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The Airship Captain

Synopsis: in a world of Victorian steampunk you are a minor noblewoman with a delicate cargo to transport. The captain of the airship Cavalluccio has a fine reputation as a man of honour but your request may be beyond his ability, he will certainly need some convincing.
The enemy approaches, your castle will soon be under siege, with only a few hours remaining the queen summons her knight captain to her chambers to discuss the impending battle. You are that queen and your knight awaits...
Synopsis: It is the early days of the Second World War, Great Britain is under aerial siege by the might of the German air forces. Blackout regulations are strictly enforced. You assumed this night would be like any other until a plane crashed in one of your fields and it's pilot narrowly avoiding parachuting into your barn. You dragged him inside and up to your bedroom and now he awakes...
Synopsis: Why is it that dragons always kidnap princesses? Wouldn't you like to know? It has its downsides after all, all those pesky noble knights trying to rescue them constantly, but there are many rewards. And not just for the dragon...
The new Lord of the manor has arrived but far from being the commanding presence the staff had hoped for he seems nervous and unsure of himself. You have been sent to deliver his midday meal to him in the drawing room. Perhaps you can help him find his commanding side...
Synopsis: It has been a long year. You barely remember the first time you saw the professor, the flirting, the first kiss stolen behind the physics building. But you both knew it couldn't work. The rules all agreed a professor was not permitted to date a student, even one from another department. But that didn't stop you talking, texting and flirting. Now graduation has come and gone and at last you can fulfill the promises you have made to one another…
Synopsis: You thought you were doomed when your ship was smashed to driftwood in a storm, but now your salvation has come. H.M.S Dauntless appears on the horizon and moves in to rescue you, as you are pulled onto deck you are greeted by a handsome young lieutenant of his majesties royal navy, and one should thank ones saviour...
Synopsis: The Airship Cavaluccio has plied the airways of the world for many years. Throughout the world ships of the merchant guild are granted great freedom to travel and trade, though the world is far from a safe place. The crew members of an airship tend towards the adventurous, or simply those with nothing more to lose. Now the crew of the Cavaluccio face a strange job, tasked with transporting a wealthy family to the dangerous city of Lucian for an unknown business dealing. This simple sounding job will have wholly unexpected consequences.
Synopsis: you come home early to find your significant other playing a musical instrument, one that you had no idea they could play
Synopsis: With the nature of your cargo revealed to the Captain of the Cavalluccio you find yourself increasingly willing to join him in bouts of frantic passionate lovemaking. Now the time has come for your first dinner spent with the crew...
Synopsis: An AI created for a past war who once commanded a huge warship has been reduced to a single android body. Working as a mercenary he is forced to take on a job to rescue the head of state of the star nation that defeated his creators. While the rescue goes well enough the listener is not exactly happy to see him and the pair have to find common ground on the return trip.
Synopsis: a few gentle words to help you relax, and a little more...