, baby… I’m about to cum… stay right fucking there and I’ll do all the… all the work… Feel that, baby? ... I’m about to cum for you… and it’s all for you… but I need you to cum with me… Please, baby? It’s all I need… all I need to feel… ... Got it, sweetheart? You’re gonna cum with me… ... Come on, baby girl… cum with me… cum with me… Please… please, baby girl? Stay still… I want you to feel my cum shooting inside of you.. ... There we go… ... Take all of it in… ... It's all yours, baby girl... I'm not letting you waste a single drop of my cum... (Kiss) Come here, baby… rest your head on my shoulder… ... Fuck, it’s so sensitive… but I now love being this close to you… And... who knew it would be this good being this close to you, huh? You okay, baby girl? Yeah? (Kiss) I’m glad you did, baby… you’re the best. (Teasing) Still nervous for tomorrow? Not so much? ... (Teasing) Well, you know who to go to when you’re nervous… I can show you more ways to get through it… ... (Sigh) Let's stay like this for a bit… I’ll drive you home and maybe we can cuddle to sleep, yeah? ... Anything for you, *cupcake.*