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Big dick worship Erotic Audio Sex Stories

11 results
By YourDarlingKit 1
Summary: A wife calls her husband following a flight, shortly after he revealed that he fantasizes about her taking a huge cock; the call starts off normal but then there are audible sucking sounds. They keep going on as if everything is normal, but then it becomes more and more obvious that she is sucking something (or someone?)...
By LurkyDip 693
Written by _nocturnalanimal_         !! This is heavily centred around first-time sibling incest and BIG DICK problems, so please skip if not your thing !! The listener and speaker are both in college and are adults !! Lots of size talk !! SFX from Epidemic Sound and homemade Commissions open, email me at: comms@lurkyaudio.com
Original Script Offer: &utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf ***** This audio was written by on Reddit; recorded and produced by me, Rory Still-Shine. ***** If you like my work, please follow me on Twitter, @rorystillshine, on Reddit @RoryStill-Shine, or support me on Patreon at Rory Still-Shine, where you can gain access to exclusive audios and behind-the-scenes content. If you would like a custom commission, please contact me via my social media, or at rorystillshine@gmail.com. ***** I am also available for script writing services, and welcome the opportunity to make a custom audio, just for you. *** This audio is the property of the artist known as Rory Still-Shine. You are hereby not authorized to repost this audio or use it for anything other than recreational use.