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Demon Audio Sex Stories

396 results
By yubi_va 255 15:54
Summary: You are a sorcerer and she is your demon bound, a demon who you beat in battle and which you have entered a bond with , so you can summon her to aid when you need her. Though she is a powerful demon who figured that she would hate being bound to a sorcerer, she found that she loves you. You mentioned to her that you want to bound with another demon, your demons jealousy rears its head and she finds herself spilling her feelings. Script by: softlikestatic
By CorbekWoom 38 -12:42
so Summary - Listener is under the influence of one too many edibles and is stuck in a very aware, very awake state of paralysis. Listener knows they’re awake and just too high to move. Over the last few weeks, a sleep paralysis demon has been haunting the listener, but the listener thinks their experiences with the demon have been nothing more than dreams. The demon wants to make sure the listener knows just how real he is, and that the listener is never getting rid of him. Script by u/Moonstoner-boner https://www.reddit.com/r/GWAScriptGuild/comments/165ydj4/script_offer_m4f_your_sleep_paralysis_demon_likes/ https://freesound.org/people/Yuval/sounds/186557/ Turning in bed https://freesound.org/people/Dpoggioli/sounds/263541/ Cloth Rip 1 https://freesound.org/people/Johnny2810/sounds/507756/ Cloth Rip 2
You are a sorcerer and Speaker is your demon bound, a demon who you beat in battle and have entered a bond with, so you can summon him to aid you when you need. Though Speaker is a powerful demon who figured he would hate being bound to a sorcerer, he found that he actually loved you. However, when you tell him you want to make a bond with another demon, Speaker's jealousy rears its head and he finds himself spilling his feelings.
By 1MoreKiss 58 18:48
SYNOPSIS You know, there's something you've always wanted to try out... Demon sex! But we're not talking about *any* demon, no, we're talking about the biggest, the meanest, and sexiest of them all: the infamous Demon Queen. So, the day has finally come, after traversing Hell and beyond and facing a big chunk of the so-called "Army of Pain", you are finally at her presence ready to fulfill your dream. The only thing that's left to do is tell the Queen about your plans and hoping that she will share your enthusiasm...
By BritishlyASMR 59 14:14
You have been neglected by those around you, by both family and friends. However, far away in the middle of nowhere there is a demon sealed away in a cage. The demon influences you to free him from his cage. However, an obelisk warns to not release them, so you haven't. You quite enjoy your talks with the demon. No one visits them but you, so they are the only one who truly understands your loneliness. It almost makes you want to... free them. Wonderful script by: u/Yan-Con on Reddit
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDedMYQYPOQ&ab_channel=TragedyOfBliss You arrive home late, the demon you summoned is waiting for you like every night. You have grown closer since your last meeting. You feel safer and safer by his side, even though he is a demon, but something inside you tells you that you should get even closer to him. Could it be that the demon is submiting you without realising it?
Summary: You have been neglected by those around you, by both family and friends. However, far away in the middle of nowhere there is a demon sealed away in a cage. The demon influences you to free him from his cage. However, an obelisk warns to not release them, so you haven't. You quite enjoy your talks with the demon. No one visits them but you, so they are the only one who truly understands your loneliness. It almost makes you want to... free them.
You meet the Demon of Pride who has been hunting you for some time, but don't think she's ever going to let you out of her sights again... This is a fantasy, roleplay file, perfect for people who want to play along and be part of the story. It starts with the demon finding you and taking you back to her lair, there you see the plans she has for you. She has decided YOU are perfect for her new, prized possession, her display dolly. You see a bunch of her other toys and how blank and mindless they are, and she casts her demonic magic on you to make you as empty-headed and controlled as they are. SUGGESTIONS: This is a fantasy file so it's aimed at people who like the role play and a lot is left up to your imagination to fill in the pieces. There is doll play in this file and you will be transformed into a doll through the means of demonic spells (so keep that in mind). This file has NO WAKEUP, if you'd like a wakeup version let me know. There is also a little bit of stripping in this file so it won't be for everyone but this is very much a everything is happening in your mind time. I can't wait to see how you like this one. If you have trouble getting into it, as there is no formal induction, feel free to add it with your fave induction as a playlist and see how that works! Also, there are two versions of this file. The main version is in the audio player and the other is attached below. One has a backing track (main version) and the other doesn't. ENJOY!
By Mekenso 12 27:11
After a rough battle defending a village from a demon attack, you waste no time as reports have already come in about another attack on another village close by. The people want to celebrate their hero, but evil never rests, and so neither can you. You make haste towards the village, but in your post-battle exhaustion you have a lapse in concentration, and fail to notice the ambush. You are caught and taken. And brought before the demon lord. Tags: and plus so likely . From holy to depraved Script is made by myself.
The demon of sloth doesn't get out of bed for just anyone you know, and she's decided you will join her... LIE DOWN FOR THIS FILE, and THERE IS NO WAKEUP, SET AN ALARM PRIOR TO LISTENING it is a must as you are going to be sedated and toyed with. In this fantasy file, you meet the demon, Sloth and she is going to make you so relaxed and sleepy, but the catch is once she has you right where she wants you, she will hesitate to let you go. This is an arousal track like no other I've made. The aim is to make you so comfy and peaceful and then turn you on so much despite being unable to move, think or do anything for yourself. You are right on track to becoming a sleepy pillow pet like many other humans before. SUGGESTIONS: This file is all about relaxation torture. Making you resist but knowing you will be so comfy and cozy that you give in anyway and then arousing you to the max. There is suggestions of being chained up to the bed that you are lying on, that your mind is breaking from the overload of pleasure and that the demon is touching you in all those sensitive spots. There is also reference to her other sleepy slaves, helping out and this file also has a timer suggestion. So, set a timer before the file for when its over and when it goes off you will finally be released from your sexy, sensual slumber, but, you will still feel turned on for a short time afterwards so be prepared. The idea is that from the end of the file to the alarm, you will be feeling all the pleasure of the caresses but unable to escape them
By wagnerfirst 52 26:31
This recording was so fun! I didn't actually plan to make another recording so soon, but then I stumbled upon this (https://www.reddit.com/r/GWAScriptGuild/comments/9ssjwr/m4f_script_offer_the_visitor_supernatural_demon/) by u/stanleyandlarson and immediately started. I highly recommend wearing headphones for this one. Doing this script fill now is actually kind of ironic, because I'm currently working on an exorcism script, so it ties in pretty well with the demon theme. Fun facts: My first take in this audio is 17 minutes long before making the first cut and I almost fainted several times due to how much I had to breathe :D How do you think I fared, would I make a good demon?
By 02682872 24 31:37
The demon you sold your soul to decided to pay you a visit... but not in person. As you were out and about his voice suddenly started ringing in your head. He's here to tease you but as this mental connexion turns out to also be a physical one, your arousal soon starts to get to him... For maximum effect, you might download the audio to your phone and listen while you are in public. You might even try to follow along. That would be fun. This script (from ti_nam) https://old.reddit.com/r/GWAScriptGuild/comments/rlm19n/script_offer_m4f_in_your_skin_mdom_public_demon/ caught my attention as soon as I saw the tags, and when I read it I knew I had to record it. At some point I might come back to it (once I learn some sound editing skills) to add in that circling quality of a demon taunting you, but for now it's just me speaking. I hope some of you enjoy
Accidental demon lover A combination of a magic gem in a piece of jewellery and some horny thoughts, the listener unknowingly summons a lovely demon, and then sexy times ensue. The listener is called "slut" (mostly as a pet name), as well as "cute" and "gorgeous". The speaker is called "Mistress". The listener's tits are mentioned, but there are no other gender terms, and the listener's genitals are referred to as "bits".
speaker Summary You're a sleep paralysis demon who has waited long enough to finally take what you've been desiring. All credit for this fantastic and fun maybe scary script goes to u/renelisabeth I'm a huge fan and everyone who listens go check her work out the writing is fantastic so are her audios! she just hit 750 followers go give her a big congrats! Find me over at r/chooseyourfateaudio and u/chooseyourfateaudio to find all different ways to support and interact and just find a safe space to feel a bit dirty or a lot dirty or maybe just safe and held i've got a wide variety of content for everyone to enjoy! I hope you have a great one and don't let the demon get you or do he'd like it better that way! Bye I'm Fate!
Original Title on Reddit: “Are you lost, little angel?” Script by: u/simp_trash_scripts on Reddit Summary: As an angel, life quickly gets boring… You seek the thrill of something new. One day find yourself sneaking out of heaven to check out the no man’s lands that separate heaven and hell. In your curiosity, you end up going a little too far and run into a demon… ~ Enjoy ❤️