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Super long Audio Sex Stories

5 results
By jaanu_ 15 18:27
Context: You already told him what you felt for him before. You told him that you’d give him time to think it through and not rush whatever decision he must make. But as you wait for his reply, you realise that some things are better said than silenced. You tell him the things that make you worry, jealous, and the things you want to do with him. Despite the distance between, you want him. And this time, you’re no longer holding back. Will You Be Mine?
By BlazinBella 33 37:41
So I was teased today. It's the first day of my week of orgasm denial. I had to hold a vibrator on my clit the ENTIRE TIME as well as fuck myself off and on. You can usually tell when I fuck myself because the begging gets ridiculous. (Sorry)