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Depression Erotic Audio Sex Stories

165 results
You’ve noticed your partner seems to be slipping into a state of depression again. You’ve known them for a long time, so this isn’t a new thing for either of you. But that doesn’t make talking about it any easier. You aren’t exactly sure how to talk about it, but it’s something that has to be done. Script by u/Lonely-Lila SFX freesound.org + my own crappy foley attempts (apologies if it broke your immersion! Still trying me best!)
By brandoaudios 30
script by u/Lonely-Lila Summary: You've noticed your partner seems to be slipping into a state of depression again. You've known them for a long time, so this isn't a new thing for either of you. But that doesn't make talking about it any easier. You aren't exactly sure how to talk about it, but it's something that has to be done.
You've known a certain person since high school, and they're not the nicest. They made a habit of picking on folks, but you especially. Even still, you reckon they're not so bad, and when they opened up about potentially having depression and anxiety, you offered to help them with coursework. They seem grateful but it's difficult to tell. Maybe you'll find out how they really feel tonight. Script by u/ItsEsmeJones ♥