A young friend finds herself in need of the help of her older friend and they end up discussing and exploring their feelings for each other.
A detective who had retired and returned to the force is confronted regarding his use of deadly for by the female detective with whom he had been working his most recent case. She is many years his junior but there had always been tension between them, most of it sexual and romantic. | Script by /u/stanleyandlarson | 05-OCT-17
|| A young criminologist has come to interview an infamous serial killer who has his own agenda. || Script by /u/LateStageInfernalism || 17-MAY-18
Mistress decides to see how far she can push her pet -- she finds out. | Challenge by: /u/tarkustrooper | 09-OCT-17
An older man is confronted by the younger woman who is confused because she thought they "had something."
Wherein there is ostensibly a seduction that takes place. Maybe there wasn't a seduction. I don't know -- but there is sex.
| The owner of a prop and costume shop has prepared an order for the woman he has had a crush on since they were in third grade together. He is a wreck around women and made it all the way through college without spending any significant time with them. Could it be his crush is about to change that...? | 03JAN08
Wherein a clueless professor invites a student over to celebrate her birthday, unaware that the student has her own ideas of how to celebrate.
I was feeling inspired to fill this request for an audio comforting someone who wakes up with nightmares about past abuse so I improvised a little scenario. I hope you enjoy it.
Deirdre has her best friend over who sneaks out to reveal her crush on Deirdre's father. But that's not the only surprise of the night...
I've noticed that people have been wanting these things and there have been a few requests for MORE EVIL. So here you go -- I guess.
Wherein the teacher offers some extra attention to one of his students.
Script by /u/crushingonmr
Two college friends were part of the same social group in high school and now find themselves closer in college. Since spending more time together, it would seem feelings have developed in each of them but neither has mentioned anything — until tonight...
The student technical director has to fill in to help the female lead of the play dress but he's not exactly comfortable doing so...
Daddy decides to join his Honeybear in the shower before they run errands but things do not go as he plans... Requested by -Enchantress-
Akuma is the Japanese word for demon. A demon is fed up with a family's attempts to drive him out of the house he occupies so he pays a visit to the family's young daughter. Unfortunately for Akuma-sama, the visitation doesn't go quite as planned... | Script by /u/moon-neko | 23-AUG-17
Wherein a trouble student has a most troubling meeting with her professor.
Wherein a man attempts to apologize for snapping at his girlfriend/wife while he was busy working at home.
Daddy comforts his baby girl while she deals with some really bad menstrual pains.
Daddy walks into the living room to find the cushions all removed and his little princess nowhere to be seen. Wherever can she be...? Script by /u/Go-Ask-Alice