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Dumbing down Audio Sex Stories

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Get ready to have your mind spun in my bimbo washing machine. In this loop I remove your brain and take it for a spin, filling it with pink as you sit there watching all the facts, words, and smarts falling out and coating it in pink. SUMMARY This loop will spin your mind into bimbo oblivion, so get ready to have your brain entering the spin cycle. It will dumb you down and throw you back into bimbo space with each and every single spin. TARGET AUDIENCE This is for anyone who likes to be dumbed down and made to have a pink, silly mind. It also could be quite overwhelming for some as it jumbles your brain and evokes a sense of spinning around and around in a washing machine. If you have any issues with spinning you might not like this file. SUGGESTIONS This file has subliminal vocals with it that encourage the spinning, dumbing down, and being a silly bimbo. This file has a suggestion that means after looping this file you will feel the effects for a little while, as long as you aren't interrupted. Of course, if you are you will easily and effortlessly be able to come out of bimbo space, but until then enjoy the time, it's going to take you for a spin. This file is meant to be looped and I would recommend that you do it at the end of the day when you have nothing else to do.
Intelligence is such a funny thing, and I know it's hard to be smart all the time. So, just let that go for a while and let the smart people talk around you... SUMMARY This file is based on something my girlfriend and I have been working on together and the first in my new style of bimbo/IQ play loops that does not use the word, "BIMBO". I got some feedback from some friends who mentioned they loved dumbing down/IQ play loops but didn't like being called a bimbo. So, in this file we train your mind to respond to being dumbed down when you are in a position with people that you trust to try and keep up with their conversation to find you can't, because you are too stupid. TARGET AUDIENCE This file is gender neutral, and focused only on feelings of being dumb, stupid and happy as people are you just talk and you just let their words spin you into your own space of happy, dumb, bliss. This is perfect for anyone who likes IQ play and doesn't want to be called a 'BIMBO', it's also really great for those who do like bimbo play and want to try a new experience with it. SUGGESTIONS This file is feeling focused and emphasises that when you are in a place with people you trust with these feelings you can just let their words and conversations make you dumber and dumber. Of course these feelings will automatically subside if you need them to, but when you have the time you can find the conversations around you just making you lose focus and you start to lose track of the meaning behind words.
Get lost in the waves of the pink ocean... Where bimbo brains come to play! SUMMARY This is a loop track that will take your mind into the bubbling waters of the pink ocean. Dropping you up and down within it's waves and churning your mind through its depths. TARGET AUDIENCE Those who like loops, IQ play and bimbofication. SUGGESTIONS This file will take you too the pink ocean, a place where your mind is washed away in happy, bubbly stupid bliss. It could cause you to feel the effects for a while and could last as long as the rest of the day depending on how deep you fall so be prepared! SUBLIMINALS -Up and Down -So silly, so stupid -Waves come in, mind goes out -Bubbly, babbling bimbo
IQ play has always been a favourite of mine and recently I have wanted to have a session using someones "audience participation" as a fixation tool for trance, combined with amnesia denial and you have a great time! This audio is all about your pleasure, allowing you to listen, relax and really get yourself into a place of being aroused to my voice so easily but then, we use that pleasure to allow me to change your thoughts from thinking to mindless, and then, we change it from smart to dumb followed by leaning into the concept that dumb people, don't have room to remember tasks like touching. It's a little spiralling rabbit hole where you get dumb because you are horny, but the dumbness makes you forget to add to the horny and around it goes. I also add a little trigger, a reminder to do the task you are supposed to be focusing on, but even that increases the pleasurable dumbness. It's a whole thing. The trigger for this audio is "touch toy" when said, you touch and go mindless, letting that be all consuming for a bit until you forget to touch. Thsi can be used by myself or by someone you trust. The usual safeties (time, place, trust) are in place so this will not work for anyone you do not trust at a time you don't feel safe to do this action. Potentially will be used in future audios if you like this one! There is a wakeup but you will be feeling it even more when you do wake up, no longer dumbed down but very much feeling the effects in your body and no longer your mind. So allow room to "deal with that" after the count up (or not). If you would like a version with added backgrounds and binaurals let me know!
Welcome to the most intense bimbo file I've made in a while. This time, let's see how we can condition your brain to get silly, bubbly and stupid as you chew gum. DISCLAIMER: If you choose to chew gum during this file make sure you don't lie down, I don't want any choking. The best way to use this file is to listen to it either while doing other things or while pleasure conditioning, a bit like my other brainwashing files. Okay, so now we have that out the way, this file is INTENSE! Initially I created this as an experimental track that I would use a few of the new editing styles I tested during "Blank Toy Brainwashing", but I ended up liking the results of this so I will be excited to see how it goes! This is at least 11 layers of track, on track, on track, with various subliminals and binaurals made to overload your senses and really dig at your head. The tracks are dual audio, so listen with headphones for the full effect and sorry to those with hearing difficulties, you may miss some of the layers. The suggestions in this file are, to condition you so that when you are in a place and time that is secure for you to enjoy, you will chew gum and chewing gum reminds you of how silly, stupid and how much of a bimbo you are. Your brain will be bubbles, like the bubbles made by the gum and you can just be happy and content. This is for people who love bimbofication and as always it is gender neutral as long as you like the term, "bimbo". Let me know how this experiment goes and good luck!
In this file, your fave bimbo gal pal Crystal will help you become a silly, sexy bimbo! Making your IQ so dumb but your fun factor much higher. Fractionation will help you get into that headspace, by taking you up and down, in and out of trance keeping your head fuzzy and fun. There are references to being a girl and some pleasure suggestions so please keep this in mind. After this file you might still feel some of the effects for up to a day afterwards so please keep this in mind. It is not permeant and will fade after you go to bed. ENJOY!
In this file we play with some gentle fractionantion, combining IQ play with slight bimbo themes with the up and down. When you drop into trance your mind gets dumber and dumber and when you come back out it, you can experience it. We also use the dumbness to mingle with feelings of joy and happiness. Then, comparing it to how a bimbo feels. At the end of the file we implant a trigger, the word "bimbo" with a snap said by someone you trust in a place that's safe and comfortable for you will bring up back to this place. ENJOY!
By calia 49 12:14
It's our movie date night, and you're all curled up with me on the couch to watch a classic but... you can't seem to focus on it. Are you falling down, into a trance? Well, guess I can use that to my advantage to give you a little trigger to make watching movies even more fun! Trigger Warning: Includes a scream sound effect, and the trigger can affect you at random - so be careful!
By Voxaroo 8 -19:17
Vox takes on the role of coach, guiding you down into a state of being horny for working out and ready to get those gymbo gains! NOTE: This file is intended to have the option of listening in public, at a gym. If choosing to do so, please make sure you're safe and aware before listening.
By JustMocha 39 14:15
Be a sweet mindless stroking sucker for Me. Coming in clutch with a Halloween Treat! A sweet submissive of mine gave me an idea while back to toy with taste as a conditioning method. In the spirit of Halloween, this file was designed for you to use a hard candy of your choice to train (condition, program - choose your favorite phrasing~) you to associate it with pleasure and arousal. However, you can use anything for this. A toy. A finger. Any object. Your imagination itself~ This file is designed to loop into itself over and over, and you will be stroking or otherwise pleasuring yourself the entire way through~ Given how it might not loop seamlessly with Soundgasm's settings, you might be able to pull away easily, or not. I'd recommend an alarm if you are at all concerned.
SUMMARY This is a quick bimbofication loop (gender neutral and not explicitly sexual) that has the aim of having you giggle your mind away with my bimbo alter-ego, the lovely and very silly Crystal! TARGET AUDIENCE This is for anyone who wants to experience the feeling of being a silly, pink, fluffy, bubbly bimbo and giggle their mind away. Does have some audience participation (giggling) so be in a space where you can make some noise. SUGGESTIONS The suggestions are that when you giggle you will stop thinking and vice versa. This file is not permanent and really should only work while looping or for a short time after the file. If you are highly suggestive the effects may last a little longer. SUBLIMINALS This file does have the following subliminal tracks: -Giggle your mind away -Giggle with me -Happy, Bubbly, Brainless Bimbo And various background giggles.
Good Bimbo Toy Hello, Sweeteas! This file can be listened to as a stand-alone, but it shares themes and triggers with Mind Blank Bimbo, so if the tags in the previous file interest you, I highly recommend listening to that one first. Now, in this file, I turn you into a horny, empty-headed bimbo slut. You’ll get to have lots and lots of fun. It’s gender-neutral and doesn’t specify any definitive sexuality, so anyone can listen and enjoy. The effects aren’t permanent, but the triggers are strong and leave you wanting to stay a total bimbo long after the file ends. And you’ll want to come back again and again. If you like spoilers, here is the complete script.https://textbin.net/uwaaq5ebeo Miss Lilith
Ever wondered what it would be like to be a silly, stupid, sassy goth bimbo? Well, lets fractionate you and see if we can make applying black lipstick even more fun. SUMMARY In this fractionation loop we will teach you all about becoming the perfect gothic bimbo. It's mostly focused around the mental feelings of being stupid, silly and sassy. There are links to wearing black lipstick (a specific one and only that one) and feeling like a gothic bimbo when you are safe to do so. TARGET AUDIENCE Anyone into IQ play, black lipstick and feeling sassy and free when they wear it. Intense fractionation so be prepared. This is also gender neutral and doesn't include any specific arousal suggestions. SUGGESTIONS When you wear a certain black lipstick of your choice you will feel yourself being a dumb, silly, sassy gothic bimbo. You will feel so free of the burdens of worrying or caring about what people think about you with what you say, what you wear and how you are, so you can just enjoy those feelings. This will end when the lipstick is removed. This will only work when you are in a place where you are safe and comfortable and with one specific lipstick, so its best to set aside one black one to be your "gimbo lipstick" for when you want to test the effects.
Bimbo-Sexual Adjective -A person who gets turned on by the idea of being a bimbo or becoming a silly, bubbly, brainless bimbo. -Loves to giggle, be happy and also do sexual acts to themselves or others. -Plays well with other, smarter people who can tell them what to do and to keep them dumb and happy. This loop is all about learning about your bimbo-sexual tendencies. You will learn all about how to be a bimbo-sexual and how, even though you are stupid you can still find pleasure in the things you like regardless of how that manifests. For example you might prefer to play alone, or with a partner or several, the choice is all yours, and this loop aims to empower that sense of choice while making you horny, happy and dumb. TARGET AUDIENCE All my bimbofication fans out there. This is for those who like to be stupid and horny. As the title states this is all about your sense of sexuality, so for those who find such things uncomfortable I would give this a miss. SUGGESTIONS The suggestions of this file are that when you are in a space where you are comfortable, or around people you feel comfortable and tell yourself "I am a bimbo-sexual" you will find yourself dropping back into that headspace of being dumb, horny, and bubbly. Your mind will be very simple and ready to play with yourself or others. This kind of file is a training file so to get the desired effects to work it might take multiple listenings and uses an overload technique which could be a lot for some people. The biggest thing for me was making this file open to all genders and sexual orientations so that it's accessible for more people. The sex acts you perform while in "bimbo-sexual" headspace is all up to you and your comfort zone and can end anytime you feel like it needs to end. ENJOY!
SUMMARY In this file you learn about how babbling bimbos lose their minds as they talk. Have you ever met someone who can just talk about nothing for hours? Well, that person is going to be you! Learning the joys in mindlessly just chatting away about everything and anything, even when the smart people around you look at you like a joke, you love it. This is a gender neutral bimbo loop and part of my everybody can be a bimbo theme. TARGET AUDIENCE This is for all the people out there who love the idea of babbling their minds away. When I make BIMBO content it is for all people, regardless of gender, sexuality or looks. SUGGESTIONS This file has suggestions that you will learn to be more like the people who talk constantly of nothing and yet everything, and just like they seem to babble their minds away, so do you. It also contains a trigger to come back to this place of babbling away like a bimbo. This is a loop, so it is meant to be replayed again and again, or you can use it for pleasure conditioning. There is also suggestions of light degradation of where smart people look at you with a look of disdain it just spurs on the feeling of dumbness.
By JustMocha 39 14:15
-Pure Mocha version, no SFX, no layers, no binaurals, Just Me- Trick or Treat! Time to be a sweet mindless stroking sucker for Me. Coming in clutch with a Halloween Treat! A sweet submissive of mine gave me an idea while back to toy with taste as a conditioning method. In the spirit of Halloween, this file was designed for you to use a hard candy of your choice to train (condition, program - choose your favorite phrasing~) you to associate it with pleasure and arousal. However, you can use anything for this. A toy. A finger. Any object. Your imagination itself~ This file is designed to loop into itself over and over, and you will be stroking or otherwise pleasuring yourself the entire way through~ Given how it might not loop seamlessly with Soundgasm's settings, you might be able to pull away easily, or not. I'd recommend an alarm if you are at all concerned.
By Voxaroo 8 -30:01
Vox chats with you about what it means to be a good Cockslut, the four rules to serve Cock as best you can, and how you can find the Cockslut within you. This file features heavy brainwashing, including cock worship and fixation. This file will also leave the listener feeling more inclined to be obedient and submissive towards thoughts of cock.