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Wakeup Audio Sex Stories

14 results
You meet the Demon of Pride who has been hunting you for some time, but don't think she's ever going to let you out of her sights again... This is a fantasy, roleplay file, perfect for people who want to play along and be part of the story. It starts with the demon finding you and taking you back to her lair, there you see the plans she has for you. She has decided YOU are perfect for her new, prized possession, her display dolly. You see a bunch of her other toys and how blank and mindless they are, and she casts her demonic magic on you to make you as empty-headed and controlled as they are. SUGGESTIONS: This is a fantasy file so it's aimed at people who like the role play and a lot is left up to your imagination to fill in the pieces. There is doll play in this file and you will be transformed into a doll through the means of demonic spells (so keep that in mind). This file has NO WAKEUP, if you'd like a wakeup version let me know. There is also a little bit of stripping in this file so it won't be for everyone but this is very much a everything is happening in your mind time. I can't wait to see how you like this one. If you have trouble getting into it, as there is no formal induction, feel free to add it with your fave induction as a playlist and see how that works! Also, there are two versions of this file. The main version is in the audio player and the other is attached below. One has a backing track (main version) and the other doesn't. ENJOY!
Are you ready to resist right into fractionated, hypnotized bliss? This is a little memory play, fractionation resistance hypnosis audio in which you are asked to remember a mantra, does it change along the way as you go through the stages of hypnotic submission? Only one way to find out, if you can remember it at the end. This is a very mind messy style of fractionation where I talk at you while you focus on a series of mantras, "I am not being hypnotized" is your only way to resist my words as I talk in the background of your mind. There is a lot of confusing language, telling you to open and close your eyes, whispering and repeating loops and patterns of hypnosis intended to confuse you and be a little gaslighty. Lots of references to not having started yet, which is intentionally meant to confuse and disarm you a little. Make you question your own mind and thoughts. There is a wakeup at the end and all suggestions are cleared however, the aim is to forget what happened, so expect there to be holes in your memory of this audio. In this edit, there are commands to kneel, and wake up on your knees at one point so keep this in mind, there is also references to being weak to my voice, easy to control, false memories of only ever being submissive to me (during this audio ONLY), loss of memory of where you are. Fractionation is hard but slow, expect this one to be a little intense for some listeners, make sure to have aftercare things ready for this one!! This extra long HFO edit contains references to moaning in pleasure, ideas of me straddling and touching you, discussion of mental and physical pleasure, control, pleasure and arousal at my command. Suggestions of having your hair pulled, and touched in those places between your legs, there is a special command of orgasming and being kissed while doing so with kissing sounds.
IQ play has always been a favourite of mine and recently I have wanted to have a session using someones "audience participation" as a fixation tool for trance, combined with amnesia denial and you have a great time! This audio is all about your pleasure, allowing you to listen, relax and really get yourself into a place of being aroused to my voice so easily but then, we use that pleasure to allow me to change your thoughts from thinking to mindless, and then, we change it from smart to dumb followed by leaning into the concept that dumb people, don't have room to remember tasks like touching. It's a little spiralling rabbit hole where you get dumb because you are horny, but the dumbness makes you forget to add to the horny and around it goes. I also add a little trigger, a reminder to do the task you are supposed to be focusing on, but even that increases the pleasurable dumbness. It's a whole thing. The trigger for this audio is "touch toy" when said, you touch and go mindless, letting that be all consuming for a bit until you forget to touch. Thsi can be used by myself or by someone you trust. The usual safeties (time, place, trust) are in place so this will not work for anyone you do not trust at a time you don't feel safe to do this action. Potentially will be used in future audios if you like this one! There is a wakeup but you will be feeling it even more when you do wake up, no longer dumbed down but very much feeling the effects in your body and no longer your mind. So allow room to "deal with that" after the count up (or not). If you would like a version with added backgrounds and binaurals let me know!
So if you can think about-- Oh wait, never-mind, bimbos don't need to think. Just sink into the familiar fractionated haze while you slowly start to giggle your mind away. Let me know what you think, or don't after this file! SUMMARY This file is a fractionation file mixed with an overload of fun subliminals that will aid in you becoming a mindless, brainless bimbo for as long as you would like these effects (now in saying that fractionation can linger in some people so keep in mind you could lose the rest of your day to the fuzzy feelings.) TARGET AUDIENCE Anyone who wants to get fractionated as you are stripped of your IQ and turned into a silly, happy bimbo. (This file does not have any references to sexual things) SUGGESTIONS This file is a fractionation file so uses the SLEEP and WIDE AWAKE triggers a lot, it also suggests that your brain and body becomes filled with pink mist that overwhelms it and strips your of your IQ. Be aware there is one reference to it being "drug like" so if you are not into that best not play this one. SUBLIMINALS -Like, thinking is hard -Dumber and Dumber -OMG you're such a bimbo! -Thinking is for smart people, and you're not a smart people, are you? -Mind goes pop, thoughts just stop (And the dreaded ticking sound...)
Get ready to have your mind spun in my bimbo washing machine. In this loop I remove your brain and take it for a spin, filling it with pink as you sit there watching all the facts, words, and smarts falling out and coating it in pink. SUMMARY This loop will spin your mind into bimbo oblivion, so get ready to have your brain entering the spin cycle. It will dumb you down and throw you back into bimbo space with each and every single spin. TARGET AUDIENCE This is for anyone who likes to be dumbed down and made to have a pink, silly mind. It also could be quite overwhelming for some as it jumbles your brain and evokes a sense of spinning around and around in a washing machine. If you have any issues with spinning you might not like this file. SUGGESTIONS This file has subliminal vocals with it that encourage the spinning, dumbing down, and being a silly bimbo. This file has a suggestion that means after looping this file you will feel the effects for a little while, as long as you aren't interrupted. Of course, if you are you will easily and effortlessly be able to come out of bimbo space, but until then enjoy the time, it's going to take you for a spin. This file is meant to be looped and I would recommend that you do it at the end of the day when you have nothing else to do.
Well, for IDIOTIC as the prompt how can I not do some IQ Play... SUMMARY Have you ever noticed how the dumber people are, they tend to be happier, living in ignorant bliss of the world around them? People have no cares or worries or have to think about how they look to others. So, we are going to take a leaf from their book today and make you dumb, happy and allow you to be silly levels of stupid. TARGET AUDIENCE People who like IQ play, bimbo play or just being dumb. This is aimed at those who don't mind looking a little silly for a while or having their intelligence stripped. SUGGESTIONS This file treats your intelligence like a health bar in a video game, the lower it gets the dumber you are. We then take a look at slowly stripping you of all intelligence bit by bit, but don't worry, it all gets replaced with happiness and good feelings. It also makes you want to giggle and smile, even poking out your tongue because you simply don't care how silly you look. It also has no wake up so you can enjoy the feeling and a trigger to take you back to this place for yourself and others. ENJOY!
Intelligence is such a funny thing, and I know it's hard to be smart all the time. So, just let that go for a while and let the smart people talk around you... SUMMARY This file is based on something my girlfriend and I have been working on together and the first in my new style of bimbo/IQ play loops that does not use the word, "BIMBO". I got some feedback from some friends who mentioned they loved dumbing down/IQ play loops but didn't like being called a bimbo. So, in this file we train your mind to respond to being dumbed down when you are in a position with people that you trust to try and keep up with their conversation to find you can't, because you are too stupid. TARGET AUDIENCE This file is gender neutral, and focused only on feelings of being dumb, stupid and happy as people are you just talk and you just let their words spin you into your own space of happy, dumb, bliss. This is perfect for anyone who likes IQ play and doesn't want to be called a 'BIMBO', it's also really great for those who do like bimbo play and want to try a new experience with it. SUGGESTIONS This file is feeling focused and emphasises that when you are in a place with people you trust with these feelings you can just let their words and conversations make you dumber and dumber. Of course these feelings will automatically subside if you need them to, but when you have the time you can find the conversations around you just making you lose focus and you start to lose track of the meaning behind words.
By AKJZSD 6 -08:23
Made a new hypnotic induction! A lot more people have been coming to me for hypno stuff so I decided to make a better induction, with this one being more on the rambley side so I don't have to worry about editing it (also yes I listened through to make sure it didn't have any mistakes like my last one.) If you have any feedback or requests you can find me on tumblr at akjzsd or twitter at AKJ_ZnSfwD :3