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Ramblefap #2: Very Quiet, Very Heavy Breathing

It ain't much, but it's honest work.
A very rough, very literal English translation by me: If, on the paths you walk There is a white flower on the bent grass That suddenly seems embarrassed to look up at you as you pass... My dear, that's me! If there is a bird which, every dusk, comes close to you and looks around, If it enters your room tenderly and serenades you in the deep night... That's me, beloved! If you look up in the peaceful night And in the sky there is a wandering star That showers you in your window With its sorrowful rays of tears... That's me, my gem! If you awaken at the crack of dawn And you see a butterfly on the flowerbed you were going to water Its wings crumpled and its body already cooling... That's me, my love! If you pray, and in the teary eyes of Christ There is one tear peeking out If you can't wipe it away out of a feeling of regret And you are saddened and in grief... That's me, my chosen! But if you still desire to see me again, I who truly loved you, it's not far: Go to the old graveyard and there, trust that... We will meet!
去年今日此門中,人面桃花相映紅。 人面不知何處去,桃花依舊笑春風。 Xu Yuanchong's translation: In this house on this day last year, a pink face vied In beauty with the pink peach blossoms side by side. I do not know today where the pink face has gone; In vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full-blown.
This is a very rough approximation of the guitar accompaniment to Nickel Creek's cover of "Out of the Woods", originally by Sinéad Lohan. Plenty of mistakes, but still very relaxing to play.