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Betrayed And Broken By Your Best Friend

Summary: You wake up groggy and tied to a chair. In front of you is the sympathetic face of your closest confidant -- a spy secretly sent to take down the rebellion. At first just following orders, now she realizes how much she wants to protect you from the fallout of the rebellion's demise. To coax you to sell out your friends and give up on the rebellion as a lost cause she will do everything she can to save you from yourself.
**Summary:** Your girlfriend is the sweetest girl in the world and you absolutely adore her. You love spending time with her and you share everything with each other. Well, almost everything. Some things are better kept to yourself. Like your secret mommy kink for example. Sure, you might fantasize about calling her mommy now and again, but she doesn't need to know that. She'd probably just think it was weird or something anyway. It's not like it's a big deal, you can just keep that part of yourself hidden, right? There's no way she's ever gonna find out. Unless of course you were making out with her one night and she wraps her arms around you *extra* tightly and her kisses are *extra* sweet and your brain is so empty from how safe and loved you feel that all you can think to say is-- "*Mommy...*" Shit. Did you just say that out loud?... And hold on a second, is she... smiling at you? "Say it again, baby..." She whispers, as her hands get closer and closer to the growing bulge in your pants... Sound effect used in this work are sourced from Axolotl’s Sound Effect Library by alotofaxolotl under the CC BY 4.0 license.
so Summary: You've been a little cocky during videogame night with your girlfriend so she proposes a bet to knock you down a peg. The wager? Loser has to do anything the winner says for the rest of the night! You thought for sure this was a cake walk but somehow, some way, she beat you, and she has something fun in mind.
Summary: You recently ghosted a woman who had more red flags than you could count. Seemed smart at the time until she sent her goons to kidnap you. Looks like you rejected the a mob bosses' daughter and she's not going to take no for an answer.
Synopsis: You and your girlfriend live together and you recently got laid off from your job. She's the breadwinner now and is taking you to a work gala to celebrate her promotion. She wants to show you off like the armcandy you are. Someone needs to be the man of the house, and you aren't. Maybe you should call her daddy.
Synopsis: You and your roommate are on the couch watching an obscure horror movie. She’s been excited (and maybe slightly terrified) to show it to you for weeks after she managed to bully you into making time for a “roommate movie night”. Getting settled in, she notices your eyes locked to your phone every couple of minutes every time it vibrates with a message from a girl you're talking to, with whatever you're looking at clearly bothering you. The problem? The conversation is getting steamy enough that you're just stuck on what to say next, worried you'll come across as creepy if you get too deep into it! Eventually the curiosity takes her and she pauses the movie to see what is on your mind.
A little Your roommate notices the looks you’ve been giving her, and decides to confront you about it after she finds some of the pics you’ve been sneaking. Turns out, she's as into you as you are into her, all you have to do is say yes. Some sound effects used in this work are sourced from Axolotl’s Sound Effect Library by alotofaxolotl under the CC BY 4.0 license.
(Some) Sound effects used in this work are sourced from Axolotl’s Sound Effect Library by alotofaxolotl under the CC BY 4.0 license. https://www.reddit.com/r/GWABackstage/comments/10znmwx/axolotls_sound_effect_library/
mentions of *Summary:* *You've been held captive by a crazed woman you went on a single date with months ago. In order to try and get help you drank some cleaning products which you knew would force her to take you to the hospital so you could find someone to help you. However, it didn't go quite as planned, and just as you wake up, there she is again, and she's not going anywhere. You should honestly just give in. It's easier that way* Some sound effects used in this work are sourced from Axolotl’s Sound Effect Library by alotofaxolotl under the CC BY 4.0 license. Others sourced from pixabay.com and homemade
You've been stranded on an island with your insane, obsessive, and manipulative ex-girlfriend. Somehow you two were the only ones to survive the crash. She's helped you survive this far, but she's continued to push your boundaries like she did before and still insists you get back together. Finally, you decide to stand up for yourself and she snaps, leaving you alone to fend for yourself. Unfortunately, you have no idea how to survive without her, and that's exactly how she planned it.
some short Summary: Your girlfriend comes home after a long, tiring day at work, cuddles up to you and demands that the two of you talk about something. She thinks it's time that you meet the meaner, even more dominant side of her. Some sound effects used in this work are sourced from Axolotl’s Sound Effect Library by alotofaxolotl under the CC BY 4.0 license.
so Synopsis: You and your girlfriend return home from the gala. Tension builds and eventually boils over. Emotions run high and she decides to take what she wants. (This is a sequel to my previous script, Toxic Breadwinner GF).
Summary: You’re fast asleep when you slowly start drifting back up to consciousness. Wait.. what is your girlfriend doing? Is she.. is she RIDING YOU? In your sleep?? She’s never done this before. You’ve mentioned being interested in this in passing, but… Do you like it? I think you do. How about you drift back off to sleep and she can do what she needs to do?
Summary: About two months ago you hired a pretty little secretary. She’s hot, that’s all you needed to know. She has been doing surprisingly well, picking up extra work here and there, she knows your schedule like the palm of her hand and always knows when you’re due for your next cup of joe. But maybe, just maybe, you should have read her resume. Maybe she wasn’t as dumb as you thought she was.