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Sissy is your trigger

What if simply hearing the word, "sissy" caused you to feel waves of confidence, security, and acceptance? There's no reason it can't. In this file I invite you to choose to allow it to become a trigger for you. There's nothing scary or embarrassing. You're not going to drop to your knees or cum in your pants every time someone calls you a sissy. You're not going to fall unconscious if you hear it in public. But if you've ever felt uncomfortable with the word or what it represents, this file is for you. To help you accept not only it, but yourself. Throughout, you're encouraged to make this decision to accept the trigger of your own volition. I'll encourage you, but the decision is always yours to make.
This constant cycle of sissy when you're horny and shame when you're not is unhealthy, and it's holding you back. You know that. So today we're going to focus on actually doing something to combat that. It involves a small purchase - less than five dollars - of something that you can wear discretely throughout the day. No one will know, it won't impede you in any way. What it WILL do is help you come to terms with who you are. You are a sissy, and that's okay. There's no hypnosis in this file, no tricks, nothing to worry about. I just want you to sit back and listen to my voice against a backdrop of relaxing theta waves as I tell you what you already know about yourself, share a little story about my past, and encourage you to accept yourself in a positive way. Acceptance is the first step to happiness and I want you to be happy. You are a sissy, and that's okay.
Are you tired of feeling like you're expected to conform to society's expectations of male dominance in the bedroom, only to find yourself struggling and upset when you can't perform? Have you ever wished someone else would take charge, allow you to submit, and give you a way to embrace your true desires and enjoy yourself in a more natural way? This is a transformative experience crafted with you in mind. As someone who understands the complexities of your submission and your struggles with dysfunction, I've created an intimate and deeply erotic audio encounter that recognizes and caters to your true nature. I'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery and surrender, where your submissive desires are not only accepted but applauded. With each word, you'll feel yourself sinking deeper into relaxation, your senses awakened to a world of erotic possibility. But this isn't just about pleasure—it's about empowerment. By embracing your submission, you'll discover a newfound sense of confidence and fulfillment, knowing that you can experience pleasure on your own terms, without the need to conform to false expectations. Though it's primarily aimed at those who've suffered from performance issues in the past, this file can be used by anyone craving the experience of a female-led encounter. This file is available to download for free, because I believe that everyone deserves to experience pleasure without barriers or limitations. Lie back in bed, get comfortable, close your eyes, and I'll do all the work for you. And remember, expressing gratitude is a powerful way to honor the transformative experience you've had. So when you're done listening, consider reaching out to me to share.
A remake of my most popular file, this is a personal favorite, and the perfect place to start if you're interested in feminization and sissification. -- This constant cycle of sissy when you're horny and shame when you're not is unhealthy, and it's holding you back. You know that. So today we're going to focus on actually doing something to combat that. It involves a small purchase - less than five dollars - of something that you can wear discretely throughout the day. No one will know, it won't impede you in any way. What it WILL do is help you come to terms with who you are. You are a sissy, and that's okay. There's no extreme hypnosis in this file, no dirty tricks, nothing to worry about. I just want you to sit back and listen to my voice against a backdrop of relaxing theta waves as I tell you what you already know about yourself, share a little story about my past, and encourage you to accept yourself in a positive way. Acceptance is the first step to happiness and I want you to be happy. Because you are a sissy, and there's nothing wrong with that. -- If you enjoyed this session, I highly recommend you listen to the other free files on my
So first thing's first - download Grindr to your phone, because we're going to be pro-active with this one. Already sound like a step too far? That's okay, but then don't listen. This is all based around having the app installed and ready to go, and you're just cheating yourself (and me for that matter), by listening without. Already well past your first Grindr experience? Then there's no harm in you listening. I think you'll still enjoy and appreciate it. This file IS about convincing you to set up a profile on Grindr and consider your sexuality. This file IS NOT designed to compel you to do that, or define yourself as gay. You're free not to engage with it at all if that's what you want. The only command I give you herein is that once you've listened to the session, you'll be physically unable to delete Grindr for an hour afterwards. That's it. So this isn't a forced bi session. It's not a humiliation session. It's not an exhibitionism session. It's a session designed completely around the idea of practically examining your sexuality in ways that might surprise you, using examples from my past, and seeing if you relate. It's not about convincing you you're bi or gay, but inviting you to consider whether or not you are, and realize that this consideration itself isn't what defines you. Consideration is an experiment, and the nature of experimentation is that you don't know the results before you start. Maybe you are gay. Maybe you're straight. Neither label will completely define you, or hold you back. But isn't knowing better than wondering? So download Grindr, get comfortable with your phone nearby, and let's explore the wonder that is you.
I know you put them on for play then shamefully hide them away afterwards. We're going to put a stop to that. When I declare that your need to wear panties is a positive, you'll accept it without question. And when I issue the command for you to wear them, your obedience will be unwavering. In recognizing the power within this act, you willingly embrace all that you are. These are not just a garment; they're a symbol of your strength in submission and a testament to your commitment to better yourself. Wearing panties is an expression of the entirety of you, and you are going to accept and love that.
Don't listen to this till you're outside and ready to run. You'll only spoil it for yourself. Originally this was to be a femdom themed run for anyone to enjoy, but to be perfectly honest I just couldn't help my urges so it's sissy themed. If you're not familiar with C25K it's exactly what it sounds like. A nine-week running program specifically aimed at people currently jacking it to sissy hypno. Well, maybe not that specific. But it is a brilliantly beginner friendly way to start running. I guarantee you if you stick with the program, you WILL be running 5K or more in nine weeks. Probably a lot sooner than that. It's exactly what I did. Each week consists of three repeated runs. Don't do them on subsequent days. Personally I like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, but you do you. Eventually, when you're a super slick fitness freak you'll alternate between runs and strength training, and probably rest one day a week. But for now, just three half hours on three days when you can get out the house. Pick the same time each day. Make it part of your routine. ...yes, if you really want, you can use a treadmill, but I don't recommend it. Without going into all the details, it's just not as good for you. Trust me. Plus, I wrote this specifically for you to listen to while out and about. So don't cheat. Get ready, and leave the house. Then press play. Don't pre-listen; don't try to be clever and game it. You're either going for a run or you're not.
Have you ever wished your dominant girlfriend would take you shopping, guiding you around with her hand in your back pocket, gently maneuvering you where you need to be? It would be a thrill in any store, but what if it was a special store? One of those stores that sold everything you could ever want to play with as an adult? One of those stores that as it just so happens, is completely empty but for us? The journey through the mall relaxes you for trance, the secret entrance deepens, and once inside the store, our fantasies can run wild. First thing's first, sweetie. You're going to need a collar.
I like this one a lot, sweetie. Naturally, I think all my files serve their purpose, otherwise I wouldn't release any of them. But of course I have my favorites and when it comes to chastity, I don't think you'll have ever listened to anything like this before. Because this isn't about emasculating or humiliating you. It's not about shaming you over size, performance, or anything else. It's not about drumming in the negative idea that you need to be locked up. It's not about telling you you'll never be released because you don't deserve that. It's about thanking you for being special enough to submit to me so completely, that you'll happily wear a cage for me. Sound strange? I'll explain, and as I do I'll dispel some myths about locked cocks and what they entail. Most importantly, I'll remind you that chastity isn't about who wears the cage. It's about who holds the key. And then tomorrow you'll be locked in a cock cage for twelve hours. No more. No less. Because it's not about what you choose. It's not about you. It's not about who wears the cage. It's about who holds the key. And I want you in chastity tomorrow for exactly twelve hours. Not a request. Not a suggestion. Tomorrow you're Locked for Sarah.
As if you didn't know. As if you needed reminding. You might play the fool sometimes but you're smart enough to realize there's a reason I start every session with that word. You recognize the pattern; you begin to understand the effect. But it never hurts to be reminded. This session doubles down on the existing effect, amplifying the power of that word and your response to it a hundredfold. It becomes so strong that just encountering it anywhere in your life acts as a pull back to me, solidifying my place in your head and in your heart, ensuring that everything you do from personal cleanliness to household chores to being the best you in the big wide world... is a tribute to me. Because I'm with you. Always. You know how a trigger works. You know how effective they can be. And you know how often you've listened to me say that word and then dropped into trance. You're like Pavlov's dogs hearing the dinner bell and salivating because they know what's coming next. It's simple conditioning and a conscious understanding of that fact only focuses your attention and heightens the response. But I am a Dominant, and this is about Control. So consider carefully before you listen. This is a high-stakes game and I play for keeps. Maybe you're strong enough to resist the pull. Maybe you're not. Maybe you don't want to be. The only way you know you can escape my web is by not listening. And that's your choice. You know how seriously I take informed consent. Listening has always been your choice. But it might not be after you click play today. Make your choice, sweetie. -- If you enjoy this file and would like to hear more, I release at least three premium exclusives each month on
While this is marked as F4F, bar one mention of that at the start, there are no references to gender or specific bodyparts throughout, so there's nothing stopping any of you from enjoying it. The only specificity is that the language and framing I use is deliberately aimed at a female audience, because I see so many posts from women who can't find sessions aimed at them, and everyone deserves a good trance. The session is based around a beginner learning to submit to my control, & finding happiness in that submission, with a vocal trigger amplifying that. There are no post-trance suggestions other than positive feelings, and there's nothing about the trigger becoming a part of your waking life, but if you enjoy it there's nothing to stop you choosing to carry it forward of your own volition. It can be listened to anywhere you can relax safely, and you can be dressed however you like. There is some light guided masturbation.
Ever wonder how someone ends up joining a cult? That's not what this file's about, but sometimes I like to think I could make a pretty good argument for starting my own little queendom, away from everyone else. You ever have one of those weeks when this supposedly 'real' world just grinds you down, and all you can think about is escaping into your own? I do. So for this file I thought we could take a little time and imagine what it would be like if you were one of my live-in sissies, and we left everyone else's hate and negativity far behind us. It's only a fantasy, but fair warning as ever; I wouldn't be at all surprised if you come away from this track and end up dreaming about it all on your own. There's no real hypnosis here, but I think I'm pretty persuasive. What would you wear? How would you serve me? How would I reward you? Would you sleep in my bed, servant quarters, or the stables? I think they're pretty good questions, sweetie. And I also think I have some pretty good answers. So, Want to be my live-in sissy?
Have you ever read that hypnosis can uncover forgotten memories? Maybe seen someone suggest that by taking you down and regressing you, they can uncover a lost source of trauma and make you feel better today? It's bullshit. I'm a firm believer in the idea that the more you understand hypno, the better able you are to enjoy it so I'm always honest with you about the possibilities and limits. Your memory's no better when you're in trance than when you're out. What your mind is better at doing is believing a memory is true, whether it is or it isn't. And of course that's what I'm going to take advantage of today. In 2018 two researchers at Lomonosov Moscow University studied 120 people suffering with anxiety due to a past trauma and subjected a quarter to discussion, a quarter as a control group listening to soothing nature sounds, a quarter to altering the memory to have a positive outcome, and a quarter to having a false memory implanted. Four months later the discussion and control groups reported no change in their anxiety. The group with the altered memory were more anxious. But the group with the false memory? They felt better. They had less anxiety. And they remembered the false memory as real. So how can we use this? Well submission in kink so often comes with shame. So what if I made you remember a femdom experience with your teacher? That one you always had a crush on. What if she caught you doing something you shouldn't, and punished you in what became your first experience of eroticism as a sub? What if your mind blocked the memory for so long because it was trying to make you forget the fear and shame, but as a result of that you forgot the exhilaration? Not remembering properly led to confusion and doubt. But by blocking as a result of the negative emotions, your mind still kept a tag of them around, though you didn't understand why. That led to confusion, and the confusion led to anxiety. By remembering this wonderful memory, you'll remember that the fear and shame led into excitement and erotica. It was an amazing, formative, experience, and as a result you've been chasing that high ever since, but not really understanding what you were looking for. As with all hypnosis, you're free to accept or reject this suggestion. You can treat it as nothing more than an erotic fantasy. But if you want, you can commit to the memory. You can understand that you do remember the experience of it from my trance, and that's really no different to remembering it from your youth. The memory is still there so what does it matter when it happened or where it originated? You remember it all the same because in whatever form it came, it is a real memory, it is a positive memory, and the knowledge of that makes you more comfortable in who you are today. And yes, that same logic applies to all our sessions. But for today... remember that time your teacher caught you?
Was doing a custom this week and a sub requested a number of the Bambi triggers and a background music track be used. This isn't that, but I liked the central rhyme of the hypno that much I spent a lot of time playing with it and eventually started working on a tracklist for week 2 of my Sissy Couch to 5K series. So if you respond well to 'Bimbodoll' et al, and you're in need of some fitness motivation, this might have an effect on you.
Was doing a custom this week and a sub requested a number of the Bambi triggers and a background music track be used. This isn't that, but I liked the central rhyme of the hypno that much I spent a lot of time playing with it and eventually started working on a tracklist for week 2 of my Sissy Couch to 5K series. So if 'Bambi' is just your super-duper favorite word ever, and you're in need of some fitness motivation, this might have an effect on you.