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Foreign student finds out you're a freak, things get extra freaky

You get paired with the foreign French student to do some Maths exercises. He's smart, but absolutely lazy, and kind of infuriating. You're pretty sure you're going to hate this guy, until you find out you're into the same type of porn. You both decide to stay in the room after the class is done, then he puts his head between your legs and starts sucking all decency out of you...
You're dating the most caring guy you've ever met. He loves to surprise you with little favors, is always there to listen, likes the same music you do, he even started to learn Spanish in anticipation of meeting your parents. He's so wholesome in fact, that you were kind of worried he'd be too vanilla for you. Thankfully, after explaining everything in depth, he's agreed to a bit of roleplay every now and then. It always begins with the same little ritual, putting your hair into a braid, and telling you he loves you...