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Bubblegum Audio Sex Stories

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Welcome to the most intense bimbo file I've made in a while. This time, let's see how we can condition your brain to get silly, bubbly and stupid as you chew gum. DISCLAIMER: If you choose to chew gum during this file make sure you don't lie down, I don't want any choking. The best way to use this file is to listen to it either while doing other things or while pleasure conditioning, a bit like my other brainwashing files. Okay, so now we have that out the way, this file is INTENSE! Initially I created this as an experimental track that I would use a few of the new editing styles I tested during "Blank Toy Brainwashing", but I ended up liking the results of this so I will be excited to see how it goes! This is at least 11 layers of track, on track, on track, with various subliminals and binaurals made to overload your senses and really dig at your head. The tracks are dual audio, so listen with headphones for the full effect and sorry to those with hearing difficulties, you may miss some of the layers. The suggestions in this file are, to condition you so that when you are in a place and time that is secure for you to enjoy, you will chew gum and chewing gum reminds you of how silly, stupid and how much of a bimbo you are. Your brain will be bubbles, like the bubbles made by the gum and you can just be happy and content. This is for people who love bimbofication and as always it is gender neutral as long as you like the term, "bimbo". Let me know how this experiment goes and good luck!