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I want your vulnerability, baby. I want your pleasure. I want you to cum and come undone under me, with my hands and fingers and lips and mouth and tongue because I want you to know that between you and me there is nothing that can hurt you. Between you and me... there is no one else. It's just us. u/swelegy wrote this incredible script and I had to fill it. I genderbendered it and added a few things here and there (with you in mind, of course!). I hope you enjoy.
There are many in my court who are calling for your execution as a show of force against those who would do us harm, while others feel that such violence would only result in retaliation from your people. They would simply have you ransomed off back to your people as a show of good faith, as well as our own superiority. Ultimately, though, as the rightful Queen of this land, it is my duty, and my duty alone, to pass judgment upon you. The script is by u/rottenpines The editing is by u/Kilbeggan32
You know... I’ve heard so many things about you... things that couldn’t possibly be true, but things that turn me on, things that touch me deeply - things I’ve been lying awake at night thinking about... You know what I’m talking about. Is it true? A script by u/cuddle_with_me
Hmmm, oh I want you to feel good, baby. I want you to feel real good. And now, I want to play a game. An exciting, intensely pleasurable game. Hmmm, oh, don't worry baby. This game will make you, and that hard fucking cock of yours, feel incredible. So fucking good. All you have to do is follow my words, and do exactly as I say, ok? A script from my deliciously talented u/Givingscriptsatry
Yeah, I've seen you comment on my audios... so I know you like the sound of my voice. I wonder... is it having any effects on you? Any, mmm, muscle memory kicking in? I know you've gotten off just thinking about me. I bet you're getting a little heated between your legs, just from us chatting... Come on, baby. Admit it. Good girl. u/margo-moon wrote this script, and I had read the F/F version first. I'd been looking for the PERFECT F/F script to do, and this one really fit the bill.
Honey, could you come here for a second? Thank you so much for helping me with the shopping today, I’m sorry I get so crazy, I just don’t want to worry about Christmas, you know? Yeah, thank you. Could you just sit down with me for a second? Yeah, I just… I just want to say something. This script from u/_Steady was posted four years ago, but I loved it so much, and I knew I had to try to do it justice.
You know… what you should do? Come here and touch me. Play with me. However you want, you can have you way. The look in your eyes just makes me clutch my fingers into my shirt and bite my lip. I want you to put me on my back and watch me squirm for you. Do it please, touch me. I’m ready when you decide I’m ready. A yummy script from u/glacialdust