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Fantasies Audio Sex Stories

174 results
full tags: This is a story about a fucked up therapist who uses covert hypnosis on a new patient. She comes to him to tell him that she's got these fantasies which are too intense to know what to do with and he helps her with them. She thinks they've had a lovely, helpful, session and sure, she can't really remember the details, but that doesn't matter as she feels great after. However in reality he's covertly hypnotised her and programmed her and she'll be on her knees for him, desperate with desire, whenever he wants. I've been really careful with the file to make sure that none of the psychological stuff has a lasting impact on the listener. So you can listen to the story and enjoy the suggestions in it and play along as she falls so easily into hypnoslavery, however after that, when the file is over, all the suggestions in it will vanish for you and you'll emerge from it with no lasting feelings or associations. It's meant to be a fun and safe rollercoaster where afterwards nothing sticks. I have a beginner file elsewhere which might be more appropriate if you're new to erotic hypnosis. So yeah I hope you have fun with it, feel free to get in touch at u/compassionandkink on reddit if you have any questions or feedback.
By Wuvidove 17 19:47
PLOT (shamelessly ripped from clacks_writer's summary) This is the third part of clacks_writer's Love and War series of scripts set in a manor house circa 1940s. The female listener/protagonist is a servant girl who is having a long-standing secret affair with the master of the house. Today she’s been digging for victory in the garden, which has given the master some interesting thoughts which he decides to share with her...
By kinkyshibby 788 25:53
So what was the game plan here, smart guy? You’d come over here and say you were cold and then I’d let you sleep in the same bed as me? You know, there’s a reason I didn’t say “don’t try anything” when I let you stay here. It’s cause I thought I wouldn’t have to worry about a nice, quiet guy like you doing anything inappropriate. But here you are, standing next to my bed in your underwear. You perv. So… Let’s see it, then. script by u/CuteEmUp