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Masturbating Audio Sex Stories

387 results
By onania_org 140 28:29
"It's easy to stop masturbating -- I've stopped hundreds of times!" Sound familiar? My attempts at stopping (or even reducing) the masturbation habit have all met with failure. Moreover, in the process, the very act of stopping has become eroticized, so much so that I can not resist masturbating whenever I think about stopping. I lose before I even get to first base. But then, it's not whether you win or lose that counts, but how you play the game.     
Good morning!! It's time to wake up and call your little married whore so you two can help get each other off before the day starts. You know her husband isn't doing it. Themes in this audio include: Voiced by @BrittanyBabbles Find my masterlist of over 100 audios on my
By onania_org 140 25:01
Podcasturbation #11-0101: When did you stop stopping? Most chronic addicted masturbators have tried to kick the habit at one time. Many of us have struggled for control, only to lose the battle repeatedly. Eventually, we give up and stop trying to stop masturbating. When did you give up? When did you finally accept the inevitability of your addiction? When did you "stop stopping?"       Produced by Onania.Org/asm http://onania.org/asm/