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Your co-worker and you have been close ever since you began working at your local grocery store a few months ago, but tonight he notices you’re a bit more dolled up than usual. You finally tell him you have a date tonight, but just can’t decide on what to wear. He’s more than happy to help you decide, that is, until he sees just what you look like in that little black dress.. Tags:
Here is the second version though really more like a part two of the other audio, however this one do be with some sexytime haha. Hope you enjoyed these two audios and learning a bit more about me as well.
A new patron at the bar you work at is really feeling himself after winning 5 games straight against his friend, you decide to challenge him with a little wager thrown in. The question is, who wins? You win: https://soundgasm.net/u/SoundsByJ/M4F-A-Friendly-Game-Of-Pool-You-Win Or I win: https://soundgasm.net/u/SoundsByJ/M4F-A-Friendly-Game-Of-Pool-I-Win TAGS: