What kind of friend would I be if I didn't eat your pussy?
Time to protect and serve o7
Banger tunes, bang her tubes. (sorry i couldnt resist).
You're a Mind-reader and it turns out your Shy Best Friend has CONSTANT PERVERTED THOUGHTS about you
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
Hard to imagine a better outfit to cuddle in...
x2 x2
My whimpers only get stronger each day
Babe you gotta stop making up terms like "ick".
Unless of course you're willing to fuck each time they make no sense ;)
idk what to put here teachers are just hot ya know?
VERY and
"Missed you" doesn't even begin to describe it baby...
and to implied kink
You were always only one step away from happiness.
so so but also becomes and
I was a fool. I should've realised what you really wanted sooner...
We'll ride out this storm, together...
I may be off-duty, but I can still give you a good time...
Relaxing, chatting, and bread-making
Let's consider this a belated Mother's Day audio yeah?
Menu's lookin' good tonight...
I know just how to stifle those moans...
Maybe I've thought about you while I touched myself... once or twice.
I promise I'll be more fun for you baby...
to to
Trust me, there's something in this lingerie shop for everyone