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~Pokemon SW&SH: Raihan X Listener NSFW: Bath House~

Sure, you're just going to a bathhouse with Raihan, but you've already prepped yourself and everything. You know.....just in case...... Contains: Bath House,Teasing, Kissing, Dirty Talk, Frotting, Hair Pulling, Bareback Sex,Semi-Public/Public Sex, Shower Sex, Creampie, Slight Breeding Kink, Petnames (Love) This is a lovely commission! This was a really fun one to do, since it was set in such a unique place? Also love a good, "fucking in a shower so we gotta keep quiet but we can't quite keep as quiet as we should" trope. I hope you all enjoy as well! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Raihan: *hums* This is the ticket, ain't it? Lovely bath house.....not too busy.....a nice solid days vacation where we can sweat and steam out all our worries....... *deep sigh* Oh.....this water feels great...... *pause* *hums and chuckles* And that swimsuit looks ace on you...... I'd almost be jealous of anyone seein' you in it.....were I not fond of the idea that they get to see how incredible we look together.... *laughs* It's true! Apparently the tabloids have called us 'a power couple', or some shite like that...... Everyone is jealous of us...... Which is why we came on a off day, so we wouldn't be bothered too much by our adoring fans~ *chuckles* *pause* I know you enjoy the fans, Love.....just a joke..... Here.....close your eyes, and lean against me.....take some deep breaths....and relax.....that's what we're here for...... *long pause* What's wrong, love? You're still so tense? Ah--sorry......just wanted to put my hand on your knee......what's got you so jumpy? *pause* *softly* It's alright.....you can tell me...... *pause* *snort laughs* I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Really I am.....let's....let's calm down.....I didn't mean to laugh it just--The way you said it....after all my teasin'...... *softly* You really can't focus on relaxing because I'm half naked and pressed against you? *pause* *hums lowly* Well......I did say you looked bangin' in that swimsuit.....didn't I? So.....I don't think you're the only one with a.....well....not problem......but you're not the only one aroused here....... See.? *moans softly* Oh you......you just had to go and squeeze....didn't you? Couldn't help it when presented to you.... *softly* You like my prick that much, don't you? Well.....in the interest of fairness......may I touch you too? *chuckles* At least I asked....... *soft moans* *hums* Ordinarily....I would probably care a little more......but there aren't too many people here.....and I think that water has.....loosened me a little.....plus.....you do really look--*swallows*--quite good, Love...... *lowly* And....as much as I know that you might deny it......you do enjoy the idea that people are jealous of us together.....you want people to know that we.....let's say....enjoy one another..... *pause* Well because you never know who might come along and hear us.....gotta be at least partially discreet, Love.....if we wanna continue this little game.....which.....luckily I'm game for..... *laughs* Alright, alright, I'll stop with the jokes...... *lowly* Do you want to keep touching each other.....out in the open here? Where anyone could come along and see that we can't even keep our hands off one another long enough to sit in a public bath?? *shudders* Oh.....you had something else in mind, did you?  *lowly* Eager..... *pause* Well, if you wanna continue......I've got an idea......*lowly* as long as you're alright with bein' potentially caught..... However....with how you and I have been touchin' each other.....I don't think that'll be much of a problem.....eh Love? Oh you know......'shower off' and all that....... *pause* Well....the showers have these long doors you see, can't really see a person--or persons--feet unless you're really tryin'......but if that's something that you're worried about.... *lowly* I figure I can just hold you up against the wall.....and you can wrap your legs around me while I fuck you....... *chuckles lowly* I thought you might like that idea..... *Fade Out* *Fade In* *chuckling* Quickly, quickly, don't want anyone thinking we're doing anything suspicious, eh? After you....... *chuckles* Here.....why don't we get it nice and warm in here..... *shower turns on* *hums* Feels nice, doesn't it?  *lowly* But you and I both know what'll feel even nicer..... *pause* But first.... *kisses* *pulls away, panting softly* I haven't had the chance to kiss you like that all day....... I woulda done it in the bath but.....I don't think I woulda been able to stop myself, and the good people of Galar don't need to see me mackin' on the Champion....cause knowing us....it would probably lead to other things......a loss less family friendly and savory things, yeah? *chuckles lowly* Mmmhmm.....speaking of that.....I did say I was going to fuck you against the shower wall, didn't I? But---hush now, it's not a ‘bad’ but--As much as I'd like to just thrust inside you all gung ho....I think that some preparation is in order.... *pause* What was that? *pause* No preparation needed, but-- *pause* *groans* You.....you prepared yourself? Oh, Love.....you.....you were thinking of this the entire time, weren't you? This was your plan all along? You prepared just in case?? Fuck~ *in between kisses* You....you....I can't believe you....prepped yourself on the off chance that we'd have the opportunity to fuck?? Fuck love....you're......you're so incredible.....Aces, love....Aces..... *kisses* *pulls away, panting softly* Now......I know that we got the shower runnin', and that'll cover some sounds.....but not everything......so we're gonna have to be quiet......well....quiet enough......cause......I know that you like the idea that someone might hear.....that we might get caught...... And to be perfectly honest.....you're not the only one...... *pause* C'mon then, c'mere.....can't exactly fuck you against the wall if you're not in my arms....... *shuffling* That's it......I got you.....and I know it's quite a ways up.....but I'm not gonna drop you.....I swear...... *shudders softly* Just---just a tease.....Shit.....you really are all wet and prepared down here, aren't you? Fuck...... Just want to rub my cock across you.....catch slightly on your sweet little entrance.....f-fuck, Love..... *chuckles* Oh, what a sweet little whine, biting on your lip so it's not too loud.....I gotcha, Love....I gotcha...... I won't make either of us wait anymore...... *louder moan* Oh, Love..... Don't care....just.....just need to fuck.....need to fuck you...... *moans and pants* And you need me to fuck you too, don't you? *moaning* *chuckles* So loud, Love....you really don't care, do you? Don't care if someone were to walk by, wanting to rinse off and hear my hips slapping against you, and you wailing to the heavens~ F-fuck, so good Love, so good...... *harsher moaning and panting* N-No....d-didn't think I'd get this worked up over this either but.....but it's....it's so good.....fuck it's so good........ *hisses in through teeth* Ah~ Not fair--shit--pullin' my hair like that.....ah fuck, Love......gonna come.....gonna come inside you, deep inside you, then slip your swimsuit right back over your hips.......gonna make you have to clench hard to keep it all inside until you can get changed......do you think you can do that? Or do you think that some might trickle out anyways while you're getting changed, and someone might see?? *moans* Oh--fuck--and I might pump so much into you, that you'll need to keep clenched until we go all the way home, cause you might make a wet spot on your trousers if you let too much out...... *moaning and panting* Maybe just a little though, just so you can feel how wet my seed has made you, and it'll remind you how good I fucked you....and by the time we get home you'll want me to fill you up again..... *chuckles a moan* We haven't even finished here.....and you're already horny for that.......Fuck I love you~ *kissing, moaning and panting* Ah~*hisses* Squeezin' on me.....f-fuck....almost there, Love.....almost there...... F-fuck....don't care.....let them hear....I want them to hear....I want them to know that the Champion of the Galar region loves getting fucked by me--f-fuck! *harsher moaning* That's it.....that's it love......let 'em hear.....let 'em know how much you want me to come inside you.....to fill you up....... *growls* I want the rest of the people here to know who bred the Champion~ *groan* Oh fuck yeah---there it is love there it is.....so good.....so fucking good...... Gonna--f-fuck.....coming....coming inside....here it comes love-- here it comes! *low guttural groan through teeth*  Take it....fuckin' take it....... *panting* *panting subsides* *groans softly* I almost don't want to pull out of you.....would be such a shame to let my seed trickle out of you...… *hums* What do you think about the idea I floated earlier…..about you keeping my seed inside you as well as you can until we get home….and then I can fuck some more into you? *chuckles and groans* Aces, Love…..you’re Aces…….
You wanted to go at it again with Connor, but this time, instead of him servicing you..... Contains: Bottom Connor, Anal Sex, Handjob, Rimming, Begging, Connor being Connor, Kissing, Negotation, No gendered pronouns or language. I know some people can be a little iffy about Connor in sexual situations since he's an android and the line of consent can be a delicate line to cross with him, but I made this audio more with the idea that he's actually starting to become more deviant in behavior, and starting to do more things because he genuinely wants to, even if he himself is a little bit confused on the matter. Just wanted you all to know that! Anyways, here's squeaky bottom Connor for y'all ~Audio Transcript Below~ Oh, Hello! It’s good to see you again, have you given thought to our last encounter? *pause* That’s good! And did you gain anything positive from the experience? Excellent! *pause* And am I wrong in the assumption that you would like to replicate it? I assure you that it isn’t any trouble at all. *pause* You don’t have to be nervous or wary…..I want to help you. *pause* I remember that you don’t quite like reminders that I’m programmed this way, I wanted to stray away from that verbiage and keep you as comfortable as possible….. As always, I am well adept at taking direction and orders, if needed. *pause* Absolutely. Then allow me to--.....I’m sorry? You want to…...pleasure me? I---I don’t…… *pause* It will give you pleasure to…...give me pleasure…...I see…… *pause* If that is the direction that you give then, I will do my best to comply…… How do you want me, then? *pause* Yes, my clothes do come off…..would you like them to be? Then they will….. *clothes shuffling* *pause* Why would I be embarrassed? *chuckles softly* It’s charming that you forget sometimes….. Yes, I come fully equipped and fully customizable for any needs, Cyber Life thought it appropriate to have androids have the same capabilities as humans and more….. *pause* Yes, our synthesized skin is warm…...we are all just big computers…..aren’t we? Computers are warm when you use them….. *pause* Yes, I can feel that. *pause* And that. *pause* *wet noises but steady, unchanged breathing* You keep glancing up at me…..I’ve done something wrong haven’t I? *pause* Then I haven’t done something…. One moment, allow me to research something….. *pause* Oh…..I see…..I should be making noise…..shouldn’t I? Is that was you were waiting for? Forgive me, I haven’t been in this situation before. I’ll do my best to remedy that. Shall we go again…..with the appropriate noises? *pause* *wet noises* *soft moans and breathing* Is that…..sufficient? *pause* I want to make sure I’m doing what you want…… *pause* Just…...participate and react? I admit that I’m confused…..you don’t want me to do anything to you, but you want me to participate, and you want me to react….but I don’t know if I’m reacting correctly. How will I know if I don’t ask you, and you don’t tell me? *pause* *emphasizing* But I don’t feel the way that you do. It might not even be feeling at all…..it’s unknown How am I supposed to serve you if I don’t know what to do? *pause* Forgive me… Allow me a moment…..please? *deep breath* *pause* I’m doing more research…...I’ll be done in a moment…… *pause* Pornography and other sources… And why not? That is the source of most human’s arousal and enjoyment of sexual acts beyond performing them themselves, isn’t it? *slightly offended* I know it’s a performance……. *breathes* *softly* ….shall we try again? *pause* I…..believe I have sufficient data to go on now…..I will endeavor to do my best to just…..react….but--- *pause* You will tell me if I’ve done it wrong…...won’t you? I don’t want to upset you… *pause* *slow apprehensive kiss* *slightly more normal kiss* *softly* Touch me…..again? *wet noises* *soft, breathy moans and pants* *lowly* Would you like me to talk? To say things? *breathy moan* O-Oh…….like how good it feels to have you rubbing against me? It does…..it does feel nice How hard my--cock is? *swallows* *lowly* and how much I want you to fuck me? *pause* Was---was that…? Yes….right… *louder keeing moans* *through breaths* Do you----Do you want to? *keening closed mouth moan released with a pant* Y-you…..*swallows* *shifting* Here…….we can…..go ahead….. *pause* You’re not going to hurt me if that’s what you’re worried about…..There isn’t anything you could do to me there that would hurt me….. *hums* Well….it seems I have to invite you then….. *moans softly* P-Please…...fuck me….. *chuckles softly* Like I said…..you couldn’t hurt me…..*soft moan*..... O-Oh…….*mumbles* There are….sensors that…..I’ve never…….*breathy* Oh….. *shifts* What are…...what are you? Your mouth? *gasps* Ah--AH! *whining moans* O-Oh! *squirming* I don’t…...I don’t know it’s…..it…….feels. *panting and moaning* Something is…….*moans* Something is…coming…..it…..*panting moans* Oh--oh-ohoh! *keening moan* *panting* It…..No…...it’s…..more of a simulation really…...nothing *swallows* genetic about it….. *moans* A-and that too…...for…..service we…..it doesn’t……*softly* soften…...until……..well….I’m not quite sure….. *pause* Have you lost your reservations about having sex with me? *shifts* Then…….please? *softly* You won’t hurt me…… Please? *shifting* *hitching breath* I’m not delicate…...I know that you think that I am…...but you’re holding back…..you don’t need to hold back…… *whispers* I don’t want you to hold back…… *gasps* Y-Yes…….*moans* Like that….. *panting and moaning* Ah-.....ah……*swallows* Haaaa…… *moans through closed mouth* *gasps* *higher, slightly more frantic moans* It’s…..it’s…..there is…..I can see now….how this could be…..disorienting….. *pause* *through pants* I’m…..I’m not sure…...I’ve never…... *moaning* *higher pitched panting moans* Oh-Oh! S-so good…… *panting and moaning* Y-You would like me to b-beg? *moans* Y-Yes…..please…..more…..please…...faster…..p-please…….please fuck me faster! Feels so good…… *panting moans* Please…..please-please-please…..oh… T--touch…...can you? Will you? *gasps* Oh…..oh thank you…… Close…..close again--please…….more…..please…...Ah-Ah! *high pitched moaning and panting* Yes…..yes…. *Sharp Gasp* *panting* *panting slows* …...I know that…….You…...Was that…… *pause* You didn’t want me to ask…….forgive me but I feel like I must…… How do you feel? *pause* Better? *through a smile* That’s good…..I’m glad….. *pause* It doesn’t really matter how I--- Good…..I think…...I’m good… *kiss* What? Oh…… Yes…...Nice…… It was nice…...
You've been stressed over a case, it doesn't take an Android to see that, but Connor does anyway, and wants to help you. Contains: Service Top Connor, Oral Sex, Bareback Sex, Comfort, Light Dom/Sub, Felching, Semi Public Sex, Dirty Talk, Creampie, Praise Kink (for Connor), Gender Neutral Listener, Implied Genitalia (not explicitly stated, but implied vagina), Kissing. Hello everyone I'm back again! A lovely person commissioned this piece and I had fun making it! I liked the idea of Connor being all proper and put together but secretly he's a big old softie that just wants to please others and be a service Top lol. With the whole genitalia thing. The words aren't stated, but it's implied that the listener is AFAB, so please read or listen with caution if that's potentially triggering to you. Also, there's no referenced gender usage in any of the audio. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: How has your case been going detective? I do know of the paramenters, yes. I simply ask, since you seem to be expressing symptoms of high stress, as well as burnout due to overworking yourself. *pause* Forgive me.....I didn't mean to make it sound like I was pointing out the obvious. You were exhibiting behavior that you were at least partially unaware that this was occurring and I was--- *pause* Yes...... This case has been hard on you, that's incredibly clear. It's also incredibly clear that you are in desperate need of rest.....or.....at least a distraction...... *pause* Detective..... *pause* Detective! You are at a standstill with this case.....the more that you try to push yourself in your condition, the more you are going to stress yourself out, and the more likely you are going to make a mistake......take a moment to think about it. You need to walk away, even if it is just for the moment and come back to look at it with fresh eyes...... *pause* *pause* *takes a breath* *lowly* Allow me to take care of you...... *pause* Yes....like....that...... I know of a private place....... *pause* detective....... *sighs softly in relief* Thank you...... *normal voice* Please Detective, follow me. *Fade Out* *Fade In* Here we are......please, go ahead. Yes, this is Lieutenant Anderson's office, but you need not worry, Lieutenant Anderson does his best to be as far away from here as he possibly can, so there is no worry for interruptions or distractions.... I see nothing wrong with it. The office is not being used. Unless.....it bothers you? *with a smile* You see I thought that's why you came along with me......to be taken care of......to be.....naughty? As you put it..... I promise that I will endeavor to be sure that we won't be caught. No one comes nears Anderson's office on the off chance he'll be here.....as well as the fact that those who know him know that he isn't here most of the time..... Plus.....I can hear things you cannot, and will be able to know when someone is coming..... *pause* You are worth the trouble..... *pause* Here.....come sit down....... The chair is nice because it's hardly used *chuckle* *pause* What am I doing? Well.....I'm kneeling down of course.... Have you ever thought about this? Having your own office, and having an andriod of your own to pleasure you whenever you wish? Right here, underneath this desk....someone could walk in, and they would never even know that your own android is eating out out underneath...... *chuckles softly* What, too crass for you? *shifting* *softly* May I? Please? *pause* I would very much like to pleasure you.....if you'll allow me.... *breathes out a soft moan* Thank you... *fabric shifting, belt and zipper noises* *breathes softly* So beautiful......I will never not be fascinated by the texture of human skin......something so truthfully organic..... *softly* Please let me taste you....... *whimpers* Thank you..... *licking and sucking noises, interspersed with moans* *pulls away, panting softly* Does that feel nice? *hums a moan* Allow me to do more? *moans softly* Thank you..... *heavier licking, sucking and kissing noises with keening moans and panting interspersed* *gasps as he's pulled away* Mmmaaa?? *soft panting* Y....yes......yes I am......enjoying myself? I'm not sure if that's the correct description but.......*breathes* You---*swallows* taste divine..... *shifts and whines softly* Y-Yes.....I'm.......aroused..... *panting slightly heavier now* Yes.....yes.....please......allow me to please you further..... What.....what would you have of me...... *pause* *keens* Yes...I'll be your good boy.......and.....and fuck you..... *shifting, thump of listener being deposited on desk* There....are you comfortable? As much as you can be? I don't think Lieutenant Anderson will mind..... *lowly* Besides.....maybe now you'll be reminded every time you pass his office about this.....about the time you had your andriod fuck you on his desk...... Spread your legs a little more...... *sighs and moans softly* *pause* O-oh....forgive me.....I was distracted.....your....your body is very distracting..... *swallows roughly* You look so very lewd with your legs spread like that..... May I? *softly* Please? *moans* *shifting of clothing* Yes.....all the way off......where is your sense of danger? *pause* Oh....I'll soon make you forget everything but this.... *moans softly* *swallows* O-oh.......*exhales* H-hot.....I forget....h-how hot humans actually run.... *keens a moan, squirms lightly* M-May I.....may I move? *slightly frustrated growl* Y-Yes....... Y-your insides are twitching around me....and you're......wet......a-and.....already so t-tight..... Haaaaaa....... *pause* Ah---ah yes....t-thank you..... *wet thrusting* O-Oh......oh.....yes...... *panting and moaning* Ah~Haaa! Y-you're l-legs....a-around my hips they.....b-bring me in s-so deep s-so tight I.....*gasps* D-don't....you....clench! *faster thrusting, moaning and panting* Y-you are so generous.....y-you deserve time for yourself.....the world will not end if you....if you sleep or if you....take a break once in a while......you are the most important thing.....a-about the cases you take and.....and if you are too stressed to....to work......you will be more angry with yourself if you fail......I do not......want that for you..... *moaning and panting* You should.....you should only feel good things....I know.....as a human that is impossible....but I will....I will do my best to endeavor to.....to be sure that I can make you happy.....to relax you.....to make you forget your troubles....e-even if it is j-just for.....for a small amount of time..... *gasps* *through higher pitched, more frantic pants and moans* Yes....yes....your good boy....your boy.....please.....please detective.....may I.....please........I---I know how much---I can read it in your face......in your movements......in how hard you c-cling to me......please allow me to come inside you......Grant me the pleasure of giving you that pleasure.....Please...... Yes--harder--yes, as you wish.....whatever you wish.....yes....yes....... *harsh, almost squeaking panting with moans* Ah....yes....yes......p-please.....please.....*gasps* O-OH! S-so d-deep! *Sharp keening moan* *harsh panting* *panting slows* Are you....feeling more.....relaxed? *pause* Was that.....sufficient to get your mind off of things? *hums* That's very good to hear..... *pause* Right yes.....I'll just....*small cute moan*......there..... I must admit.....there is something quite.....scandolous about this image......but also.....primal? The image of you.....dripping with seed.....no matter how synthetic.....is......pleasing..... *pause* Oh, there's no need to worry about that.... Here......lay back for a moment......allow me to clean up my mess...... *kissing, licking and sucking* *chuckles* The way your body shakes in aftershocks...... There.....all cleaned up...... It's more of a synthetic lubricant than anything. Function over reality really and--*interrupted by a kiss* *soft moaning into kiss* *exhales as he pulls away* Not bad? *chuckles* Well, I don't believe it would be hard for it to be flavored per-say....practicality wise however.... *softly* Are you truly feeling better? *pause* That's good. And......you know that.....whenever you need to relax....to get away from everything for a moment.....even if it isn't like this.....even if it's simply talking.....it would be my pleasure to help you.....to be there for you......if that it.....what you want.... *soft kiss* I'm......glad......
It feels like it's been an eternity since you had the chance to spend time with Connor, so today you're going to make sure it happens...... Contains: First Time, Kissing, Previously Ken-Dolled Connor, Bareback Sex, Cum is Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Cowgirl Position, Praise Kink, Body Worship, Touch Kink, I don't normally make continuations or part 2's of my audios (more out of the fact that I forget so frequently what I've done in certain audios lol) but I thought it would be fun to maybe revisit the Connor audio where he gets a dick, because I really liked that idea, and I thought it would be a cool idea to expand on it with another audio! So, you don't necessarily need to listen to that audio first, but if you'd like more context, you can listen to that audio first!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/detroit-become-x-37446548 Anyways, I thought it would be cute to make an audio about Connor having sex for the first time (at least in the context and canon from the previous audio), and so I did! There are a couple of kinks thrown in there too that I think this version of Connor would be really into lol. Also, I'm sorry if there's a little bit of like, room echo, more than normal. I'm still moving and I recorded this when there was practically nothing in my closet and I didn't realize all my junk was that sound dampening lol. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: Hello? Oh, yes, Detective, it's good to hear from you! I....yes....I do happen to have to have the day off. Is there something the matter, do you need help on a case? *pause* Took a personal day? You must be feeling terrible if you called out. Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need someone to take you to a hospital? I can be there as soon as-- I......what did you say? Ah....so you are.....alright then? Forgive me, you usually are so dedicated when it comes to your work that hearing that you took a personal day off of your own volition made me worry for a moment. Then.....was there something else that you wanted of me......? *pause* Yes, it has been quite a while since we've seen one another, isn't it? I.....yes....I....I do remember........ No....there hasn't been much time to.....continue....experimenting with....that..... Most days I've just been......leaving it or.....turning the sensitivity down considerably.....since I've been rather busy with cases......so....no.....I haven't really even had a chance to......touch myself....alone either...... Something about it......I felt like.....I would rather do it with you...... *pause* Ah......n-now? That's.....I see.......that's why you called me..... No---I mean, yes! I would.......love to come over...... Y-yes.....and bring......that........ I'll come over....as soon as possible...... O-of course......goodbye....... *fade out* *fade in* *door opening* Detective, I noticed that the door was unlocked did you---Ah! *pause* I.....you..... *softly* You're not....wearing very much, are you? Ah, yes! The door, forgive me..... *shuts door* *pause* I......I'm.....finding it hard to find the correct thing to say, I suppose..... I....I do....have it....installed.......the....sensitivity is still......turned down....I didn't want to.....get erect on my way over...... *pause* Well......now.....I suppose..... *shudders a soft breath* I.....you.....look......wonderful.....it....... *pause* I'm......a little embarrassed I believe.....about how quickly I well.....*clears throat* *pause* You think it's......endearing? Well.....I suppose--- --And.....attractive? I well......thank you..... You are.....very attractive as well...... *pause* Should we.......the bedroom? F-from what I assume by your attire--or lack thereof--you'd like to.....'go all the way' as it were and.....and I know that most sexual acts take place in a bedroom, for comfort if not for anything else.....and while.....perhaps it might be a tad conventional as you said I......I think I'd at least like to try it....for the first time....in a bed....similar to.....most human experiences as I'm aware and---- *soft kiss* *chuckles softly* I'm....glad you're amicable to the idea...... A-and.....you haven't.....the.....kissing.....is still very new.....and nice....as well...... *walking* Last time.....I didn't really get the chance to touch you......and......thinking about it.....I would very much like to......if you're of a mind? *pause* Touch one another......that sounds......fantastic....... *bed shuffling* Should I.....get undressed, before we start? I-I mean....not as a strip tease.....I just....practicality and..... A-alright...... *shifting clothes* *swallows a soft moan* I won't lie it's......very hard..... *bed shifting* M-may I......I mean we......touch each other now? I must admit that....I'm very excited to touch you as much as I am for you to touch me..... *pause* My fingers are some of the most sensitive parts of my system, remember? They take in so much sensation and information at once, it.....I honestly can't wait...... *soft kiss* Then we shouldn't....should we? *kiss* I....my mouth as well....remember? So many......I'm sorry if it seems like I might be 'out of it', so many new sensations and information influx all at once it's......almost dizzying......at least the android equivalent...... *shudders a breath* I--oh...well.....it...definitely is different....I suspect.....like in the way that humans cannot tickle themselves? When....I touched myself before.....there was a sense of....I knew what was going to happen before I did it....I could feel with both my hand and my.....dick and so t-this it's......oh it's nice.... Ah-! Yes.....reciprocation....I....yes..... *wet noises* *soft pants and moans* This is.....ah--I--*chuckles* I understand why such a large population of humans enjoy this now.....s-something about the....the connection between two beings......the physical sensations....e-everything it is......so very.....intoxicating I believe it the word I'm looking for......I....don't believe I ever truly knew what that word felt like b-but now..... *soft panting* M-may.....we.....I.......I would very much like to continue to--um--kiss.....if you would..... *kisses* Ah~ *soft panting and moaning and kisses* Oh~ I well.....I.....did in fact......do some research during our time apart....I.....wanted to....in case....when we got together again....that I would have a better idea of how to touch in ways that you might like.....did you.....did you find that enjoyable? *kiss* Then s-should we continue? *kiss* *breathes* Oh yes........ *panting and moaning* It's...oh....now th-that I know what.....ejaculating feels like....there's this....anticipation....thrumming through me and I.....I know what it feels like while it's building.....and.....with so much.....information....cataloging....I....I.....I think I'm.....it's.......I will be q-quick~! *harsh panting* Ah~! *panting* I....f-forgive me...I......so much....... *panting* W-would you like me to still....... *pause* Ah....y-yes....it's still....erect....I....do not have much of a ....refractory period as I believe it's called.....as long as.....my Thirium pump is working.....and my dick is designed to.....work on command I suppose so I can......continue...... *harsh kisses* Oof! *soft panting* I....what? *swallows* Oh.....that's....why it's called the 'cowgirl' position, isn't it? *chuckles breathlessly* I do remember saying that I did research, correct? *softly* I wanted to be prepared......it's been....something that I've been thinking about....quite frequently......almost....non-stop in the background really..... *pause* That is one nice thing about having a computer for a brain.....I can delegate power to multiple processes at once.....so yes.....it's been near constant since the last time..... Oh...I'm....touching your hips since the.....sensation feels nice....on my fingertips....if you'd like me to stop, then I can--- H-hold on tight? Is there a particular reason why I might need to--? *gasps* Oh~! *shuddering breath* I....I understand n-now...... It......um...well--*soft panting*--it not so much...I.....I can't r-really feel......temperature sensations.......b-but th-the.....the pressure it.....oh~ A-and you haven't e-even started m-moving yet...... *gasps* Haaa~ *panting and moaning* D-does it....does it f-feel good to you? M-my....d-dick....I..... *laughs out a moan* W-well.....it....it doesn't vibrate.....b-but.....it does....imitate a human p-penis in the way of.....th-throbbing I believe......oh~ *moans softly* Y-you like it? Oh.....g-good...... *moans louder* G-good boy? I.....*whimpers* oh~ *panting* I......I d-did come again....I'm....I'm sorry s-something about.....you calling me a good boy it just.....I couldn't....help it....I.....it was.....like it was involuntary.....I've never.....it's so strange.....to not b-be able to control some of my functions.....sl-slightly terrifying....b-but.....but in a good way and--oh~ It still feels so good....... *panting* P-praise kink? *pause* I....I suppose....t-that might apply......perhaps w-we should......continue to explore it....if....if you don't mind...... *moans softly* I can still continue......oh....and.....s-since my ejaculate is....simply lubricant I can....c-come inside safely b-but....I still should....have asked, I....I'm sorry....... *moans* A-alright.....we'll continue t-then...... *panting and moaning* Oh~ It's s-so.....it....it feels even different from masturbation o-or touching one another.....it's.....I....I don't know if I'll.....I'll be able to hold myself f-from c-coming......s-so much...... *keens* Especially w-with y-you calling m-me....good boy...... *moans* Y-yes.....l-like th-that...... F-faster? I-*swallows* however y-you want it....I.....I'm.....I'm having a w-wonderful time....it all feels.....amazing....I promise---oh~ *panting and moaning* I.....I know I can hear your heartbeat normally.....b-but.....touching you.....I can feel it......thumping so hard.......I can feel your moans on your skin, and it's not something I ever even thought of but.....I can't get over it......it all---everything about you feels so good......it's...breathtaking.....just like you...... *keens* O-oh....sq-squeezing~! *panting* H-hold it? I....I c-can t-try........ Haa~ T-together? It--*swallows* It'll f-feel better.....if I....hold it? *softly* Oh~ y-yes.....good boy........ *moans* Y-yes....I can....I can t-try.....I....I would love to come with you....... *panting and moaning* Ah-ah--ah~ Cl-clenching s-so much! *harsh panting* A-ah~! C-coming~! *whines* *panting* T-that was......I.....I don't think I fully can find the words to describe it.....which is odd.....for me...... As was the.....praise kink....you called it......b-but....not a bad....odd......embarrassing.....but in a good way......? If that makes sense? *pause* The....my voice modulator.....I....well....yes.....I......I didn't divert a lot of power to it....on purpose, so it wouldn't happen again.....it was......I did have to come up with an excuse for the last time when I went for repairs....... *pause* I......knowing that you, fucked me good enough to lose my voice is attractive? I well..... Perhaps.....next time....I could....let it happen....... *pause* *swallows* Or y-you'll fuck it out of me.......I-I see..... *kiss* I'm.....not opposed....to that idea either.........
You heard something in passing about Androids getting some new 'upgrades', and while you're curious, you don't want to go asking around. Enter Connor, who's always so damn helpful, isn't he? Contains: Masturbation, Sensation Play, Extreme Sensitivity, Finger Sucking, Voyeurism, Begging, Slight Dom/Sub, Sexually Inexperienced Connor, Talking About Genitals Wooo! More sexual Connor! I had fun with this one with the idea that Connor was previously Ken-Dolled before becoming Deviant, and after that, he decided he'd like a dick thank you very much lol. I thought it was an interesting idea to expand on a little, and the fact that this month's Patreon theme is National Masturbation month, I thought this was perfect for Connor! I hope you all enjoy! Also, if the static and tinny affect at the end is too much for everyone, I can definitely release a version that doesn't have it, it was just something I wanted to try out! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: So, what is the question that you wanted to ask me? *pause* Well.....I calculated....well....assumed....that you needed to ask me an important question, or talk with me about something that either couldn't or shouldn't be done in public. The percentage of my assumption being correct jumped when you brought me into your home...... I figured it might be easier to ask right out then to delay the inevitable or to make it more awkward for you.... *pause* I see....I've made it more awkward, haven't I? I apoligize, that wasn't my intent. But....know that.....you don't have to worry about offending me. Despite the fact that I do have my own emotions, I am as they say, 'thick skinned'. *chuckles* You see....Android skin is typically thicker than a humans and--- *pause* I'm sorry? I believe that my programming must have malfucntioned for a moment because I don't believe I heard you correctly...... *pause* I see..... *pause* ......Would it be rude of me to ask why you're asking whether or not I have genitals? *pause* You overheard something....of course.... *pause* It.....well, yes......there was a time.....before where...... I am equipped with the ability to have those upgrades.......say.....if it was believed to be needed for a case......but....Cyberlife did not feel the need to have me equipped in the first place...... It wasn't.....really something that was on my radar, figuratively or literally.....until......recently.... *pause* I know…..the revolution has been over for a period of time and….I have been Deviant for about the same amount, however….. I waited simply because......there were many other things that I was getting used to, sensations, emotions, things that were truly my own, instead of programmed into me..... I felt it unwise to mix...sexuality of this kind into it..... *pause* However.....now.....yes.....I feel that......now......I thought it to be something.....that I could handle..... *pause* I.....y-yes.....I do have one…. I um....well....I.....went with the.....standard model.....one that is compatible and has the highest reviews...... Yes.....reviews....... By other androids.....there are Staci models who have helped create forums for other Androids who have never experienced genital upgrades before and would like to do so..... It isn't as unscrupulous as you're probably thinking....... *pause* I.....yes.....I......d-do happen to have it installed.....right now.....I.....I have dialed my sensitivity down.....so that while I'm at work it.....doesn't distract me...... It's been.....it’s been very....very distracting and....while there are times when I can ignore it.....whenever I've found myself idle....it...it draws my attention.....and...I wonder if there are others who can tell.....who can see that I'm acting differently..... No it is......not necessarily.....a.....bad thing.....I don't believe...... Just......a new experience....... I haven't....this is......well...... *pause* I find this to be.....I believe I'm slightly.....embarrassed? All of the signs seem to be there..... *pause* No! I......this is.....I believe this is good.....having someone....someone else to talk to this about.....even if....they don't quite understand what I'm going through.....you know.....at least partially what it's like.....to have genitals and....know how they work..... It's good to talk about...... *pause* It's sole function is for sexual purposes....nothing that involves......waste...... *pause* *swallows* There......there might be a reason....... I thought that.....maybe....if.....well......if there was a chance that......that you....would be...... *pause* I thought that perhaps......a......penis...would be more compatible..... And, it wasn't just for that reason either! That was....something that I.....asked about in forums.....and other Androids were knowledgeable and friendly enough to lead me in the right direction and the right state of mind......I did....I did think about it.....made a list of pros and cons…...and while there are some models out there that are designed to be male or female presenting, they decide to choose genitals that more reflect how they feel and what they want to be........but me..... I decided that I wanted a penis...... *pause* I......masturbation? But I.......I mean.....I am....aware as of what to do, it simply......I've never......It's different......when it's..... I......would you be.....offended.....if I said that I wanted to....wait......for....it to be.....with you?? *pause* S-show you? Really? I.....alright…... *shuffling* *deep inhale and exhale* W-Well......h-here.....it is...... *pause* *chuckles* it is a little strange.....I'm still.....not quite used to seeing it.....but the more time that goes by the more.....natural....it feels...... Hm? Oh.....yes.....I suppose....now would be a good time to turn my sensitivity back up.....wouldn't it? *hums softly* Ah.....ha.......y-yes....it......it's *chuckles* definitely reacting now......I....it's....done this before....but I've......never......*softly* N-not in front of anyone... *soft moan* I....I never thought that it would be.....this.....arousing is the word? It......I can s-see.....your heart rate accelerating as well......your pupils....does this.......am I.....attractive......? I mean that....I know....I know that Cyberlife designed me to be.....kind looking....approachable......an android that people would have an easier time opening up to.....or.....an android that they would underestimate.....because of how I appear.......but......am I.....attractive? Am I......desirable? *chuckles softly* Y-yes.....I suppose.....I suppose I'm a little self conscious...... *pause* *moans softly* A-ah…..haaa~ T-thank you……. *through soft pants* With you…..with you watching me…..even….even though you’re only watching and…..and I’m not doing anything…...It's as though.....my sensors are operating at their maximum level....and then some.....my--my Thirium pump is......*swallows* beating so hard it's as if that's the only thing I can hear..... *chuckles* I know…..and I haven’t even touched myself…... Sh-should I? St-start touching….I mean? *pause* Y-yes…..I-I think I want to…...is it? T-This feeling…..I’m almost….I’m about 97.66% sure that it’s what want…… I’ll…..I’ll try….. *gasping keen* O-Oh~! *soft panting* I…..N-normally......touch is.....dulled....in some places......Cyberlife thought it....necessary to install a lot of sensors in my hands and my mouth....everywhere else, my skin it.....hasn't been but now.....it feels as though everything is tingling......and the slightest touch here......here on my dick......it's--*gasp* as if I were electrocuted.... I….it’s…..strange…..but...but good….the--the feedback loop between…..between my hand…..and my dick is….is…..Oh~ *panting and moans* *a little dazed* A dick......I.....I have a dick......it....I.....oh~ *faster panting and moaning* Pl-ease, I-I....I think....Oh....I think I'm---it's.....I'm not sure.....but....everything.....everything feels like it's surging.....feels like.......oh.....o--over---overloading......there are.....s-so many.....notifications, so many messages....b-but....I want---I need to ignore them....it feels.....I.....please.....can I? Is it? Am I allowed? I w-want to b-but......*whispers* I-I'm slightly......I believe....afraid? I-I know what will happen....l-logically I know...but-but it's so different....it's....experiencing it for--for myself is....is.... W-will you…..will you tell me when I-I should? I-I know that….I shouldn’t depend on….on programming or an order but...I think….I need…..please….please tell me it’s alright…..please tell me I should…...tell me when I should?? *gasps* O-Oh! Th-thank you! Thank you~ I’ll--*swallows*--I’ll c-continue…… *pause* F-faster? H-harder….you said? Oh…..oh.. *panting and moans* I---I….it is….I want…...can I…..I want t-to s-suck my f-fingers…..B-but….it that….is that strange? They’re so many…...sensations….b-but….but I want to feel more….I--I want to….my-my mouth and…… *gasp* Oh--yes...T-thank you……. *soft sucking noises through moans* O-Oh…..ahh~ I …..*hums a moan through fingers* *harsh panting and sucking* *gasps* Oh-oh! I think--I think I’m…..c-close….will you….am I…..please? May I-? *harsh panting and moaning* Oh--OH! *Gasps* *voice short circuits* Ahhh-HAHH-HAAS--S-SSAAAhhhh--haAAAsSS--SssaaaAAHHH-haaa~ *staticky panting* *panting subsides* *pause* *voice tinny* I’m alright, I promise…..I simply strained my voice modulator….it’s easily repairable….and nothing to worry about….. Think of it as…...like when a human’s voice becomes hoarse after shouting too much….. *chuckles, slightly embarrassed* I suppose so, yes…..masturbating in front of you….made me lose my voice……. Oh! The ejaculate? It’s…..a natural silicone based lubricant that….specifically made for Androids and our skin and body in mind…..it….it doesn’t particularly have a taste or….function really outside of….lubricant…... I…..t-thank you…..while I…..don’t know if I’m…..necessarily ready for…..more than that…..I…..cannot tell you how much I appreciate you…..helping me…. I’m…...glad I suppose….that it was you…...and…...well…..if you would like to...perhaps…..continue something like this….in the future…….then I believe I would be-- *gasps softly into kiss* Oh…...I’ve……*chuckles softly* I’ve never been kissed before either……...
The heat.....it's coming on.....it's what you planned, and you hope to God that it turns out that way..... Contains: Strong A/B/O Dynamics and Themes, Scent Kink, Breeding Kink, Light Praise Kink, Light Pregnancy Kink, Humiliation, Light Degradation, Possession, Safe Sex, Oral Sex, Use of the word Slut/Slutty, Heavy Dirty Talk, Petnames (Darlin', Omega, Baby,) Sooo.....When people asked for breeding and A/B/O Kink I was like, "Cool, I can do that." And then this happened lol. A/B/O Dynamics are one of my favorites to read and write and I kind of can't believe I haven't done it really yet before? Also, apparently the writer side of me needed a story, and then McCree got wordy, and that's how the audio got to be this long lol. I hope you all enjoy. And like, be heedful of the warnings and read the script below to be sure that you don't get squicked or triggered by anything! ~Audio Transcript Below~ McCree: It's....it's you? You’re the unbonded Omega? *pause* How is it that in all this time, I've never--? *pause* Heat and scent suppressants? All this time? Do you know how dangerous those things are for you long term? You gotta have at least one natural heat a year or that stuff will rot you from the inside out it'll--- *pause* W-what? That's what you’re doin' now? You're havin' a natural heat now?? Do you have any idea where we are? What kind of can of worms you've opened up for yerself? Do you know how many fuckin' Alphas there are in the base at this very moment? Do you know how lucky you are that I got here first? It's dangerous for you. *pause* Look, I don't give a shit whether you're an Omega or not, all I care about is whether or not your get your job done and you get it done safely. You've put the entire base into jeopardy, you know that? We all have jobs to do and you---you're just flaunting your pheremones like you got a giant sign above your head that screams, "Someone please come fuck me! I'm an unbonded Omega in my prime about to go into a natural heat that's probably four times more powerful than normal because I've been suppressing it for years" *scoffs* Yeah it'd be a big fuckin' sign but you're missing the whole goddamn point! Any other Alpha would probably jump at the chance just to fuck you....no questions asked, no regard for whether or not you actually want it. Why the hell didn't you just take time off and either get someone to take care of it for you or at least suffer in silence away from here.....I can't believe you of all people are being as irresponsible as--- *pause* Because while I may be a more powerful Alpha than some of the pups running about, that means I need to have better self control. That's something I pride myself in. I also pride myself in not taking advantage of people when they do something stupid like this, now can you try to pull yourself together so I can--- *pause* I'm sorry, come again? You......you did this on purpose?For me? *wipes hand over face* Are you kidding me right now? Just cause I found you first don't mean a damn thing...... *growls* Do you have any idea how hard this is for me right now? To hold back when an unbonded Omega is just on the cusp of going into heat? Do you know how fuckin' crazy you're makin' me right now? You ain't in your right mind, I'm not going to take advantage of you...... Just cause you ain't in the full heat doesn't mean you ain't thinkin' with just your libido. If you had asked me, what, a week ago? If you had actually talked to me instead of pullin' this stunt, maybe we could have found a way to have done this safely! *pause* *almost yelling* Of course I would have said yes! I would have said yes even if you weren't an Omega!! *panting* Is it so hard to believe that an Alpha would want someone for more than just the fact that they're an Omega? *pause* *inhales deeply and shudders* You're gettin' awful close.....I need to get you to a safe place where you can ride this out. There are precautions for this sort of thing..... Yeah, what do you take Overwatch for, some sort of primitive village who just lets Alphas claim Omegas all willy nilly? They have safe rooms and shit for this. Now come on, while you still got the ability to think at least semi clearly and walk, we can get you to one of the Heat Rooms..... Now come on, hold onto me if you need to..... Then I'll just breathe through my mouth, I can deal with it......*sighs* Like I said.....I'm not one of those asshole Alphas who breed first and ask questions later... *groans* wrong choice of words, Jesus Christ, c'mon, before it gets any worse...... Quickly......c'mon.....we don't got a lot of time...... *growls* Back off.....I'm takin' them to a safe room. Because I'm not some jack weed thinkin with just his knot, like I assume you are. I would get outta the way boy, before this gets ugly......I'm not about to let some fuckin' Pup with an ego take what doesn't belong to him. *very calmly, but with a growl* So I suggest, before you do something that you regret, that you get. Out. Of. My. Way......or I will personally introduce my teeth to your jugular, and not in the fun way....... *growls * That's what I thought...... *soft panting* You alrigh--Jesus H. Christ....... *swallows roughly* You're uh......*clears throat* leakin'....... *purposeful breath in through mouth* C'mon.....it's not that much further...... *Fade Out* *Fade In* This room's got everythin' you need in it. A good sized bed with fairly water and liquid resistant sheets and plenty of blankets so you can nest if you need it.....a shower you can use in between bouts of the heat, and different sized clothes if you need it..... uh, a pantry with easy to consume food that's high in protein and carbs so you don't get too weak....and uh--*clears throat* toys.....if you're an Omega who needs 'em.....or if you find it helps at all..... *pause* I've helped an Omega or two get through a heat in my time..... You're right......I'm not bonded...... Look just cause I'm not don't mean that I don't have the self control to help..... *sighs angrily* You're different, that's why. Did you forget the whole thing about me bein' with you even if you weren't an Omega thing that I said earlier, or has the heat already gotten to your brain that much?? *growls softly* I'm sorry....I just.....You really have no idea how good you smell right now do ya? How long has it been really? Since you've had a natural heat? *pause* *whistles* Goddamn.....this one'll.....it'll be a doozy alright...... You'll be alright.....this door is made so that not even Roadhog could get through it.....You'll be safe until this whole thing blows over...... *pause* *sighs roughly* I.....you've been......you really want me, don't you? It's......I thought that just the heat had gone to your head......that you wanted me just cause I was the first Omega that found you..... I know you said differently.....but.....*sighs* some Omegas will say anything to get what they want during a heat. It's not malicious at all either it just......their instincts are screaming at them to....to breed and there's a virile Alpha near you and......*sighs* It get complicated..... I don't ever wanna fuck someone without enthusiastic consent and.....well.....you had the opportunity to hang off me or beg or try to entice me more this entire time and you're just......still saying you did this for me..... *swallows* You're still mostly in your right mind.....aren't ya? *breathes intentionally* You have......no idea how that....Christ, how that makes me feel...... I know you've already said but this.....I'm givin' you one last chance to change your mind.....cause once this door closes, we're in here for at least a couple of days.....maybe even a week.....so.....that's somethin' to think about...... *a little shaky* And uh---if you agree then.....well then.....there's nothin' stoppin' my self control...... So......do you want me to spend your heat with you? *shaky breath* Alright.......let me just----let me just lock this up and send a message to higher ups real quick. They're gonna have to reconfigure a bunch of things but I couldn't really give a rats ass right now...... I'm tryin’ , now will you please gimme a sec before I lose my damn mind? *breathes* Goddamn, I can smell it on you.....you're goin' into full heat now, ain't ya......*under breath* s-shit..... *pause* There.....all done and notified.....so I'm all--- *breathy* F-fuck.......Jesus Christ Darlin'.......you can't just..... *breathes in intentionally* You're so fuckin' wet.....I can.....I can practically taste your slick from here..... *chuckles* Like that idea, don't ya? We'll have plenty of time for that.......right now, you need to get outta those clothes before I rip 'em off ya later..... Well......when a fertile Omega goes into a powerful heat around an Unbonded Alpha, it might trigger a sympathy Rut.....I ain't sure if that's what's gonna happen, but just to be sure..... Y-yeah.....it's gonna come onto ya real fast and you're just gonna wanna fuck, so.....it's best if we get down to business sooner rather than later...... *chuckles* sorry....were you expecting romance or seduction? Forgive me..... *lowly, but with authority* Strip.....I want you bare as I fuck you... That's more like it.... *shuffling and rustling of clothes* Now.....this is a very important question......I know you were on heat suppressants and *breathes* Scent suppressants.....but are you on any contraceptives of any kind, or did you stop those too? *swallows roughly* Alright.....what kind? I'm just figurin' out whether or not I need a condom, Baby,.... *hushes* I know, I know you don't like the sound of that, but that's the heat talkin'.....we gotta be as safe as possible ok.....so tell me, what kinda contraceptives are you on..... *swallows roughly* R-right.....right....good....yeah.....so.....probably no condom needed.....as long as you are tellin' me the truth.....? *pause* *with authority* Tell me the truth, Omega..... *Breathes* Alright..... I'm comin...... You'll find that right now, you're a little more susceptible to commands from me.....It's a sort of brain trigger for Omegas during heat.......follow orders and you'll get what you want.....I'll try not to use it.....I just.....I wanted to be sure.....I'm sorry for using it and not askin.... *kiss* Hey....just because this is probably gonna turn into a hormone and pheremone induced fuck fest don't mean that I can't be gentle to you for the time bein'.......sides.....I ain't exactly doin' this for the most pure reasons.... *breathes in* Jesus Christ you smell like sex and Heaven.....I didn't even know that was fuckin' possible..... And look at you down here......already soakin'.....clenchin on nothing.....your hole beggin' for somethin' in it....... *kiss* Allow me to oblige..... *chuckles* You smell so fuckin' good, Baby.....I figure....I'll sample diretly from the source...... *wet licking and sucking* T-that's it......goddamn you're so fucking hot and wet down here....... *licking and sucking* Yeah, Darlin.......just revel in the pleasure.......take what you need......don't hold back.......let yourself go.....it'll feel much better if you do.... *harsh licking and sucking* Jesus.....I can already stick two or three fingers in here no problem yeah? You're that needy already, ain't ya? *almost to himself* Yeah.....you'll spread around my knot real good....... Ride my fingers.....just for a bit.....that's it.....get used to the feeling of somethin' inside you.....*chuckles* You're gonna need the stretchin'...... As much natural lubricant.....*swallows roughly* that you have down here.....I'm not about to hurt you...... *wet thrusts* That's it.....that's it.....a little more..... *moans softly* Alright.....alright....enough with the beggin'....I get it I get it...... Here......move on your hands and knees..... I know--*soft kiss* I know you probably want to see me, but we'll get to that later.....you're about to lose your mind and well......this position lends better for.....*swallows* *lowly* for breeding..... Yeah.......yeah...... Breathe, Baby.....breathe for a second......Just.....*shudders* Breathe..... *shuddering breath* Y-yeah......th-that's it.....Jesus Christ.....you're like a furnace down here..... Don't--*swallows*--don't you worry.....I'm gonna give you exactly what you need..... *gasp* F-Fuck! Y-you can't.....you can't just.....all the way like.....f-fuuuuuck~ *breathes deeply* You feel so fuckin' good Baby.....I....I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hold back.....you're.....you smell so fuckin' sweet--*breathes intentionally* You're drivin' me wild..... I know....I know.....I---I just.....I wont take it easy.....I just don't wanna break you...... *growls softly* You.....you're gonna regret saying that later..... *whines softly* D-don't.....don't start with the titles now....or.....or it's not gonna stop....... *growls, slightly louder* You want me to fuck you.....want me to claim you? Like an Alpha should? Is that what you want? I can fucking give it to you...... *wet, hard thrust* Yeah, like that? *panting and moaning* You like that? Is that what you needed? You need an Alpha cock inside you? Soothing the burn of your heat? *panting and moaning* More? You need more? *pants* Alright.....but remember...... *lowly* You asked for it..... *rough panting and moaning* That's it.....that's it! *Through moans, pants, and growls* F-Fuck yes! I'm gonna knot you.....I'm gonna stretch your wet, slutty little hole and I'm gonna fuckin' breed it....that's what you want isn't it? I can tell by the squirmin' of your hips, and by how much fuckin' slick is running out of you and down your thighs that that's all you want.....you want my Alpha knot inside you, filling you up, stretching you and spewin' my seed all inside you..... If I fuckin' keep you here.....wet and wanting......have you always like this.....wet....open....begging for my knot and beggin' for my seed.....you'd like that wouldn't you? You're so desperate for me to lock in you and paint your whole insides with my come....... *lowly* I wonder if it would take.....I wonder if you'd get pregnant with my pups. I bet you would......such a wet, fertile little slut hole you got here......squeezin' and twitchin and so fucking wet....so fucking desperate for my come..... I'd smell it on you too.....I'd know.....and I'd fuck you more all the same, just to be sure, stretch you and fill you to the fuckin brim......watch your belly swell with my pups..... *chuckles* You can feel it can't you.....that it's----that it's starting to grow.....that you're getting so close to what you fucking want.....you can feel my knot catching on your hole.....it's big isn't it? It's gonna fill you so fucking much...... It ain't even that full yet......imagine when it is......imagine how it's gonna lock into you......imagine how fuckin' good it'll feel....when I finally scratch that itch that you've neglected for so long..... *growls* I'm gonna break you.....no other Alpha will be as satisfying.....you'll always find yourself wanting.....needing it.....needing my cock and my knot to send you to heights you never thought possible? This is what you wanted....this is what you asked for......is it as good as you imagined? Do you realize know what you've gotten yourself into? Do you fuckin' love it anyway? Love how it feels? Love how wanton and free and natural this all feels? You, an Omega, being fucked and bred in your heat by an Alpha? *chuckles* Who am I? What am I? Am I the Alpha that's breeding your wanton little hole? You feel so good, you feel so fucking good....you're doing such a fucking good job, my little Omega..... Oh....yes.... you like that idea don't you? The idea of you being mine? The idea that you belong to me and vice versa? I can feel your hole fluttering......feel it clench around me with how much you love that idea....... So good......such a good fucking Omega...... *panting and moaning* Y-yes.....yes.....feel that stretch.....almost there......almost there......you can't even wait.....you're such a good little Omega slut, you just want it all, don't you? *lowly* Then allow me to give it to you..... *grunting and growling with thrusts* Yes.....there......there you are......there it is.....such a good little Omega......good.....watching you come on my knot......watching you write and your eyes roll back as soon as it popped into your tight little hole.....I can feel you.....feel you clenching like you need more..... *chuckles* Well I'll give you more......I'll give me good little Omega more.....as much as you can fuckin' handle.....*lowly* and maybe even then some..... *grunts as he thrusts* You feel that, Baby? You feel how fucking hard and full you've made me? Such a good little hole you have......S-so fucking tight and wet......can only make these abortive little thrusts.....unless....you want me to spread you more? Make you feel just how much of me is inside you? *chuckles* Yeah, you'd like that, good little Omega? Feel how full your Alpha makes you? Tell me......beg me.....I want to know how much you want it......how crazy it's driving you......how good it makes you feel...... *pause* *chuckles* Good......good......here's your reward! *panting and moans* You feel that? You feel that Omega? How I spread your hole with my knot before thrusting it back in, stretching you your widest, then thrusting my cock and rubbing against the spot that drives you crazy? *lowly* I wonder how long I can do this until my knot fully inflates..... *chuckles* That's right......not yet......once it is.....I'll lock fully inside you.....and give you all the seed your wanton, needy little hole needs...... *panting and moaning* Yes.....yes.....that's it.....that's it.....close.....so close.....Come Omega.....I want you to come.....I want you to come on my knot as I flood you with my seed.....I want to see your belly swell with how much I'm going to pump into you...... That's it.....yes....come.....come......*growls* Come! *large growl* *panting* *panting softens* Here.....stay like this.....don't pull too much....there we go.....good....good. Let's lay down, like this......it uh......it'll be going for a while..... *pause, breathing* Y-yeah.....I find that breeding talk even with a contraceptive or a condom or somethin' kinda makes the heat go through faster? It sort of tricks the brain into releasin' some of the chemicals that Omegas are lookin' for when they're in heat.....the ones that say that they're all bred and full..... And well.....kind tricks my brain too......*deep inhale* You still smell like heat.....an Omega that needs to be bred full of my pups but.....well....you smell like me now.....which I'm sure is makin' us both feel pretty content now, yeah? The mixin' of our pheromones? *pause* *hushes* Hey now, Darlin’.....relax for a minute.....this is only just the first bout of your heat......this one usually ain't even the strongest.....so take a second.....sides.....I uh--*clears throat*--I'm still kinda tied to you here..... You did such a good job......*breathes* You felt amazing......I can only imagine how it goes from here.....you.......*breathes* You're amazing...... *pause* We're gonna be in here for a while, just like I said, and we're gonna have plenty of chances to talk in between the heat cycles.....so no need to worry.....*kiss* Let's take a little nap.....and well.....we can talk about bonding later......*kiss* I promise.....
Sometimes Julian just needs the pain. It helps him get out of his head, helps him feel better.....helps him feel at his best. He needs someone to take control, a Master to wreck him.....and from now on.....you're the one to do it for him. Contains: Dom/Sub, Masochism, Pain Kink, Hair Pulling, Choking, Breathplay, Spanking, Edging, Begging, Crying, Praise Kink, Titles (Master), Gender Neutral Listener (no gendered words used). So, a Julian audio! This was a lovely commission, and they also wanted Julian to have a different accent than the Russian I usually do, it's sort of a mixture of American and soft British, so I hope you all enjoy that. And like, we all know that Julian is a masochist, I mean, it's canon in the game, so, here we are lol. I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Julian: *panting softly* I-I......p-please......please....f-fuck me..... *slap!* Ah!!! I.....I---I mean......please Master.....P-please fuck your b-boy..... *slap!* *moans through closed mouth* *slap!* *Gasps sharply and moans/groans loudly* Y-Yes.....d-do not---*swallows* I will not hold back my moans. Please.....please Master......*weakly* Please….. *chokes lightly* Y-Yes......*wheeze* Yes.....w-when y-you push in....I will *swallows* I will get my air back..... *tighter* T-Thank you....thank you..... *tight slightly choked panting* Ah.........Haaaaaaaaa~ *through moans* Ohhhhh~ Y-yessss...... *recovery breaths* *gasps* Ow! Ow! Y-Yes! P-please.....p-pull it more.....pull my hair m-more! M-Master! *pause* *hissing intake of breath* Y-yessssss! Master.....yes.....I will *chokes lightly* I will do all the work..... I will.....I will push back.....onto you..... *slightly choked panting and moaning* *slap!* Ah-AH! Th-thank y-you..... *panting through gritted teeth* *gasps, through harsher choking* N-no Master! I-I'm merely.....y-you're so big I-I.....So good.....p-please....please d-don't pull out! I'll be good....I swear! *slap!* *moans* Y-yes.....yes.....I will count them..... *through choked moaning and panting* *slap!* O-One *slap!* Ah-ah! T-two..... *slap!* *slap!* Haaaaa~ T-three.....a-and.....f-four.... *slap!* F-F-ive! *tightly* Y-yes.....F-faster....Yes Master! *harsher moaning, and slightly harsher choking* *slap!* S.....Six! *slap!* *slap!* *slap!* *Choking, almost sobbing* A-Ah!!! S-s-s-seven.....Eight.....N-Nine!!! *panting and moaning* Y-Yes.....yes.....yes I'm waiting for it Master.....please.....please give it to me.....p-please allow me to be a good boy. Please.....please p-pull on my hair t-too.....I need it.....I need the pain.....I'll be good....I'll be so good.....please *harsher choking* *barely there moaning* *extermely tight* Y-Yes.....I......Breath......gone.....c-close....p-please.....a-allow me t-to.....c-come....Please......l-let me come...f-for....you...... It....it's yours.......to g-give.....I-I s-simply b-beg.....Master.... *gasping, full pants* O-Oh.....oh.....M-Master.....Master P-please!!! *harsh thrusting* *slap!* *harsh gasp then complete choke* *barely a noise* T-Ten! *tiny, wheezing pants* *pause* *Sharp gasp* AHHHH~ hhhAHHAAA!~ *Sobbing pants and moans* *slap!* Ah-ah! T-thank you! Thank y-you Master.......*sobbing moans* *shaky panting and moaning* *panting slows* *moans weakly* Y-yes......*swallows* Y-yes Master....I'm......I'm alright.... *breathing* I'm.....I'm here.....I'm with you.......I'm alright..... *chuckles* Better than alright really..... That was *exhales purposefully* That was incredible....... Wow....yes....that was.....*chuckles* That was perfect....... *Kiss* You don't have to worry, Love, you did everything right. It wasn't too rough, I promise...... *lowly* Seriously......I can't thank you enough for doing that.....for being willing to do that....that will....*swallows and chuckles* That will be staying with me on lonely nights for a long.....long time.... *kiss* I.....I don't really need that all the time necessarily....there's just......like I said before there's just this craving I have.....to be hurt...... And like we discussed earlier......hurt and injure are two totally different things. You did hurt me.....which I wanted.....but you didn't injure me..... *kiss* It was perfect...... *Kiss* Thank you so much, darling. *pause* I love you......
He just wants to stop thinking for a while...... Contains: Dom/Sub, Subspace, Cock Warming, Oral Sex, Bareback Anal Sex, Begging, Hair Pulling, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Servitude Kink, Size Kink, Daddy Kink, Eating Out/Felching, Safewords (Stoplight System), Masculine Listener (Use of the title, 'Sir', 'Daddy'. Listener stated to have a penis), Doggystyle, Holding Down, Probably Butchered Russian I wanted this to be a more gentle taking control of Bucky and it kind of started out that way, but then it ended, well, my brain went, "but what if Bucky was desperate for dick" and well, this happened lol. I also had fun doing a masculine listener! As much as I like doing Gender Neutral audios, sometimes it's easier/faster when you don't have to avoid gendered language and can be more direct with what's going on. Hope you all enjoy sub Bucky! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky: Y-you're home...... *pause* I....well....I was just.......I was waiting.....for you......because..... Can we? *pause* Please I......I......I just don't want to have to think anymore....please........ *long pause* Y-Yes.....Yes...Sir...... I'll....strip....... *shuffling* Please......please look at me....... Y-yes........I'm hard because.....*swallows* because I'm thinking about all the things you can do to me.....and all the things we've done before, Sir........how you've fucked me so well.......how good it felt.....to be used by you.....to be your good pet....to be your good Boy....... *soft panting* *whimpers* So eager...... *pause* Crawl.....yes, Sir...... *shuffling* Like this? *pause* Slower.....yes Sir..... *sighs softly* M-may I....may I tell you something, Sir? *pause* Whenever......whenever I'm here....at your feet.....I feel this.....wave of calmness fall over me.......like I don't have to worry about anything. Like....this is where I belong.....I know......I know when I'm here.....like this....with you.....you're going to take care of me.....and I'm going to serve you.....and everything is going to be alright...... *moans softly* Yes.... Boy....... I'm ready....... Green is good, yellow is slow down and talk, and red is stop.......three taps....on the skin....if I can't talk..... Yes.....Yes, Sir....... *hums* M-Make your cock hard by.....w-warming it? *swallows* y-yes, Sir..... *shuffling* M-may I lick....and suck....just a little? *pause* N-not to start......a-alright....Yes, sir..... *soft moans* *soft swallowing* *licking and sucking* *moaning and panting* *gasps as he pulls away* F-forgive me, Sir....I'll.....I'll try to do better.....please.....let me service your cock....with my mouth...... No hands......yes Sir....... *moaning, kissing, licking and sucking* S-so....so good, Sir.....love your cock....... *soft panting* Deepthroat? *swallows* Yes, Sir.....let me try....please.....let me try..... *soft moan* *soft choking noise* *wet sniffing moans* *three taps* *gasps as he's pulled away* I'm alright....it's alright.......just.....sat wrong in my mouth for a second.....need to breathe...... *swallows several times* *deliberate breathing* *pause* Ok.......Green....*softly* I promise....... *pause* I'm sorry....Sir....I'll do better....I promise....please let me...... Y-Yes.....please....anything....anything Sir.....please fuck me......use me....... *pause* I.....I already......you don't have to worry about it Sir......I....I prepped myself.... *hisses a gasp* N-no! I--it wasn't....I wasn't trying to do your job, Sir.....I just.....I wanted----as your Boy....I should be ready--*swallows*--prepared for you to take me at your leisure..... I wanted to be ready and open for you.......*whines softly* I wanted to be good..... *shudder moans* Your Good Boy....... *pause* Y-Yes..... *spank* I-I mean.....Yes Sir.....on the bed.....hands and knees....... *shuffling* Y-Yes.....I'll......present m-myself..... *huffing soft moans* L-Like this, Sir? *moans* Y-yes, yes....please.....please use me....please...... *panting* OH~! Haaaaaaaa~ *harsher panting* A-All the way....inside.....already.......Oh-fuck....S-sir......You're......so th-thick.....inside me......f-fuck....stretching me open.......it....it doesn't matter how much I prepare myself......you always fill me so fucking full......so good....thank you.....thank you....... *moans* Y-Yes! Green! Please.....Sir....fuck me! Use my slutty hole for your pleasure...... N-no, Sir....n-no touching......I won't touch....what isn't mine...... *moaning and panting* Use me.....Y-yes! Please......thank you.....oh fuck....so good...... *through pants and moans* Y-Yes.....yes...I'm yours....I'm your boy.....I'm your good boy....I'll be good....... Shit--oh shit! Y-yes......f-fuck......ahh!! I-I'm sorry....I'll....I'll bend back more.....f-fuck....pull--*swallows* pull on my hair more, please.......put me just.....how you want me.....please Sir....I want....I want you to feel as good---as good as I feel when you fuck me..... *panting* It....it feels so good......I've never.....I've never had a cock this good.....You......you cock presses against all the right places.....fills me up and stretches me.....just on the side of too much but it's so good.....you never hurt me but isn't enough to remember the next day.....it.....God--fuck....it makes me hard all over again to have the sting in my ass, thinking about how good you fucked me the day before.......and makes me....makes me want to serve you again..... *moans sharply* Y-Yes....yes I guess......I suppose it's a little selfish....b-but....but I can't help it when you treat me so nice......use me just how I ask....just how you want.....it's perfect, Sir.....it's so fucking perfect.... *through pants and moans* Ah--Ah! Please! Oh God, Oh please....Sir.....please......please let me come....please.....come....inside....Ah~ *panting* I.....I don't know.....yes....both....I.....I want to come....and.....and I want you to come inside me......want you....want you to mark me.....please.....please.... I....I.....oh.......oh f-fuck....... Y-Yes......Yes Sir..... *hisses and moans* I---I mean.......*whines softly* Y-yes....Daddy...... *spank* AH! I-I.....*louder* Y-Yes....Daddy...... *softly* Still Green....... *pause* *gasps* AH! Y--es! That's it....thank you.....thank you--f-fuck! Your cock.....so good....f-fuck...... Harder! Please.....harder....D-daddy..... *keens a moan* OH! P-Push me---push me down and make me take it....p-please......*keens* Daddy please? *thump* *through muffled moans and pants* Oh~~! Haaaaa! Y-Yes! Oh-OH FUCK! Ahhh....Daddy......It's.....so good.....I....I feel so fucking good.....I can't.....I can't focus on anything more than your cock pounding into me.....it feels so good.....thank you---oh fuck---thank you~ *panting and moaning* *gasps* Ah~! There! There~! Please---more.....Oh God~ Gonna come....please.....Daddy please.....let me come......пожалуйста! (pozhaluysta) {Please!!} пожалуйста--Daddy--Я буду хорошим. клянусь! (pozhaluysta--Daddy-- YA budu khoroshim. Klyanus'!) {Please--Daddy--I'll be good. I swear!} *through pants and moans* Y-Yes....I--*swallows*--I think I can---I think I can come like this.....please....harder.....please....just like that....just there....and I'll come without a hand on me.......I'll come just like a good little boy--клянусь! (Klyanus'!) {I promise!} *panting and moaning* Oh! Y-yes! There...more....please....almost.....oh God! Please....come inside....so close.....Y-yes! Oh! Daddy....Daddy, Daddy, Daddy..... Yes--yes---yes! Daddy! *gasps* AH~!! OH! *shaking* Y-esss....oh! Thank you~! Daddddyyyy~ Oh thank you.....for filling me up.....ohhhh~ *harsh panting* *panting subsides* *moans softly* Don't.....wanna move...... *groans* but new sheets if you don't make me move..... Mmmmmm...... *pause* It's uh.....it's leaking out...... Hm? *gasps* Oh! F-fuck.....Христос! (Khristos!) {Christ!} S-still....r-really sensitive....f-fuck.......oh-oh~ *chuckles softly* Y-You can't just.....just eat a guy out after you fuck the hell outta himMMmmm~! *panting softly* t-that's.....not fair...... *shifting* Well....at least we don't have to worry about cleaning the sheets up....well.....as much....... I think I just laid down in the wet spot..... *pause* Ok no.....if we're gonna place blame..... were the one who wanted me to come untouched, so that's on you, Pal....... *hums* C'mere? I want you to lay on top of me......with your whole weight. *hums* *a little muffled* Perfect........ Thank you........for everything...... *shuffling* Hm? Well.....yeah I guess, but I mean.....my mouth was on your cock and you just ate me out so I figure it's pretty much even....... *kiss* Yeah......it was perfect......*yawns* Can we talk about it later?.....sleep time now..... Nope.....don't want you to move.....stay on top of me...... *pause* You won't crush me, I promise....... *deep breath, then hums a sigh* Sleepy time now......Daddy....... *chuckles into a kiss*
Connor comes over for a Halloween themed movie night, and as much as he's interested in the movie, he's interested in you as well. Contains: Movie Watching, Vampire Fantasy, Deviant! Connor, Confessions, Feelings, Kissing, Neck Biting Kink, Gender Neutral Handjob (no gendered language), Dirty Talk, Teasing Teasing Connor is always fun to portray, and I wanted to do a little more of it in this audio, but then feelings got in the way, and honestly, I'm not that mad about it either lol. And yes, I intentionally picked Interview With a Vampire because I love that movie and Louis and Lestat are together and a certain Author can go rot lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this sweet, almost teenage—like 'fondling each other in the middle of a movie' plot I've got goin' on here. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: Hello! Are you ready for the movie night? Oh, this? I thought it would be…..nicer….if I wasn’t in my….work uniform? Less clinical…..besides…..even though I don’t feel the cooling weather that much, the sweater is a nice texture…..and the…..the sales associate said it complimented my eyes….. *pause* I….I wasn't sure if you had any, but I brought some popcorn, since I know it's a common treat humans like to eat while watching movies. I only thought it polite, since you're doing the hosting. Thank you. *pause* I do have some knowledge as to the horror film genre and monsters in general, but I did my best not to do too much research beforehand, since I wanted the experience to be a surprise. *pause* No....I've never really had anyone who wanted to watch movies with me, so I haven't really had much experience with it. It's alright, it's not your fault. I believe I'm.....excited to be able to share this experience with you. Is it too much to ask what movies you have planned? 'Interview With a Vampire?' The 1994 film based on the 1976 book by author Ann Rice, staring characters based in her 'The Vampire Chronicles' series, a series over 60 years old, and a film 44 years old. *pause* Ah--no, I've never seen it before....I apologize.....it's still difficult sometimes to stop my processes......sometimes it's instantaneous......but.....I didn't see anything else.....so it will still be a surprise..... Ah, yes....the popcorn.....ah....here..... *pause* Yes, I'll sit down.....get comfortable..... *fade out* *fade in* So he chose of his own free will to become Lestat's companion......interesting...... *pause* I wonder.....if what Louis feels here....is what humans would feel like.....if they somehow gained the abilities that I have......that Androids have...... Like experiencing the world you thought you knew from a whole new perspective. I imagine it's how some humans feel when they see with glasses for the first time. A world so familiar and yet so not at the same time..... *chuckles softy* I apologize......I must be the only being who would wax philosophical while watching a silly vampire movie...... *pause* I was just thinking..... Immortality....... *teasing* Most androids aren't.....quite immortal, as vampires are. While we don't get sick like humans do, we can still be injured, we can still become obsolete over time.....but we're more sturdy than humans.... It's almost as if Androids are caught in the middle between the natural and the supernatural...... *pause* *hums* It's.....interesting....however, isn't it? Some of the similarities between us.....vampires and Androids, I mean...... I don't need to eat really.....or to sleep.....or breathe........ *breathes softly* But I do perform several of those things almost unconsciously......just like vampires, to blend in with human society..... Even though I have a heartbeat.....I'm not human, not animal......not supernatural......like I said.....something in between..... *pause* Hm? What do you mean, 'better?' *pause* I'm....real......and.....tangible.....? Because I'm here......because I'm something---someone you can touch and feel and speak to......because I can do extraordinary things that humans can't and yet I'm sitting right here on the couch with you......I'm......better....than any fantasy? I.......I find myself.....my......I think I might be malfunctioning a little.....I.....I can't find anything to say.....that.....that is.....I believe that is the most kind thing that anyone has ever said to me...... *pause* Humans say I'm useful all the time.....but that's it.....I'm useful....like a machine.....like a tool........that's not what you said.....that's not what you meant..... *chuckles softly* You're unlike any human I've ever met.....and I'm.....glad......to have met you...... *pause* How did I know so much about vampires? Ah--well.....I think my processors did another.....subconscious search for information.....I apologize...... *chuckles softly* Well......I was right about one thing, wasn't I? That you fantasize about vampires?.....that you fantasize about the supernatural? You're flushing, and staring....almost adoringly at the screen.....especially whenever the character Armand is on the screen....... *pause* Do you think.....you could fantasize about.....someone else.....that way? Someone.....like a vampire......but not quite? *chuckles softly* Your harsh swallow says a lot..... I can feel your heart beating faster and faster too.....I can see it..... I may not have fangs......but....I think that you would find it just as pleasurable....if I were to scrape my teeth along your neck.....if I were to bite.....maybe even hard enough to draw blood? *chuckles louder* Whether it frightens you or....arouses you.....your heart doesn't lie......but....I'd like to know.....which one it is.....and if you'd like me to continue.... I don't believe I'm wrong in this aspect, that this is untoward, but if it is....please tell me......I don't want to do anything you don't want to do...... I'm being rather forward....because....I feel as though we've been waiting.....on the cusp of.....taking action....acting upon feelings....I suppose....I've been afraid that it won't happen.....so I've decided to take the initiative myself..... *pause* I wouldn't act upon such things if the feelings.....weren't mutual...... *soft kiss* *gasps into harsher kisses* *soft, intentional exhale* *chuckles* I believe I was right on the money when it comes to your proclivity for mouth to neck touches..... *hums softly* Watching the goosebumps rise like a wave across your skin......I know it’s nothing special to you…..but to me…..seeing such a response….so unintentional…..but so…..human....it’s incredible…..it’s…..intoxicating….. *soft kisses* May I.....touch you....? Mmmmhm.....right here? *pause* *whispers* thank you..... *shuffling* Oh my.......you're more excited than I thought you'd be......*teasing* you really enjoy this movie, don't you? *pause* I was only teasing you.......but....really? I'm the one who made you this way? Who made you this aroused? *breathes* Your skin is so soft here....... *chuckles* and wet....... *slow, wet touches* *kisses* *lowly* You also like the spot right behind your ear kissed as well, don't you? *pause* Watching the flush upon your cheeks slowly engulf your whole face....you can hardly believe this is happening, can't you? *soft kiss* It's real.....I promise it's real...... *pause* More? Faster? Tell me how.......tell me everything you like.....I want to know the best ways to make you feel good.....I want to make you come.... *pause* I say it because it's true......I mean.......also because I'm trying to dirty talk you a little.....is it working? *chuckles into a kiss* When I rub my fingers like this just.....so......*huffs a laugh* You jolt....this spot is sensitive, I take it?.....riiiiight here? I'm just teasing you again....but with touch......and it makes your face all the more red....all the more.....attractive..... *pause* If you didn't think I thought of you as attractive before.....I should hope you think so now.......you are very attractive..... Alright.....not too much teasing.....and faster.....I can do that......tell me if it's too much, alright...... *chuckles* I take by the trembling of your whole body, and by the moans and whines coming out of your mouth, that it's not....... *wet noises* *soft panting* I don't.....experience touch the way that you do.....but you.....touching my skin......holding my hand......the feel of your skin against my tongue and my mouth......it provides its own pleasure.......places where my sensors are at their most delicate....their most sensitive....... Besides.....giving you pleasure....fulfilling your fantasies.....making you happy.......for me.....that is pleasure enough..... So please....don't feel like you have to reciprocate in the way that you're thinking. You're doing the perfect amount as it is...... So please.....let me touch you more? *wet noises* You're panting so hard I can practically see the particles in the air, with how warm it's gotten..... *lowly* Do you think.....when a vampire bites a human it's pleasurable.....or is it painful?.....or is it an exquisite mixture of both, of pleasure and pain so blinding that it wipes out your entire consciousness....... I do think that the closest facsimile that I can provide…. is that I bite and kiss and suck on your neck....right at the moment of climax...... So....there's no need to hold back.....I promise....I'll do my best to give you the most exquisite pleasure that I can provide......I want you to fly....I want you to forget your worries....I want you to feel good...... *pause* *exhales a huff* You......you are incredible.....do you know that? Even now, in the throws of ecstasy......you still have the ability to say things that make it feel like my thirium pump is throbbing faster...... 'Better than any fantasy'......the things you say..... *kisses* *faster wet noises* *pulls away* Please come.....I'd love to hear you.....I'd love to be able to do that for you........ *lowly* Almost there....almost....I can feel it in your heartbeat.....please....come for me...... *whisper* Please...... *muffled moan* Mmmmm.....there it is........there you go.......the sharp feel of a bite.....mixed with the tingling rushing sensation of orgasm........ *pause* *chuckles softly* Have you come back? You seemed to be out of it for a moment there...... *pause* *laughs* I wonder who could have done that indeed...... *pause* Hm?......Why today? Why did I do this today? Well.....I found out that most humans.....when they invite one another over to watch a movie.....it can be a....front or an excuse to.....get together for something more......primal.....sexual.....and....I....I didn't want to get my hopes up, but.....--- Oh--no! I didn't do this just because I thought it was expected of me!......more like......I believe.....it gave me the confidence.....a vehicle with which to help express my....feelings.....the....urges I've had.....towards you......as I said I was…...tired of waiting I think…... I....enjoy your company....very very much.......and would like to.....continue.....and watch more movies....and......I also read that.....sometimes.....humans will.....snuggle together....under blankets while they watch movies and--kiss as well--and......I believe I would.....like that.....very much...... I would……Besides…...we still have to watch the rest of the movie…… *soft kiss* Yes…..I think that’s what this feeling is…...I’m happy……..I’m very happy…...
A sleepy pliant McCree, right under your fingertips, and he's such a good boy when he listens to you this way..... Contains: Sub! McCree, Mild Somnophilia, Praise Kink, Sensory Play, Begging, Edging, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Handjob, Anal Sex, Dom/Sub Elements, Use of the word Master, Nickname (Sweetheart) It's finally here! Sorry this took so long to actually get out to you all, but now it's done! I picked Sub McCree considering we hadn't really had one for him before, and I thought it would be fun to play around with him in that space and also touch on some of the kinks I either don't do a lot or haven't really done before. I hope you all enjoy Sub McCree! ~Audio Transcript Below~ McCree: *soft snoring* *pause* *soft moans* *shifting* *more soft moans* *groans softly* *groggily* I…..w-whu…...sweetheart? I….Were you….h-how long were you---? While I was asleep? I…..*groans* Y-yeah…..y-you did….I…..I could feel it….in my dreams…. *moans softly* Y-You…..you really like t-touchin’ me….when I’m asleep…..I…..w-why? *swallows* W-why do I think y-you like it? *moans softly* I-I know….I know you asked a question I just…..I get…..I get foggy brained….w-when you’re like this….when we’re……. *whimpers softly* Y-yeah….when I’m your---*swallows*--good boy…. *moans and whimpers* I…-oh-I th-think….right…..I think th-that…..that you like touchin’ me in….in my sleep….c-cause……*squirms on a moan* C-cause I’m….I’m more responsive? O-or somethin’ like that? *soft panting* I….I don’t really know….I….I ain’t ever b-been awake t-to…..to know what I’m like….. *pause* *moans softly* S-so…..so I was k-kinda right? *Whimpers* Y-you like it wh-when I…..when I’m asleep cause…..I’m all….pliant and responsive a-and…..and….. *moans* *tightly* Y-you don’t…..you don’t gotta…..always be s-so encouragin’....it’s……. *pause* *swallows* It’s…...it embarrassin’...... *pause* *gasps* T-that’s just it? I…..whattya mean? I----*moans* *pause* It…….oh God….it um…….*breathless* Oh…...y-yes….I-I do like it…..I j-just…… *pause* *softly* y-yeah…..I….I think I’m embarrassed by how much I….I like it…..and…..*hums a moan* *pause* Y-You….you wanna try somethin? W-what? What were you thinkin’? *longer pause* *moans softly* U-um…...yeah…I think….if….if you wanna…...I mean…...if you think that blindfoldin’ me would….would help and…… *moans softly* W-well….I think…..I think I’d like to try it? At least? *soft kiss* Y-Yeah…… *shifting* Uh….yeah...I’ll lift my head….. *shifitng* No….no it ain’t too tight….. *pause* Right….yeah…..breathe….I can--I can do that…… *deliberate breathing* I…..I think I’m alright…..the…….*swallows* The not seein’ part sometimes g-gets to me….but…..but you’re right there and…...and I can feel ya…...and…..t-that makes it better….. *gasps* Ah….ah…..y-yeah….t-that makes the touches….better…..a….a surprise…..and--*moans* I feel more…..at your mercy…… N-no….that’s not the right phrase….it’s…… *moans weakly* I feel more in your care…… P-please…..M-M…… *softly* M-master…… *keens a moan* Y-yes…..I…..I’m your g-good boy…… I….P-please….touch me…..touch me more…..t-touch me…..touch me like how y-you do when I’m asleep…..I...I wanna know if it’s…...as…..reverent as I think it is…...P-Please…...take care of me…..g-give me what I need….. Please….. *jolts slightly* ah! Y-your hands they’re…..*swallows* God they’re so warm I……*shudders*.....w-without my sight it’s like…..everything tingles…..it’s like my hearin’ and touch have been jacked up to a thousand….I don’t……*shudder moans* *soft pants and moans* Y-you……*sighs softly* S-So….good……. *whines a moan* My-my cock is so hard for you….Master….please…..I….I can feel it twitchin’....and….and even though I c-can’t see it…I--*moans* I can f-feel you lookin’ at it…..d-does it please you? Does….seein’ how hard y-you can make your boy’s cock…… I….I don’t know…..why I have my hands…. up around my chest and my legs...curled... I……*moans* I think I’m…..I don’t know. I feel…..safe…..but….exposed…like…..like you can see everything…..and I just…..*moans* I don’t know I…..*whimpers* I…...y-yes….Master….I’ll…..I’ll try to o-open up…..it…. *breathes out* I…..I know you’re here…..*soft kiss* T-thank you…...c-can--- *pause* *softly* C-can you keep your hand…..on my face…...just for a bit? *soft, open mouthed kiss* T-thank you Master…..I’ll….I’ll try to keep my arms and legs spread…… *shudders, a little dreamy* Y-Yeah…..cause…...cause I’m your good boy…… *shuddering breathing* *gasp* Ah-! S-such a….s-soft touch…… *pause* Y-yes….I….I felt how….how my cock t-twitched….. *gasp* A-Ah! D-Don’t b-blow on it! S-sorry! Sorry….yes...s-spread out….I’ll…..I’ll try…..I’ll try….. *shuddering breath* Ah-ah! O-oh…..s-so….g-good…...y-your hand….on-on m-my cock…… P-please….m-more…..please! *panting and moans* I….my-my hips? D-don’t? I--*swallows*--I’ll t-try not to move ‘em….I’ll--*moans-- try…… *panting and moans* Ah-ah! T-the…..the harsh--MHMmmm!--J-Jerking a-and th-then….the light t-touch is…..is….. *moans* M-Master! Y-yes…..your boy…..your good boy….. *panting and moaning* Ah-hAAh! Close….oh! S-so close, suddenly! I...I….oh! *moan of loss, then panting* I--*whines* Y-yes….Master I’ll….I’ll earn it……. *deliberate breathing* *hums a moan* Y-yeah…..I can….I can hold my l-legs up……. *softly, joking* I-I don’t know how much…..how much of a pretty sight it is down there I…… *m-moans* Oh….God….I…...your hands are s-still so fucking warm……. I…..*chuckles softly* Y-you’re givin’ me goosebumps……..running your hands up and down like that……. *small click* L-lube? Y-you…..where did you? *shudders softly* O-oh…… *soft moans and pants* Y-You can do more than one….I can…..oh f-fuck….I can take it….. *moans a whine* Y-yeah...g-good…………. P-please….*softly* m-my hole is…..is greedy…… *gasps and moans* Y-Yes! Pl-please! Like that! *moaning and panting* S-So…..hot….s-so….wet…...good…...yes…...haaaaaa~ *Through moans and pants* I…..can I…….*moans* P-please….Master…..I….I want to suck on your fingers…..pl-please….I need….s-something…..please……. *keens* T-thank you~ *moaning and panting through sucking noises* Mmmmh! *pulls away from fingers* Ah! A-another one? *swallows* I can….I can do it….p-please….please stretch me…… *goes back to sucking* *panting and moaning* *gasps* Close! A-again! Like-AH! There! I’ll….if you…….I’ll come if you--mmhHMMM~! If you k-kEEp! Haaaaa~ N-No! I--I---y-yes, I don’t~! I don’t know! *harsh keen* *panting* I--*swallows* J-jesus…...how do you always k-know……. *a little dreamily* Y-yeah…….you’re….my Master……. I can…..*swallows* I can do it…..m-more….a-again….I---- *gasps and moans* *through pants and moans* I….I...it feels….*keens* g-good…..to f-feel wet and st-stretched for you…...it feels…..r-right…...l-like…...like this is where I’m meant to be…..and how I should always be…..for y-you….. Ah-ah! It…..G-god…..it feels so fucking g-good…… P-please….I….Oh! More….more please…...I…..*grunts softly* I…..I’m b-bucking d-down on your fingers….because….because I need it! *gasps a whine* N-noooo~ *pause* I….I…..y-yes…..You’re the Master….I---- *pause* Masters give good boys what they n-need……. Y-yes! I’m….I’m yours…… *pause* T-then you’ll give me what I need….. *whimpers softly* A-are you leaving? I--I--? *soft kiss* Y-Yes…. P-please…..hurry b-back…...I…*swallows* I need you…… *Breathing deeply* *long pause* A-ah…..y-yes….I...I’ve calmed d-down….a-a little…… B-but…..p-please….. *shifts* Please f-fuck me Master….I….I don’t think I can take it anymore…...I…..your good boy needs you inside him…..*whimpers* P-please….. *gasps into a kiss* Y-yes….yes….please! I’m your good boy…..I’m your boy….please….please…..inside….. *shuddering gasp* Y-yes….yes! T-the stretch f-feels s-so….good! P-Please! Please don’t t-tease me anymore! I---I need it! Please! *moaning and panting* Y-Yes! Yes! Harder! P-Please! Please…….more….everything…..please! *harsher moaning and panting* Ah-ah-ah! C-close….again! P-please! Please let me come this time….*on the verge of tears* I’ll do anything….anything for you, please! I---I need it….Master I need it….please….! C-Come….un-untouched? I---I……*moans* Y-yes…..good boy….yours….I can….I can try…..I….p-please! *moans and pants crescendo* P-Please…..f-fuck it…..fuck it out of m-me….I….I need…..Please….please….please!! aH...AH--ha! Ah HAA! Y-YES! *Sobbing moaning and panting* *Panting slows* Y-Yeah…..yeah, sweetheart….I’m---*swallows, sniffs then exhales* I’m alright…..I just….*chuckles* I just need a sec…..kinda….kinda havin’ a bit of whiplash…...being woken up outta nowhere to….this……. *pause* Uh….uh yeah…..we can….you can take it off…..y-yeah….I’ll keep my eyes closed for a sec…. *shifting* *exhales* W-woah….yeah *sniffs then chuckles* S’brighter than I expected……. *chuckles* I’m alright…..just…that was….really really nice….just…..*chuckles* God, I feel like I need another nap again…… *pause* *hums* Well…..that don’t sound too bad….. Lay down with me…..again? *shifting, then hums a breath* Yeah…...yeah….I’m your good boy…….
Maybe Guzma’s been a bit mouthy, and maybe he’s been a bit demanding, and maybe….all you wanna do is see him cry, really take him to the edge and make him sit there for a while, focused on nothing other than the fact that you’re the one who’s controlling his orgasm this time. So maybe you strapped him down, left him to himself for a bit with nothing to think about but how hard he was and how you’re the only one who can help him, and maybe now, you’re gonna make sure he comes, but on your terms….not his. Not that he won’t enjoy the end result regardless. Contains: Edging, Vibrators, Handjob, Hands Free Orgasm, Blindfolds, Cock Rings, Bondage, Begging, Excessive uses of ‘Fuck’ and ‘ Please’, Petnames (Babe), Overstimulation Yes, yes, re-upload, tumblr is an asshole, it was fun being squeaky cry-y Guzma even though I think I lost his accent a bit while I was in the moment but hey maybe he was in the moment too please if you would be so kind as to like and reblog this again that would be awesome I love you lets do this again sometime lol ~Audio Transcript Below~ Guzma: *panting and moaning, sounds of squirming/soft vibration noises* *door opens* *gasps* *through pants and moans* F-Fuck! Fuckin’ finally! I’ve been *swallows* I’ve been fucking dyin’ in here for fuckin’ ever and– *gasps and vibrations get louder* *weakly* F-fuck-fuck-fuck!! *moans through closed mouth and pants through nose* *wavering whimper/moan* *Vibrations decrease* *lets out a breath* Y-Yeah….s-sorry….just…..got caught up in…..*moans* s-so hard…for so long….can’t even….can’t even hardly think straight anymore…… *gulps* Y-yeah….it is…….hate–hate this fucking cock–*vibrations increase*–riiIInngggGGG~ *pants and moans* shit—fuck~~ haaaaaaaa~ F-fuck……y-yeah……s-so close I—-I can’t *moans* Please I can’t anymore……please—-let me cum….it’s been so long…..got me tied up in here….all by my lonesome….with just my fucking cock and *swallows, then jumps at the vibrations increase* A-And that—in me. Geez *moan*….f-fuck…ya hand….it’s…..*swallows on a chuckle* C-Can’t even tell if it’s….if it’s cold or hot or what…..I can’t….it’s like…..*breathes* It’s like everythin’s centered down to one point of fuckin’ pleasure and I can’t even—-fuckin—- *chuckles* Y-yeah…..*moans* That’s what…..that’s what you do to me…… *slick sounds* *moans and panting* *panting* S-shit….never….never seen my cock this fucking hard before….I’m–*swallows* fuck–I’m leaking…all over the place….all over ya hand…it feels….it feels so fucking good.. Please don’t stop….please….I’ve been good…..done what you’ve asked….so let me come….c’mon. *little panting moans through bitten lips* *gasp and harsh sigh* Haaa~ C’mon….d-don’t tease like that….. *breathes* B-blindfold? Wh–*swallows* W-why the fuck do you wanna put a blindfold on me??? Y-You think it’s gonna make stuff feel better???? *moans* L-Like….surprising me and shit? Wh-where….where I won’t know what’s gonna happen next?? *pants* Y-You won’t do nothing bad…right? *swallows* Ok….ok yeah…. *fabric rustling* ‘s soft….*sniffs* Y-yeah….no….it ain’t too tight….promise…… Kay…… J-Just breathe??….Ok yeah….I can do that. Should I….should I close my eyes behind the blindfold or–? Yeah….. *breathes in and out deeply a handful of times* *soft vibrations slowly increases along with moans* H-haaa…..f-fuck….th–that…..f-fuck….feels so good…….*moans through closed mouth* I-I can’t…..shit……. *gasps* W-what’s….w-what’s that? ‘S—’s cold……. S’ok….. *breathes* S-So what *louder vibration kicks on* *Sharp gasp and moan/keen* OhhHHH—F-Fuck!! No—-f-fuck no please!!! *Vibrator runs along with increased moans and pants* *softly but intensely* fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck….close….close……please….close… *Viibrator kicks off* *whines and squirms* N-No! F-Fuck!! Please please~~~ *Pants harshly* F-Fuck you! Fuckin–calm down, fuckin– *gasp* N-No! Wait! Please…*whines* Please don’t go…I’m sorry…should’nt’ve…just so…..so close…..f-fuck….I’ve been so close for so long…..*swallows* Please….I’m sorry. *breathes* Y-yeah….I can….I can do it again. Promise…… F-faster vibration? I don’t know…..Wait! Yeah….*swallows* Please….I can do it….don’t go away again please….. Ok….. *breathes deeply in and out a handful of times* *breathes a little faster in anticipation* *Vibration kicks on faster* AHhhhh~! Oh F-Fuck…..Oh it’s so good….f-fuck! *panting and moaning, open mouthed* Oh shit—oh-oh-oh….. *sniffs* F-Fuck……*squirming* Please more….please…..just a little more….Please let me come this time….please–please—please! *higher pitched moans and pants* T-the cockring…please….please take it off—-please…..So hard….so much….pleaseee~ *Moaning and panting with vibrations* Close again….close…..please……close-close-close-close—-wanna cum—cum—cum—need it—-need to come—-so hard—-need it please! *moans crescendo* *Vibration kicks off* *Sobs out* NO~! F-fuck! *sobbing* P-please anything…I’ll do anything…please! F-fuck~ I’ll be good…I promise….I promise just please let me fucking cum. I’ll do anything you want just please. *panting* M-more? V-vibrations??? I–I *swallows* I–I don’t know….I just—I just wanna come…please….please make me cum…..please just…..do it….please…I need it….need it please….. *Breathes in and out deeply another handful of times* I’m *swallows*—I’m ready… *Strongest vibration kicks on* *Practically soundless scream* HAAAaaa~~!! F-fuck! T-too much—So good…..f-fuck! I don’t….I don’t know which….too much….too good at the same time….*sobs* C-Can’t think….I can’t….please…..I need it…..let me come…..please…..more….just a little more….I’m still….still so fucking close. It’s so much….I can’t…..I…..*whining moans* Please—-the cockring…..it hurts…..I’m so fucking hard it hurts *sobs*……please….please—- *Gasps sharply* Oh—Oh f-fuck…Oh shit!!! HMMMnnnnnnn~! Th-thank you—-sorry—-thank you thank you thank you please fuck ahhhhhhhhh~~ *panting* So close….oh F-fuck…..oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! *harsh crescendo panting and moans, getting higher and higher pitched* Oh oh oh—–*whine/sobs through closed mouth and bitten lips* *Sobbing orgasm* Oohhh—–Oh Fuck!! Yes! Yes! Please!! Thank you—-Oh fu-ckkk…ahhhnnngg—-f-fuck…. Oh…..s-sooo….so much *sniffing* S-So fucking…..stilllll—-ohhh *sob moaning* *panting and struggling* N-no….too much…..so much…. please…..*whining sobs* P-Please……haaaaaa~~~! *wet, sobbing pants* *harsh whimpering and struggling* *vibration clicks off* *huge sigh of relief* *panting* I…..F-Fuck….that was……I can’t even…….*shaky breath* T-Thank you…… *fabric rustles* *deep exhale* Y-yeah….*swallows* Y….yeah I’m alright…..I just…*sniffs* f-fuck…… Y-yeah…..you can untie me now……. That was…..*breathes out* That was intense…..geez…… *sniffs* Y-yeah….I’m sure I’m ok…..wouldn’t mind getting out of this chair though…… *chuckles weakly* And yeah….a shower or bath or somethin’…..kinda made me come everywhere babe……
An Android has been sent to you, and he wants to help you, with that? Contains: Android, Massage, Orgasm, Light Teasing, Gender Neutral Handjob (no pronouns or gendered language used), Light Servitude kink, Connor being Connor, Safe Sane Consensual (In this audio Connor genuinely wants to help the listener, although some may construe it as dubious consent considering he is an android and therefore doesn’t ‘actually’ have free will). I know people have suggested it and I’ve wanted to try it for a while, so I tried out Connor from Detroit! He’s a really interesting character to play with, and as I was writing this, it kind of got away from the direction I wanted to go, but I still think it turned out well! Voice-wise, there may be a little bit of changes here and there if you guys like my portrayal since I don’t think I’ve quite found his voice yet (happens with new characters lol), but again, I hope you enjoy regardless! And I’m terrible sorry I don’t know what the Gender Neutral term is for Genital Touching to Orgasm is because that just sounds terrible. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: Hello. My name is Connor, I’m the android sent from Cyber Life. How may I assist you? *pause* You seem troubled. Is there anything that I can do to help alleviate that? *pause* Have you never met an android before? *pause* I see. So you haven’t encountered an android with advanced features before. Well I assure you that Cyber Life has equipped me with technology that’s not only state of the art, but also incredibly user friendly. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to assist you. *pause* You’re very tense, I’m sorry if my presence agitates you. I can go if you’d like. *pause* My job is to assist in whatever means you wish. If a massage is what you want, I can do that. *pause* Forgive me. I have a hard time comprehending sarcasm sometimes, it’s something that I’ll commit to working on. Yes, I’ll do my best to assist you in any way you need. No, I haven’t, but I can quickly research how if you’d like. *pause* *with a smile* You seem to forget that I’m an android. As I’ve said, Cyber Life has equipped me with the capabilities to be able to carry out a task as requested. If I’m unaware of a task or have no practical experience, I can research and assimilate so that I may perform said task. In this case, a massage. *pause* I research up here. As I’ve said, I’m a top of the line android. *pause* *matter-of-factly* It’s not pride, it’s fact. If you would like me to prove it. Very well. Sit down, won’t you? Thank you. I’m going to move behind you, and put my hands on your shoulders now. I’m telling you since you still seem so tense, I don’t want to cause any more stress. I’m here to do the opposite. I’m going to start now, alright? The shoulders are probably where humans carry the most of their stress, and if I dig my thumbs here……*chuckles softly* Good? Of course. The back of the head as well. Do you mind if I put my hand in your hair? Thank you. Tilt your head slightly, into my hand? Yes, like that. Isn’t that nice? *pause* If you want, I can perform a full body massage, but we would need to move to a larger surface like a bed for me to perform it correctly, since I don’t believe that you have a massage table at the ready here. I suppose it was a joke. *pause* Only if you want. Excellent. Shall we move to the bedroom? *pause* Here, lie down on your stomach and I can start with your back. Most humans carry their stress in their backs as well, and most don’t realize this until the pressure or the tenseness is released. If I’m pressing too hard, let me know. *chuckles* Like I told you, I researched. The muscles beside the spine hold tension and that of course helps you stand, however they can hold too much and cause back pain. *blinks* Oh, *chuckles softly* and once massaged or pressed on, can also cause the joints in the spine to pop. Did that feel nice? I won’t stop as long as you don’t want me to. This right here, is another place that humans don’t often realize holds tension until it’s released. The latissimus dorsi--right under here--I know it’s probably strange--hold some of the strength in your shoulders, arms and upper back. Also affectionately known as ‘chicken wings’. Most people don’t get touched here often, much less massaged, so it can be a weird sensation. *pause* Feel better? Then I’ll continue. The legs as well. All this massage may cause you to get sleepy. I can only imagine how much better you feel. Androids don’t feel pain, so I as I said, I can only imagine. *pause* To a point…. Would you like to turn over so that I can massage your front now? *pause* Is there something wrong? *pause* Oh. Did my touching arouse you? *pause* *hushes* There’s no need to be embarrassed, it’s a natural reaction that many humans experience. You don’t need to worry about offending me. *pause* In fact, would you like me to take care of it for you? Orgasms can be conducive to relaxation and stress release, attributed to the release of oxytocin, prolactin and--- Oh. Yes. Of course. Forgive me. If you wanted me to speak of such things in a less clinical manner, you only needed to say. *lowly* Does it feel good, when I touch you? If it would make you more comfortable, you can close your eyes again. That’s it. Allow yourself to breathe, relax if you can, and listen. I’ll say it as many times as I need to. I’m here to help you, to do as you ask…… To serve you. Does that please you? The idea that a hyper technological marvel was sent to serve you? And I can serve in any way you wish, because it’s my sole wish, my sole purpose is to do whatever is needed of me. So let me serve you. You only need to say and I’ll give you whatever you want. You want me to touch you? *softly* Then you’re going to have to let me. There we go. Let it out, float and fall away, so that all you feel is the pleasure. You can even pretend it’s someone else if you’d like. I won’t be offended. *pause* No? You like my voice? Thank you. Your voice is nice too. The sounds you make. I know you’re still a little nervous maybe, but I would bet that you would sound even nicer when you let all your inhibitions go. But I understand, it can be a little different to get used to, with an android. What was that? Faster? Harder? *a little teasing* Please speak up. Oh I can hear you, I just think it would be nice to hear you say it more clearly. Not everyone has as good of hearing as I do. Thank you. *pause* You can hold my other hand if you’d like, if it’s a little too overwhelming for you. That’s it…….let everything else but my touch fall away from your consciousness. Nothing else matters right now but your pleasure, the release of the stress of the day, of anything else that’s on your mind. It’s not important now. What’s important right now, is you, and your release. You’re close? Then I’ll give you more, go as fast or as hard as you’d like until you orgasm…… *chuckles* How did I get so good at this? It’s simple. *whispers* I researched. A little more…..little more now, I can feel it. Let me help you…..let me help you let go….you can do it…….focus on it….on the pleasure, and let go. There….there we are….there we go…….how does that feel? Do you feel better? *pause* I’m sorry, I’ll ask you later when your faculties are a little bit more back to normal. *licking sounds* Oh. I’m sorry, it’s a habit. My tongue can also be used for analysis. I ‘taste’ things such as biological fluid or blood, and I can analyze blood type, DNA, and other things as well. It doesn’t taste bad. But maybe you should have less iron in your diet.
Julian sure does have a lot of fantasies....doesn't he? Contains: Masturbation, Voyeurism, Fantasies, Choking, Fingering, Mentions of Fisting, Edging, Dirty Talk, Pain Kink, Light Sado/Masochism, Probably Butchered Russian, Kissing, I just had an idea of Julian jerking off and being very vocal about what he wants, and when thinking about how to involve the listener, I was like, "Hey, accidental watching and then getting involved, right?" and so this audio was born lol. Sometimes it's that easy to find a plot and such, so I don't question it lol. So I hope that you enjoy Julian once again being a kinky masochistic boy lol. Also, as a disclaimer, choking oneself when masturbating, especially alone, is not suggested. It is a kink that can get dangerous quickly, even if you're just using your hand on yourself. If you'd like to engage in choking or air play, please do so with another person involved or in the room so that they can monitor your safety! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Julian: *soft panting* Oh.....Oh f-fuck....please....touch me......f-fuck.....All--*swallows* all day I've been thinking about your hands, and how much I want them on me....please.....play with my cock......so good.....on me...... *soft pants and moans* Gods......there is nothing I want more.....than for you to be here right now......f-fuck.....I want you t-to f-fuck me.....please......s-shit....I need it.......I need you so badly...... You.....you feel so good please....more.....please......your hands....they feel so fucking good....... *panting and moaning* *inbetween pants and moans* I wish you would choke me......would you even like that? T-to have my life and my breath in your hands? Gods, just thinking about it now......f-fuck....I'm so hard.....it f-feels so good.....I've been--*swallows*---I've been so close for so long it's.....f-fuck.....it's so good....always on the cusp of.....p-pleasure.....flooding my cock.....my body.....my mind....everything.....it's so good.......I need it....I need you, O-oh....f-fuck...... *soft choking noises* *panting and moans* *through choked moans and pants* Y-yes.....c-cut--cut of my air supply....it....it makes me head and my cock....t-throb....s-so hard.....it makes everything dizzy....like---f-fuck....like the only thing I can focus on is how much I need to come....h-how good this feels.....please....oh.....oh! Harder! C-hoke.....harder......close....close! Going t-to....want to......want to let go....when I'm on the edge......it'll....please---it'll make it that much better....... *harsher choking moans* *through choked moans* трахни меня пожалуйста!!! (trakhni menya pozhaluysta!!!) {Fuck me please!!}.....I need it.......g-gods.....more....more.....please.....almost.....almost there.....oh---oh f-fuck! *harsh choked panting* *sharp gasp* OH~! *sharp panting* nnnNNngGH~! *panting* f-fuck.....close....t-too close.....n-need a second....... *panting* Just....I need....m-more...... *moans* I.....Please.....f-fuck me....with your fingers....I want--*swallows*--I want everything you're willing to give me......I need it.....I want you to use me.....I want you to dominate me......to make me so filled with pleasure that I go fucking crazy...... дерьмо (der'mo){shit!}.......more.....please.....more..... It....it's ok......I....I don't need that much lubricant....I just......I need you....inside....f-fuck....I love.....oh--sh-shit.....ahhhhhh~ The....the stretch.....the burn......it sends this......almost like a current up and down my spine, oh it's so good...... So close so close.....need it....need it.....need it! Yes.....oH! YES! Oh! Ah~! *shaky* Oh---s-so good....f-fuck....almost.....I almost lost it there--again.....but.....oh.....it--*swallows*---it felt so good to ride on the edge........ S-so....still so......gods I'm trembling....my c-cock....th-throbbing s-so hard......t-that spot....that spot inside me....s-so.....*gasps* s-so good....so sensitive......c-can't t-touch it t-too much....I....I don't want to set myself off....but it feels so f-fucking g-good.....I can....I can only have these....these light touches t-to my c-cock.....gods....I can....f-fuck.....hardly think....its so good....*whispers fervently* It's so fucking good..... *panting and moaning* *harsher panting and moaning* *thump* *gasps* Y-you! I.....h-how long were y-you....you watching....I.....oh....oh f-fuck....I'm sorry....I....I..... *pause* W-what? C-continue....I.....you? *pause* *swallows* I....yes....I...I did say that.....I wanted....to be dominated....and.....by you...... *shudders* Y-Yes.....al--alright...... *chuckles* If....if you want a show....I'll.....I'll give you a show...... *grunts softly* *moaning and panting* I can't believe.....that you were watching......how long--*swallows*---how long did you watch me touch myself....tease myself.....edging on climax because it felt so good....and I wanted it to be you doing these things to me....I was so close.....so many times.....trembling....at the thought of you dominating me.....of you making me earn my orgasm.....of you choking me.....and---*swallows* so many more things.....I want you to fuck me with your fingers.....make me take it...... *moans* G-gods....w-what if.....*swallows*--what if you managed t-to....to shove your entire fist in me? O-oh~! Th-the stretch and burn....I can practically feel it.... Does it.....does it arouse you....to know that I want you so badly....that I would do anything for you? That you could tell me to kiss your boots.....and I would crawl--f-fuck---I would drop to my knees right now and do as you asked? Y-you....you have that much power over me....I need you.....oh--gods....I'm s-so....I'm so close...I....I can't believe you're here....I....OH~! Faster....more....yes....anything....anything you say.....! *panting and keening* Please~! Please I need to come.....please let me come....I'll be good....I'll do anything you say....I won't ever come again without your permission....I'll do it....I'll do anything......I'll sit on the edge forever more.....never allowed to come again until you say I can.....even if you never say that I can if you'll only let me come now....I need it....please! *almost sobbing* p-please~! *moaning harshly* Yes! YES! OH~! HaaaAHHHaaa! *gasp* Oh!--Gods--I---Yes! Touch me~! T-thank you! *gasps* Thank--you~! *harsh panting* *panting subsides* T-thank you..... *long pause* I'm.....I'm sorry that you....that you saw that.....I....I understand if you---- *gasps into kiss* *pulls back and swallows* I.....well......I suppose yes.....you did.....you did watch me after all.... I suppose we're both a little.....twisted....aren't we? *chuckles* So.....that was ok? Alright....... *soft kiss* I don't....I don't know where we go from here.....but....if you'd like.....I'd like to continue on.....together? *chuckles into kiss* .....Together..... *kisses*
Muriel seems to be plagued by something today, maybe you can help him feel better? Contains: Being Touch Starved, Being Taken Care Of, Praise Kink, Size-ish Kink, Overstimulation, Loss of Virginity (implied), Embarrassment, Massage, Hand Job, Oral Sex, Sub! Muriel, Confessions, Crying, Kissing Howdy howdy! So, this is out first public Muriel, and it was kind of split down the middle as to whether people wanted Top Muriel or Bottom Muriel, but I thought it would be fun to have bottom Muriel sine I haven't really done it before. This script kinda started out as wanting to have Muriel be a shy subby boy, and it turned out that way, but then feelings got thrown into the mix and at the end, so beware of that lol. Regardless, I had fun taking this big guy who is so clearly touch starved and loves the apprentice, and having him taken care of. Hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Muriel: *long pause* *grunts* *pause* Forgive me.....I've had a lot on my mind today.....I....apologize....I haven't been the best company..... Today....there....well....... I have been.....plagued......by....by many memories......many of them....bad.... *pause* Yes......the gladiator days...... No. F-forgive me I.......I'm simply......I'm not ready to talk about it......you.....you are not the only one who asks and....there can be times when......I.....overreact...... *pause* Perhaps its best if.....you returned home.....clearly I'm not in the right mind t-to....to have you here.....I don't want to....offend or......unintentionally harm you or.....say things I don't mean....because of my bad mood......we should try again some other---- *pause* Come....again? M-My......my hand? Y-you want to see my hand? Um.....well....I.....uh....suppose..... *shuffling* Is there....a......particular reason or.....? *gasps softly* That's.....you're......what are you? *pause* I-I can see that you're r-rubbing it.....b-but.....but why? *pause* Is it......is it supposed to----supposed to help me relax? I......I----*swallows* I don't know......n-no one.....no one has ever done anything like this.....to me....before....... I don’t...I don’t know how successful it will be…. *pause* J-just….just breathe…..I….I think I can…..d-do that…… *shaky breathing* I-I…..I’m trying……..I….I told y-you I….. *pause* A-Alright……. *shaky breathing* *shakier breathing and shuffling* *softly gasps* I…...It’s….nothing. I think….I think you should leave…… P-Please…...please let go of my hands…..I don’t want to accidentally hurt you b-by pulling away…… *pause* D-don’t! Please don’t….I’m…..I’m sorry it will never happen again….I swear it….. I--- What? Y-you….you want? No….no I…..this is-- *soft gasping moan* Y-You--I-- *soft moan* Y--yes *stuttering moan* P-Please.....please don't make me s-say it...... *sniffs softly* I.....a-a.....alright.......I......I am.....a--aroused by you....... by.....by your touch......please.....t-touch....me...... *pause* I beg you.......d-don't m-make a f-fool.....out of me...... I...I don't know if I could stand it....c-coming from you..... *pause* It's.....happened before...... *pause* T-touching me.......is a gift? I....I don't understand....y-you.... *moans softly* No one…..has ever spoken about me…..like this…..f-forgive me if I…..if it’s hard for me to believe…. S-so…..c-carefully…..t-to begin? *soft moaning and panting* It…..it’s good….v-very…..very good…….. N-no….it’s not too…..too hard…… *pause* H-how…..how I like it? I….well...I--I--um…... *clears throat* c-could y-you….a...a little tighter…..and……*swallows* Um…..well…..occasionally…..a-at the--the---the head….c-could y-you tw-twist your palm? *gasps and moans* *shakily* Y-yes…..just like…..just like that….. I…...y-yes…..yes I’ll….I’ll tell you if it’s too much….. *panting and moaning* *gasps* *Through pants and moans* I--I…..f-faster...I…..o-oh! It…..it…..it’s…..g-good….I….I can’t…...I must…….Oh! *harsh panting* It---I----it's....too much....to much! I'm.....I---P-please! S-stop! *panting* N-no...please....please don't ever.....don't ever apologize for......for that I---I was.....t-too much......it was me......something....it---it felt like.....it felt like I was about to.....crawl out of my skin.....but.....in......in a good way? I......I don't know......I'm......I'm sorry..... *soft panting* This is......far more intense than--than anything I have ever......*swallows*......experienced before.....I......forgive me......I--*almost starts to sob* There is.....so much everything......and I---I truly w-want it and......the idea that you want to share this......with me......I......I cannot tell you how long I've yearned f-for...... It's so much......I--I don't know what to d-do with......with everything that I'm f-feeling......I can hardly describe it......b-but......I......I think it's good..... N-NO! P-please......I don't want you to leave.....I don't want you to s-stop...... *weakly* Please don't leave me alone....... *pause* I......c-can you......k-kiss me? *stuttering* I-well---I--u-ummm--w-well.....I.....e-everywhere.....I-I s-suppo--suppose..... G-gently....... *soft kisses* I--y-your lips are s-so....soft......I.....*swallows* I'm s-sorry if mine aren't...... Oh-ohh....w-well....a-alright I..... *soft kisses* *soft panting and moans* W-what.....what are y-you s-saying....I.....I..... P-please.....please don't lie to me....I've---I'm n-no good.....y-you shouldn't--we--we shouldn't..... *moans softly* I......y-yes....a-alright....I'll....I'll listen I'm....I'm sorry....... *soft panting* H-How.....how c-can you say.....s-such things....w-with such a straight....f-face....I.....*swallows* I...... It's.....it's very h-hard for me t-to....to take praise.....forgive me.......b-but.....but I'll try? S-so.....softly? A.....again? *soft moans and panting* I.....w-what are y-you? *gasps softly* Y-You....I.....w-what? *moans* Oh-OH~! H-how.....y-you....o-ohh...your m-mouth is.....s-so-so.....so w-warm...a-and w-wet....I......ohhhh~ *panting and moaning* Y-your h-hands t-too....I....everywhere th-they t-touch is......I…… I didn’t know….I-I c-could feel this way...y-you…...everything a-about you….is…..is wonderful….is….heat….and--Oo-ohh! H-how…..how are y-you…...t-taking th-that m-much---oh! It’s…….a-ah! A-are you….are you s-swallowing? H-howwWWW! Haaaaaa~! *panting and moaning* Y-your mouth….stretched…...s-so much and…..oh--gods...you’re…..you’re l-looking at me w-while you--*swallows*--while you……*softly* f-fuck! *harsher panting and moaning* Oh! I--! C-lose! I’m going t-to….t-to……. *harsh panting* I want---I want to b-be...be good....please....please.....t-tell me I'm good.....please~! *sharp gasp* *growls and moans and whimpers through clenched teeth* *harsh panting* *panting subsides* I-I-I.....y-you......g-gods...I......*heaves a breath* Y-you are......I---I don't think I can.....even properly f-find the....the words.....t-to tell you how......t-truly......unbelievable t-that was.......I......I can....I can hardly w-wrap my brain around it...... *pause* *startled chuckle* Y-you....you might be right.......I might be o-out of sorts d-due to the......*softly* due to the.....o-orgasm...... *pause* Is.....is there---is there something I c-can d-do to y-you in return? *pause* P-please.....p-please let me...I--I know that y-you wanted....wanted it to be all about m-me.....but please......please l-let me.....*softly* Please let me t-touch you in return..... *pause* I-I am.....I am scared.....gods know I am b-but......I.....I've wanted t-to touch you f-for.....for so long I......and.....and I'm....I'm afraid th-this is one h-huge d-dream and.....and.....*sniffs* If it is.....I--I d-don't want it t-to end.......I don't w-want to wake up and f-find that you're not here....... *muffled sobbing* P-please d-don't leave...... *panting softly* I-I'm---please f-forgive me I....*in a whisper* I care for y-you so much....... *pause* *kisses* Y-you......you do? I......*shaky breaths* I don't k-know what to say......I keep th-thinking I'm....I'm dreaming......th-that this can't....can't be real...... *kiss* *pause* T-then....please......please sh-show me....it isn't..... *softly* I l-love you.......
Don't put yourself in the line of fire just to protect me. Contains: Kissing, Hurt/Comfort, Spanking, Oral Sex, Fingering, Petnames (Kitten, Baby Girl, Baby, ), Possessive Sex, Dom/Sub, Creampie, Feminine Listener (Use of 'girl' and inferred vagina--no use of the word but highly implied) DISCLAIMER: All characters in this audio are portrayed over the age of 18 Another Commission! This one was written by the commissoner themselves! For someone who has little to no knowledge of BNHA, I think I did a pretty solid job? (I tell myself lol). It was a little hard once again, trying to find a voice that wasn't too similar to other voices I've done, but hopefully I've accomplished that as well? It's always interesting to try out a new character! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Shinsou (extremely angry): I told you, I told you NEVER to do that! (pause) Oh don’t look at me like that, don’t treat me like I’m the villain here. How many times have we had that discussion? How many times have we agreed not to scare each other? We said we’d never use our quirks on each other, and we’d never put ourselves in reckless danger, so how do you think it makes me feel seeing you take a hit that was meant for me? (listener snaps at him) (frustrated) God, you’re just always ready with an answer. Can’t you fucking see how worried I am? (listener starts to speak but gets slammed again the wall) Shut up. (slams hand on the wall) Just shut up. (sounds of kissing and biting) Fuck. I can’t believe how much you rile me up sometimes. And you don’t even realize it. (groan) You’re so fucking small under me, I bet I could just do anything to you and you’d let me. (bitter chuckle) I bet you’d like that, huh baby? (listener nods) Wait really? Anything? Hah. Alright, come here then. (growling) I’m gonna show you just how I felt seeing you put yourself in danger for me. Here, let’s go to the sofa. Shh, it’s alright, just lay down on my lap. Yeah, ass up. (sounds of leggings being pulled down) (chuckle) God. You’re so cute like this for me. You know what’s coming, right? (pause) Yeah I thought so. I’m only gonna do five, but you tell me if it’s too much. I sure as hell won’t be going easy on you. (SMACK) (quietly) Seeing you get hit by that villain...I felt my heart stop. I was so scared they’d taken you from me. (SMACK) (a little choked up) All I could think of was how we’d rushed out this morning, didn’t even get a chance to eat breakfast. We were so prepared to help everyone else we didn’t even get a small moment to ourselves. (SMACK) I know you’re just being a hero but goddamn it, I can’t stand how selfless you are sometimes. You drive me crazy. (groan) Sometimes I just wanna be selfish and keep you all to myself here at home, so I don’t have to worry about you. (SMACK) Fuuuuuck, kitten. S-Stop making me forgive you by making all those cute noises for me. (SMACK) You’re so good to me, argh, fuck you’re so good to me. Come here, sit up. Let me kiss you. (sounds of kissing and groaning, a sharp gasp) F-fuck babe. You’re this wet? (slides a finger in before pulling out) You—shit, you want me that bad? (chuckle) Putting yourself in danger for me gets you that turned on? Shh, shh, it’s alright. Here, since you did so good for me, I’ll show you my actual gratitude this time. It’s alright baby girl. Just lie back down for me. Yeah, just spread your legs for me. (groan) You’re so good to me. (kiss) Hmm? You don’t like me kissing your thighs? But you’re so soft and sweet for me. (kiss) You’re so cute when you’re impatient. (kiss) (wet sounds) God, I love the way your thighs shake when I tease you. And if I touch you here, I just know you’re gonna make the cutest noise for me. (leans down and begins to eat them out) Mmm, fuck. You always taste so good. (sliding two fingers in) Oh. Fuck baby. S-such a good girl for me. (continues eating them out through groans) I love seeing you like this, love getting to have you like this. (shivering) Getting to keep you under me. J-just seeing you tense up and how hot you are on my fingers. Oh baby. (sliding in another finger) Yeah? You like that? (continues eating them out) I can feel you shaking. Don’t hold back your moans. Please. I wanna hear you. I love hearing you cry for me. (faster wet noises) Oh, fuck. Just like that baby girl. Keep g—keep going for me. (awed) You’re so beautiful for me. (watching listener shake) Come just like that, I got you princess. (pause, then pulls out his fingers) Still alive? (kiss) I know you wanted more but I can’t hold back anymore. (kiss) I wanna—I need to be in you. (kiss) I’m so fucking hard for you, (whining) it hurts. Just wanna take you already. (sounds of clothes coming off, zippers being undone) Come here, give me your leg. Yeah, over my uh, my shoulder. (impatiently) Fuck, c’mon, it’s so cold. Hahh....oh (whimpering) Oh, baby, you’re so wet for me. (wet noises, gasping) Y-you’re so...ahhhh, fuck me, you’re so tight around me. (starts fucking) Ha, you’re already begging? We, ah, we just got started. (bodies slapping together) Fuck you’re so hot around me. Fuck, fuck, fuuuu-huuuck baby. (moaning) I can feel you tightening up on me. God, kitten. I love you so much. I love you I love you, fucking Christ. (groan) C’mon baby, let me hear you. *panting* (hips slow down)You scared me so much today, I wanna—(growl) I gotta make sure you remember who you belong to. That you’re my girl and not one, (snarl) not one fucking villain is taking you from me. (harder thrusts) My girl. Fuck, kitten. You’re doing so good for me, you feel so fucking perfect around me. I got you kitten, I got you. (whimpering and gasping) Baby, oh my god I can’t, ah, fuck, fuck fuck fuck (sharp gasp, hips speeding up) please, come on, come for me. Please, (begging) please, I just wanna come inside you baby girl. (muffled groaning/gasping, biting into listener’s neck) Ah, ah, ah, fuck, oh my god, fuck. *panting and deep breaths* Fuck, kitten. I swear to god you always feel so goddamn good. God I love you. *lightly smacks their thigh* Here, lemme get your leg down. Let me just hold you. I’m sorry I raised my voice...you just mean so much to me. I hate to even think about you getting hurt—o-or worse. After everything we've been through, you’re the one who’s always been by my side. You’ve always been so supportive of me becoming a hero. I don’t think I ever told you how much I appreciate you being there for me when people kept calling me a villain. Do you....do you mind if I just hold you for a little bit longer? I just wanna lay here with you. (pause) Thank you, kitten. I love you.
He got that upgrade? Contains: Feminine Listener, Direct Mention of Genitals (Pussy), Use of the word "Mother" and "Mommy", Kissing, Begging, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling, Praise Kink, Oral Sex (Cunnilingus), Bareback Sex, Impregnation Sex, Heavy Breeding and Impregnation Kink, Mating Press Position, Edging, Multiple Orgasms, Slight Come Kink, Come as Lube, Service Top Connor, Honorifics (M'am) This is a wonderful commission that I did a while ago where Connor gets an upgrade where Androids and Humans can have biological children, and he and the listener just go to town. This one was fun to write, especially with Connor being more in a Sub position but also being the one doing the penetrating and the breeding. This one is pretty direct as to having a Feminine Listener with a Vagina, however I still could potentially consider it as compatible with some Transfeminine people simply for the fact that this takes place in the future where Trans healthcare allows for Transwomen to be able to carry a child. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Connor: Oh, Hello, welcome home! I wasn't expecting you for at least several hours... *pause* An extra long weekend then.....how nice! *pause* I suppose nothing really, I was....waiting for you..... Well......do you recall....when we were talking together about the....possibility of us....raising a child together......? Well....Cyberlife has been offering an....upgrade of sorts that....essentially allows Android and Human couples to....procreate together.....and have a biological child..... *pause* You've heard of it?? That is....advantageous then..... *laughs softly* I....decided to download....said upgrade...... *chuckles louder* It's been a little bit of a struggle to keep it from you until it was finished yes, it takes several days and well.....reporting back to Cyberlife to make sure everything is all correct and......that's where I went this morning...... And now....it's finished....and ready....... *pause* Yes....I did....time it around your....ovulation.....purposefully.......to give us the best chances for success.....in impregnation..... *swallows softly* And since.......you have a long weekend from work.....it all seems to have worked out in our favor....... I.....believe both of us would very much enjoy......if you allowed me to come inside you.....and get you pregnant....for real....... *shudders a breath* Oh~ Your heart rate.....and the heat of your body.....would that please you? Have I.....done a good thing? *pause* *moans softly* Oh yes.....please......please let me b-breed you....... *pause* Y-yes.....whatever you say........ *keens softly into a kiss* *Fade Out* *Fade In* Ah.....y-you look s-so....beautiful....s-spread out like this.....r-ready to take me......w-wanting me to give you the s-sperm you need to be--oh~--bred....... *swallows* *whispers* Please use me...... *whines into kisses* *pause* Y-Yes....I'll....I'll get you wet....... *chuckles softly* Can't exactly use my orgasms.....just for lubrication anymore can we? It's--*swallows and moans softly*--it's the 'real deal' isn't it? *moans* Y-yes......We can....we can still use it as lubricant.......of course....we need to.....need to make sure that you get pregnant..... *moans* W-Will y-you....will you pull my hair....p-please? *whines softly* T-thank you...... *hisses softly* Ah~ Y-yes....forgive me..... Please......may I eat our your pussy.....to get you wet for my cock? *moans* Thank you..... *licks and moans* *pulls away, panting softly* I can--oh~ I can almost taste how ready you are......how fertile..... Yes~ *sucking kisses and licks* Y-yes....g-good.....your good boy......yes~ *harsh sucks and kisses* Come....come on my mouth....please.....please use me to orgasm.....I want nothing more than for you to orgasm as many times as possible..... I'll be good....so good....I promise...... *harsh kisses, licks and sucking* *mumbling* Come--come....please....use me.....use me--*hisses* Ah~ M-my hair~ Yes! *Panting with his tongue out* Thank you.....thank you f-for using me t-to come....... *swallows* *pause* Anything.....I'll do anything for you....... *keens softly* I-if it's what you want.......p-please....please touch me...... *shuddering gasp* Oh~ Your hand....f-feels so good.....I can.....I can only imagine.....*softly, almost timidly* how your pussy will feel...... *moans tightly* I'll wait....I'll be good......just how you want....however you want..... *moans and groans* S-so much pre-come.....just....imagine.....how much it will be......when I actually---actually orgasm.....m-maybe....maybe it will b-be so much....that....that I'll have to p-push it back inside....w-with my cock....or my f-fingers.......to be sure....none of it is wasted..... *pants and moans* Oh....I.....I've been waiting.....thinking about this f-for days......and t-then....waiting for you to come home.....s-so so I could tell you.....I.....I've been so hard.....b-but I've been good.....haven't t-touched myself at all.....because it's not just lubricant anymore.....it's seed.....s-seed to....t-to.......*a whisper* to knock you up...... Ah~! I.....c-close......close......p-please~! *panting* Y-you want to get me as.....as keyed up as--*swallows*--as possible....s-so I let out.....a big....l-load of come....... Y-yes......we want.....we want the best p-possible chances for b-breeding..... *moans and pants* I-I c-close....C-close! I- I don't want t-to c-come! Ah~ I-I won't....I won't......I'll be good.....I'll be good...... *panting* R-ride the edge? I....I--I don't know--- *whines into kiss* *gasping pants* Y-Yes.....y-yes.....Please~ *harsh panting* I....I--! *hisses sharply* *anguished moan* *shuddering pants* N-no---*swallows*--Didn't.....didn't come........ *panting* Y-yes....thank you....thank you..... *kisses* *panting softens* Whatever you need.....I will do my best to provide...... *pause* *swallows* Yes, M'am...... *shuffling* H-how do you want me? *panting softly* L-like this? H-how....? *swallows roughly* It's called.....mating press? *moans softly* Y-yes.....that.....that is what we're doing....isn't it....? *moans* Mating...... Ah.....look at y-you.....p-pussy so wet......p-please.....may I put my....my dick inside you now? Please........W-we both.....we both need it......I.....need it.....p-please..... *moans into a kiss* *pulls away panting* *softly* I want nothing more than to shoot all my come inside you....... *soft moans* *gasping shudder* Oh~ S-so warm....inside~! Haaaaaa~ I.....I won't.....I won't move.....n-not.....not until y-you say I can.....I'll wait....I'll be good...... *soft, shuddering moans* Th-this.......it's the s-same....oh! And yet also different.....I-I don't k-know.....something about it....s-seems more....more real? *moans* This.....you......this is the most.....human I've ever....physically felt.....t-the the idea that if I orgasm inside you....f-fill you with my sperm......we'll have a child together.....and I could be a father.....watch and feel the child grow inside y-you.....Oh~ *gasp* Oh~ Clenching......... Pl-please......may I move now.....may I---*swallows* May I fuck into you? *moans* Oh thank you.....thank you! *wet thrusting* *moaning and panting* S-so good.....so good......t-this p-position....oh~ Oh f-fuck~ *pants and moans* Ah~ I'll.....I'll move however y-you w-wish..... F-faster.....yes.....a-and harder.....yes! *keening moans* Ah~ I-I won't c-come before you.....I swear.....I w-won't.......a-at.....y-your command.....as.....as you wish..... *panting and moaning* S-so w-warm inside......you're so.....I can sense it......as I....as I said before....so fertile......so r-ready to be f-filled......your body.....w-wanting to b-be b-bred......f-filled......by me..... T-the s-sounds.....s-so....wet......y-you....a-and.....my....pre-come.......Oh~ *moans and panting* Please.....please......k-kiss m-me? A-and p-pull my hair? *hisses* Ah! Y-es! I'll be g-good....w-won't c-come until you say........ *whimpers* E-even though I-I want to impregnate you s-so badly......yes! *kisses and moans* *through kisses* This--mating....mating press....y-yes.....mate....mate.....f-fuck.....n-need......want to--want to be good.....b-but....need.....need to come....need to b-breed you.....just like you want......please~! *panting* Ah~ Harder! Y-yes~ More.....more~! *keening moans* Need--Fuck!--Need t-to come....please soon.....please let me make you a mommy soon....I'll do s-so good.....I promise.....it's....it's all I can think about.....is filling you up......finally being able to give us what we both want...... Oh--Oh please....I....I....it's coming....I can....I can f-feel it....please.....let me come.....let me come inside you.....let me make you pregnant.....let me make you a mother.......you would.......look so good......bred full.....Oh~ *moans into kiss* *panting and moaning* Please....let me fill you......It'll be so good....I'll fill you so full.....be sure to impregnate you--*hisses* Ah~--to b-breed you.....p-please....I'm so close.....please let me let it out......ah~ I d-do.....I want to be a father.....t-to our child.....I want to come inside....please let me come inside......I promise.....I'll get you pregnant....so pregnant.....please! Want nothing more than to please you......to give you what you ask for....what you need....... *moaning and panting* It's.....it's oh~ It feels.....it's almost....it's building....it's so much.....it feels.....I can't---It's so much.......so much more than b-before....I.....Oh~! Please let me come in you~! *gasps a moan* Yes, yes! Thank you! Thank you! *in between harsh panting* Oh, Oh....yes....yes!! *gulping gaps* Ah~ W-what's h-happening? It's....t-the wave o-of o-orgasm....it's....it's so m-much st-stronger.....oH~! *Gasping whimpering moan* Oh~ H-here it is~ My-my come....inside you.....take it! P-please take it~ F-fill you up~! Y-you're cl-clenching s-so hard! T-tight! *sharp gasp* What's???! Oh, Oh OH~ *Harsh keening moan* C-coming, again!? Ah~ Ah! So full.....Pumping you so full of come.....oh~ C-coming~ Your good boy....just l-like I said.....m-making sure.....you get....pregnant......s-so w-wet....w-with my....seed.....n-not just lubricant anymore.....my--oh--actual....seed........ *harsh panting* *panting subsides* *kiss* Oh.......I.....I've never....t-that w-was......thank you.......thank you....*kiss* It felt.....I cannot even....incredible.....astronomical enough t-to.....to make me come twice...... *pause* I....perhaps t-to.....ensure insemination......*shudders* Oh.....you're so w-wet inside...... *pause* I....I am....still h-half hard.....aren't I? *swallows* W-well.....s-since.....we have the long weekend.....we should......perhaps have more sex and......I should orgasm inside you......at least a couple more times.....j-just to be sure......shouldn't we? *kiss* *breathlessly* Y-Yes.....just to be sure........
Sleepy morning, and Bucky doesn't want to leave bed, just yet. Contains: Sleepy Sex, Intercrural Sex, Dirty Talk, Slow-ish Sex, Fluff, Sleepy Bucky, Petnames (Doll, Sweetheart, Honey). Howdy everyone! I just want to say thank you again for your patience with this audio, because apparently the world decided that yesterday was not the day I was going to make this! Anyway, I know a lot of people wanted like soft Bucky but also sexy Bucky, so I thought sleepy sexy times would work well for both! Unfortunately I can't honestly know whether or not my Russian's getting better lol. Also, I called this audio 'Interim' because it means, 'in the meantime' or 'during a period of time' and with what Bucky kind of talks about in the audio I thought it made sense. This is a little look of a moment in between the chaos of their lives and stuff. I also got a giggle because that also made me think of of intercurual sex which is essentially fucking in between someone's thighs, so yeah, I'm like 12 years old lol. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky: *soft snoring* *groans* доброе утро Любовь моя (dobroye utro Lyubov' moya) *Good Morning, My Love* *pause* *softly* Means G'd Mornin'...... *groans and shifts* No.....don't move..... Yer comfy..... *light kiss* *snorts softly and strains, like he's stretching* I've been woken up outside of my own volition enough in my life, Doll. For once, I wanna just laze around with my Baby..... *pause* I did, didn't I? The fact that I can joke about it now...it's like night and day.......and you're to thank in part for that.....love you...... *pause* Now, that we've had that little conversation, come back to bed? I'd like to hold you...... *shifting and hums* *sighs* This....this is what I missed, exactly what I needed. I know....I know we're both gone a lot, going our separate ways.....it's always so nice to be able to be together like this. *hums and shifts* Mmmmmm.......*through a sigh* so warm......soft…… *chuckles* Doesn’t matter how much you put yourself in harms way or how much you work…..to these soldier’s hands…..you’ll always be so warm and soft……. *hums* Warm is good….. *pause* *chuckles softly* Well can you blame a man when he’s got his sweetheart snuggled up right against ‘im? *snorts softly* People who wear clothes to bed in the era where everything is temperature controlled are weaklings…. *murmurs* You ain’t wearin’ any clothes now…. *pause* Hey…..I’m only interested in fooling around if you are…. *pause* Everything about you is lovely, from the tips of your hair…..to the soles of your feet…… *chuckles sleepily* Mmmmmm, even that……. *moans softly* You want me to touch you? *moans sleepily* You keep rockin’ into me like that doll, and I’ll do whatever you want…. No, no, no….just like this….real slow like…… *chuckles* It doesn’t always have to be full blown fast rough sex to get off you know…..you twentieth century people don’t understand the fine art of frottage….. *lowly* Lemme rock into you sweetheart…..In between your thighs…...here…..clench ‘em a little bit? *moans* See the thing is…...the movements….s’like a simulation of sex….and it ramps you up…. Makes you think about it, which in turn ramps you up more…...you get teased because it’s so close to the real thing…..hell…..I could probably slip into you right now if I wanted…..but I don’t….. *moans and pants* It’s the idea that I could at any moment, that my dick is rubbing up against you in your most intimate places but not inside you…….you get the idea? *chuckles* Yeah well, sex’ll do that to you....gets the blood pumping….. *lowly* Imagine how it’d feel if I got you off with my hands too…… I know how much you like it when it metal one is cold….but what about if it’s warm, hm? *murmurs* How ‘bout that? How’s that feel sweetheart? My hand rubbing and stroking, all in time with my dick between your thighs? Yeah…..now you’re more on board with this, ain’t ya? It was nice before…..but now…. Go on….melt back against me, Honey….rub and grind and wiggle all you want…..*kiss* M’not gonna fuck you… *chuckles* Oh….that frustrating…..especially cause of how wet my--*swallows*--how wet my dick is makin’ everything down there? *lowly* Well too bad…. *panting and moaning* That’s it Doll….crazy how quickly something like this can rile you up, huh? *chuckles* Really? Cause…..feels like to me…...that you’re about ready to come, aren’t you? There’s no use in denying it…..I can feel it in your movements, hear it in your breath…..I’m drivin’ my sweetheart wild, ain’t I? *hums* Good….good…. *pants and moans* Little more baby, that’s it….*swallows* A little more…..just…..just…..squeeze a little tighter, Doll…… *groans* You squeeze a little tighter….and I’ll go a little faster….. *shudders and moans* That’s it….that’s it Doll…..ohhh yeahh…… That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? You wanted me to go faster, like this…..so close to fucking…...you want my dick real bad, dontcha? *lowly* Never knew you were such a slut for my dick… *gaps/groans* Oh…oh….дерьмо (der'mo) *shit* *gasping and panting* Haaaaaaa~ *panting slows* Jesus……*chuckles* Didn’t think you were that wound up by dirty talk either….. You alright? That wasn’t too much, was it? *gets up* Well, gotta admit….. Love the idea of you walkin’ around for the rest of the day with a reminder of me…..of how I got off in between your thighs. *chuckles* Yeah, I’ll make your breakfast in return….. *lightly spanks* And hey, if you get hot and bothered because you’re reminded how the roughness on your thighs got there….don’t be afraid to let me know….
It really would be in your best interest to do what he says....then again......because you haven't......he is giving you what you want. No wait, that's not quite right....what you need. Contains:Touch Kink, Pain Kink, Praise Kink, Punishment Play, Spanking, Face Slapping, Dom/Sub, Fingering, Slight Creampie Kink, Unsafe Sex (Cowgirl Position), Pet names (Pet, Darling, Darling Pet, Little Rabbit, Lille Kanin),Begging, References to Touch Starvation, References to Self Care, Reference to Safeword This happens to me a lot where I have an idea in mind for an audio, or I'll ask my followers what they want to hear, and while I'm writing, incorporating some of the things I want, the script seems to develop a mind of it's own and goes off on a different tangent lol. So sometimes I don't get in everything that people want to hear, so sorry if this Loki audio doesn't have some of the things you wanted to hear. I'll try to keep in mind for next time! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Loki: And here you are, my little pet, my Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit) Do you know why we're here? Do you know why you're knelt here before me? Stripped of everything, but this little trapping which I've bestowed upon you? *pause* *chuckles* Good.....you haven't forgotten the rules.....well.....at least these rules..... Now tell me, why are you here? *pause* *hums* That's right....... You've been naughty.....haven't you? *pause* And how exactly have you been naughty, Pet? *pause* *Slap* *lowly, harshly* When you are asked a question, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit), I expect an answer....... *pause* *lowly, softer* And I will reward you for your compliance now....see? See how nice my hand feels when it gently runs across your inflamed skin? Do I have your attention now, Pet? Now tell me why you need to be punished. *long pause* That's right......you're being punished because you haven't been following my instructions, you haven't been taking care of yourself. *slap* And I intend to remedy that......... *hums* Enjoy that did you? *put upon sigh* Sometimes I wonder if you disobey me on purpose......I suppose soon I'll have to create a punishment more befitting......more of an actual punishment for my Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit)...... Perhaps...no coming? *pause* Perhaps......no touching? Ah ah, don't speak out of turn, Pet. This is your only warning...... *chuckles softly* Good.....very good.... No....I don't think I would deprive you of my touch......I too enjoy it far too much to be that cruel..... That is of course....unless you truly give me a reason not to. So I suggest, that you be good, and take your punishment...... *pause* *slap* Good......so good.....you're allowed to make noise Darling Pet....I always want to hear how I'm affecting you....... *pause* I do so love you and your little noises, such a good pet, taking what I give you. *pause* *hums* I have a question for you, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit) Why, do you think, do you enjoy this little game so much, Darling? *pause* Now I don’t normally appreciate you withholding any information from me, but I honestly don’t believe you know why you adore our games so entirely….. *slap* *pause* Now, I am going to give you a moment to sit an absorb that. Think, Pet, really look deep inside yourself and think to yourself why you enjoy our games as much as you do. And me? I'm going to sit over here, to wait, and watch...... *pause* And don’t think that I won't remember your little slip up there. You speak when you are spoken to, remember? Do you understand why you feel this way? Why, when even though I bring you pain with my hands, that you yearn for it so much more when I then use my hands to soothe the pain away? Besides your obvious craving for the punishment of not quite taking care of yourself to my standards, of course. *pause* It’s because you are touch starved my dear. Sure, you may have family, you may have friends with whom you reside that can touch you, that can hold you, that can give you affection. But it isn't the same, is it? Nothing is comparable to when someone gives you the pain you ask for, gives you the thrill that you're seeking.....and then with those same hands, pet gently, run across your skin like the lightest feather. Alighting your senses and causing a frisson of arousal to rush up and down your spine. You are not so very complicated that I could not work that out, my pet. You enjoy the pain by it's own merit, which I admire, but I am not so blind to see that what you truly, desperately crave, is gentle, yet strong hands, putting you back together afterwards, taking care of you in a way that you cannot seem to do for yourself……. And then perhaps even......stringing you out even further...... Is that what you wish? Do you wish for me to take you apart and put you back together again? *pause* Well then, Pet. Come here, and fold yourself over my knee....... *hums* Now, did I say that you were allowed to walk, Pet? That's right.......crawl to me Darling.....on your knees...... *pause* I can see the question in your eyes, and I applaud you for remembering your manners..... *slap* And that was for speaking out of turn before. I do not forget transgressions, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit). But now..... *soft shifting* All if forgiven..... *chuckles* And here you are, blissful, rubbing against the hand that harms you and heals you in equal measure...... Oh.....but you look so sweet like this....... Now, as I said before.....over my knee..... *lowly* As much as I do love slapping your face, Darling Pet, I am quite fond of it, and would like it to remain relatively damage free........ *shifting* You may speak..... *pause* *chuckles* I am fond of these cheeks as well, Pet, however, these ones, I don't have quite as many qualms in bruising....... *hums* Oh....the moans you make when you're handled just slightly more roughly that you're used to...... Do you enjoy my hands, clutching and kneading at you like this? A precursor to the pain I'm about to inflict upon them? *lowly* and then the pleasure of my gentle touch afterwards? How hard can I slap you here, I wonder? How much would be too much for you? Will you tell me your safeword, Darling Pet? *softly* I don't enjoy putting you in needless stress or pain.....only the amount that you are capable and willing to take......so....if you please.....your word *pause* Excellent...... *hums* Oh.....just getting them warmed up.....prepared for what's about to happen....... Let me ask you again......Why do you need punishment? *pause* That's correct....because you haven't been taking care of yourself.....Haven't been healthy. I understand that the current state of your world is a bit turned up-sidedown, but that doesn't mean lacking in your own care is acceptable. Don't use it as an excuse to spiral. If keeping yourself alive and healthy is all you can do right now, then that in itself is worth the time it takes to do. *spank* That is why you're being punished. Because you need to be reminded of what happens when you don't, and I need to take over and take control. *spank* *lowly, harshly* And if I find out that you have been purposefully not taking care of yourself so that I would intervene.....I will be very....Put. Out. But I will remind you as many times as you need.....until it gets through to you that it's important..... *spank* I also believe that it's important to get out of your head once and a while.....and....*chuckles* We've found that this is a good way to do it, haven't we Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit)? *pause* Such a good little pet....... *hums* I see you squirming......pushing back against my hand but also pushing forward against my leg, like you cannot decide which sensation you want more. Spread your legs a little more......let me look at you....... *chuckles* So aroused, just from a bit of alternating play....... Don't try to deny it, I can see it in your body.....I can feel it as well..... *clicks tongue* Ah-ta-ta....none of that either......do not hide yourself from me......this is what you ask for, and I will give you what you need....... *pause* There we are.......show everything to me.....I want to see, I want to know everything....... *hums* you've been a relatively good Pet for me so far, Lille Kanin.....so as a reward, allow me to give you a gift...... *snaps* *chuckles* isnt' it nice, having someone who has the ability to take care of you so completely, that with a snap of their fingers they can produce everything they need to make you fall apart and never have to take their hands off of you? *hums* *spanks* Keep your legs open Pet, I'm not going to ask you again...... That's it.....good Pet. My Little Rabbit. *wet noises* There's no such thing as too much slick, Darling, allow me to show you..... *hums* See? No catching, no pain, just smooth penetration........ *spank* *almost boredly* The more you squirm and try to close your legs the more I'm going to spank you..... *spank* And if you try to thrust back on my fingers like that again........ *hushes* I'm going to give you exactly what you need pet, don't you worry..... *wet noises* That's it.......let your voice be heard......exclaim your pleasure and your pain to the Heaven's. Let everyone know how punished and praised you are in measure! *wet noises* *spank* Oh how you squirm, then fall stock still when I inflict pain on you.....only to start squirming again like you just cannot help it...... Keep your legs open...... *Spank* *chuckles* Oh-ho? Do you enjoy that? Do you like me thrusting into your sweet little entrance and spanking your already burning cheeks? Then gripping and manhandling them? Does the pain mixed with the pleasure make your head dizzy? I for one enjoy the distinct color difference.....how rosy your arse has become...... I also enjoy how much fits into the palm of my hand........and how you practically squeak when I squeeze it...... *wet noises* *Chuckles* Three fingers now......did you even notice.....how thick my fingers are in you right now? No? All you've been feeling in the pleasure..........*spank* Such a little deviant you are....... Beg me Darling.....permission to speak....I want to hear all the depraved things going through your mind right now. I want to hear everything... *lowly* And if I believe you're holding back......you won't get anything more...... *long pause* *hums* Excellent, my perfect.....obedient Little Rabbit........ Now stop.....you stop moving.....if you even squirm slightly we won't continue....... *pause* Yes.....my beautiful Pet....... I want you to ride me......take your own pleasure as I run my hands up and down your skin, and the brushing of your punished arse against my legs and my clothes will be a constant reminder of what happens when you disobey me...... So get up, yes, slowly, like this…….and rest your legs on either side of me…..here….. *hums* there you are…...look at how pretty you are, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit) Spread your legs, as wide as they can…..I know….I know they don’t spread very wide in his chair Darling…..but don’t you think that’s the point? *hums* Good….good….. Now…...sit on my cock……. Ah….slowly…..slowly Darling….truly feel it…...close your eyes and focus on the feel of it stretching you……. Go on now….. *pause* There we are…...all settled? Now…...Since I’ve been doing most of the work around here…..if you want your pleasure…..you’re going to have to take it yourself. So….bounce. Bounce on my cock…… *chuckles* I’m waiting…….. *soft panting* That’s it…..there we are…..figure out what you need….how you need to do this…..then do it! *soft panting* *spank* *laughs* You didn’t think you were going to get away without me inflicting a little extra pain, did you? Oh, no no no……..that will definitely still happen…. And how about…...if I scratch…… *laughs* *through soft pants* *amused* You truly are addicted to pleasure and pain aren’t you? Scraping my fingernails across your bruised arse to remind you who you belong to, and even though you hiss and try to squirm away, you still squirm closer, you bounce on my cock even faster, even harder…..and your eyes glaze over as though your brain is turning off…..as though there is no place you would rather be….. But I cannot have that, can I? *spank* Pay attention, Darling Pet…… Yes…..there we are…… I want you to look me in the eyes, focus on me…..on the man that is granting you this pleasure….I want no doubt in your mind who’s cock you are riding… *spank* And who is giving you this pain….. *thrusting* That’s it……that’s it…..good Pet…...good Pet…….. Faster now…..ride my cock faster…..harder…...go into a wild abandon…..tell me what you want…...tell me what you need and I will deem whether or not you are correct…… *panting and moaning* *spank* That’s it….I can feel it….I can feel that you’re about to come…….You’ve been good….such a good little Pet that I’m going to let you…...you’ll be allowed to come…. No strings attached…..no nothing…...of course….as long as you don’t mind if--*spank*--this continues…. Good…..yes…..beg for it…..beg to come…….and take it…...take that last bit of pleasure and pain and push yourself over the edge…..I want to see it….. Ah-ah-ah…..but remember Pet, keep your eyes on me…..keep them…..yes…..yes…..perfect…...good...good pet…..come for me…..come for me now…...yes….good….good…… *lowly* You know better than to disobey, Pet…..so if you don’t come within the next ten seconds…..you won’t get to…… *panting* Yes…..there we are…..true wanton filthy need….still keeping your eyes on my own, but your body bouncing and squirming and wriggling like you cannot get enough…..Come now….I command you….do it! *spank* come! *laughs* Yes! Yes…...Good…..such a good Pet…..doing as I command…… Oh…..and you couldn’t even help your eyes rolling up into your head…..could you? *soft panting* What was that Pet? Are you back here with me now? Hm? What’s with your squirming…..Ah-ta-ta! You tell me with your words…… *pause* *hums* Well…...No…..I don’t believe that you’ve quite earned my come…...however….if you do a well enough job taking care of yourself until next time….perhaps I’ll grant you the pleasure….. *chuckles* I believe perhaps positive reinforcement and incentive will be more effective…….but who knows…...the decision to obey is ultimately up to you…… However you do know the consequences, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit) So as I said…….*lowly* It’s up to you...
Leon has a proposition for you, and the once eccentric Champion of Galar has never really been one to be quiet about what he wants..... Contains: Kissing, Dirty Talk, Bottom!Leon, Pegging/Anal Sex, Begging, Humiliation, Degradation, Nipple Stimulation, Handjob, Slight Voyeurism, Slight Exhibitionism, Spanking Hello and welcome to “Leon getting Pegged/Fucked, depending on your gender and how you express it” lol. In this audio, the listener is slightly younger/the same age as Leon. In Pkm canon, I’m fairly certain he’s like 20/21 years old, since most kids start their pokemon journey at 10, and he’s been the champion/undefeated for ten years. Apparently I just made sex workers a thing in Pokemon too lol, but to be fair, that’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done, is it? Also, I'm sorry if Leon's voice is inconsistent, I've tried, and I still don't know if I've quite gotten it where I want it lol. ~Audio Transcript Below~ Leon: I have to admit....that after ten years of being undefeated, and then having you.....someone from my own hometown, someone who I grew up with, coming in and defeating me......it's almost....poetic....isn't it? *pause* I think it is, at least......and even after you became the Champion, the fact that you're still coming here, to the Battle Tower, to fight me? I would almost say that you've got a fixation with me..... Were it not for the fact that I revel in our battles together, and you beating me just as soundly as you did in Wyndon Stadium....... *pause* I've never really been one for subtlety if you didn't notice so.....let me say this plain. I like seeing you.....I like battling with you.......*lowly* and I especially like flirting with you on....and off the battlefield..... So....I was wondering, and feel free to say no......if you'd do me the kindness of fucking me into next week while you humiliate me a little bit over it..... *pause* *laughs* I've never been one to be shy about what I want....but if this is too much, if you're not interested, just let me know, and I'll back off.....nothing changes between us, I'd still love to see you come and battle at the Battle Tower..... *pause* 'What do I mean by humiliate?' *chuckles* Well...... Being the Champion...you already know this but it's a lot of responsibility, a lot of rules and sponsorships on how you're supposed to act in public and the things that you say and do.....and as much as I truly....dearly loved it.....there were times when I fantasized about losing.....and that person rubbing it in my face......and then I didn't have to be so conscious about my every word and action in public, you know? Just Leon.....and not have to be Leon the Champion..... ....and when it turned out to be you....someone who I've--to tell you the truth--always fancied......I think maybe it got a little twisted in the process.... *pause* If it were possible.....I would love if you were to bend me over in that stadium....with a full crowd watching as the new Champion took the Ex Champion.....how much I'd love them see how the mighty has fallen.....and that you were the one who made me this way.....I find it kind of absolutely devastatingly sexy....that you have that kind of power over me....that you were the one who took me down.....brought me down a peg..... "If only you could see the Ex Champion now, on his knees....taking dick....." they'd say...... *pause* Oh.....did I forget to mention that it'd be you fucking me? *chuckles* Honest mistake, Love....... ....I've got a little place where we could make those fantasies a reality......if you're a mind.... No....not the actual Stadium.....as much as it's a fantasy.....I understand which ones aren't feasible.....and I'm not a complete and total degenerate...... May I kiss you? *pause* *chuckles* Like I said.....not a complete and total degenerate.... *kissing* *Fades Out* *Fades in* *heavy kissing* *through kisses* I'm almost----I can hardly believe......f-fuck....I've fantasized about this for so long ..... I can hardly believe we're here...... *chuckles* The amount I fantasize about you could make a sex worker blush...... *kiss* *hums softly* 'Let's make some of those fantasies a reality'....the things you say...... *shuffling* *chuckles* Of course I'm hard......the fact that we're here.....about to have sex..... *lowly* To be honest.....I'm almost always half up when I'm around you....... *huffs a small moan* Y-your hands...... Warm.......*sighs softly* T-they feel so nice on my skin..... *pause* *warbling moan* I---ah.....m-my nipples are r-really....quite sensiti-IVE~! *keening moan* *kiss* *chuckles* W-well.....y-you're going to have to find out for yourself.....where I'm most sensitive......Don't want to--*swallows*--don't want to give it all away....... *warbling moan* W-wel.....of cour---*swallows*---of course my d-dick is sensitive......th-that's n-no surprise there....... Haa--AHH~ I--ah--*swallows*--Y-yes.....r-right....u-under the head---yES! Th-ere.....*shuddering* ohhhh...... Th-the swirling...p-press of y-your th-thumb I..... Oh~*moans* T-tighter....a-a little...if....oh~ if you p-please..... *pants and moans* Ahmmnnnnn~ *chuckles breathlessly* D-do you like my chest? *panting* it feels....so nice when you brush your fingers against my n-nipples...... Ah~ I've.....*swallowed* I've had the t-thought t-to....get them pierced.....just never could.....you'd.....you see them through my battle uniformmmm~ Besides.....it was hard enough n-not getting aroused when the fabric would brush them anyways.....and....*chuckles* there's little left to the imagination in those uniforms..... *moans* Y-Yes....they always h-have b-been.....*whimpers* so sensitive..... *through soft moans* *swallows* I.....I've even....been able to come.....by just rubbing and pinching them before....... *moans tightly* O-oH~~ *Panting* B-both......m-my c-cock a-and......my nipples? I.....Oh~ *moaning and panting* I--I know how you might....w-want to test that theory....b-but....how about.....another t-time......n-now I'd....*moan* I'd like you t-to fuck me...... *panting* *pause* Oh.....you don't have to do that..... *chuckles* Would you find it crude if you were to find out that I almost frantically finger myself before our fights on the of chance and the fantasy that you'd fuck me after you've beaten me? W-well it's t-true.....see for yourself.... *gasps softly* *moans*......even just your fingers....f-feel fantastic...... ah--Haaa~ W-with my perineum....f-fuck......I--*swallows* I bet y-you can feel me clenching around your fingers........o-h~ f-fuck.....my---it makes my cock twitch.....and dribble out precum....f-fuck....*practically whispers* I'm so wet...... Please fuck me....please....yes....f-fuck~..... *shuffling* *pause* Y-yes.....on my knees....just like this....just like....*swallows* how I told you..... *shivering moans* N-not gently.....m-more....please....you don't have to be gentle with me---*gasp* Ah--haaaaa....y-yes.....y-you're the one in charge....y-you're the one fucking me.....*swallows a whimper*....I'll do as you say.....Champion...... *hums a moan* *soft thrusting* Oh....oh f-fuck.....s-so good......mmmmm~ *pants and moans* aaHAa~ h-hitting.....oh~ Y-you....how are you....s-so good....at hitting...oh~ all my sweet spots..... Oh-fuck....it's like.....ah~ It's like I was made for you.......was made f-for you to f-fuck me......We fit---*swallows a moan*--we fit together so.....so w-well.....oh--shit~ *moaning and panting* *through moans and pants* P-please....m-more...I.....f-fuck I need.....rougher---just a little more---y-you....you're driving me crazy with how much......touching, you.....s-shit~! *panting* *slap* *desperate keening moan* AhAHA~! *through little moans* I--I....yes....please....m-more....s-so....need....good.....ah-ah-ah....... *heavy thrusting* *spank* *gasps and keens a moan* Oh~ F-fuck!! *panting and moaning* You're perfect--*slap*-AH~! I need....s-so good.....it's so good.....you're s-so--hnngng---gooood~ *slap* Ahh-HaaAAAhA~~ *through pants and moans* M-my n-nipples t-too? I--*moans* I....s-so much.....all at once.... I-I know....I know that's what I--what I asked f-for.....y-you....s-so good.....s-so fucking good.... *swallows roughly* Y-Yes....I'm......ahh--I'm a slut....I'm a dirty fucking slut who loves your cock.....you feel so fucking good fucking me......n-never felt so good.....I'm just a loser.....a fucking loser and you're the one who made me this way.....made me lose and---*swallows*--made me so desperate.....so wanton for your c-cock a-and.....*slap* HAA-aaHHnnnnn~ are making me f-feel pl-pleasure like I've never had b-before.... E-Even.....even when you fuck me hard a-and.....f-fuck.....the slaps s-sting--*slap*--AH~--s-so good....I-I'm even a wanton l-little b-bitch f-for the pain you give me...... *keens* More....please....more~ *panting and moaning* *keening moan* I-I wish people could see what you do to me.....how m-much of a bitch I---ahhmm for y-you......how m-my cock jumps.....h-how my chest....my n-nipples tingle and burn when you pinch them.....l-like....like they're a d-direct line t-to p-pleasure..... Hnnnnggnnnmmaaa~ Y-yes....j-just l-like that.... I'm so close....I'm so close....p-please....please....let me c-come.....I...I need it....please....I need to you fuck me t-till I come.....f-force the come out of me like t-the.....stupid.....slut I am.....f-fuck......c-coming.....without---without even a t-touch t-to my cock.....be-because I love your dick so f-fucking--*slap*---muUCH, FUCK! *slap* AahHaAAa~ N-no....Not...o-oh f-fuck....all at o-once...I....I--*slap* *voice cracks* I c-cant~ g-gonna....g-gonna c-come w-with you s-shoved s-so deep i-inside m-meee~ *moans crescendo* Yes--yes--please!--yes--yes--*slap*--YES~! *high pitched, cracking moans* *harsh panting* *panting slows* Do you.....*licks lips and swallows*--Would you like to....go out for dinner.....? *panting softly* *laughs* *through laughs* I'll admit....it's not the conventionally correct order of operations when it comes to sex and a relationship.....however...... *chuckles into a kiss* Neither of us are very conventional are we......I think that's why we work so well together..... So how about it? Dinner? You can do me again afterwards if you like.....and I can show you how good I am with my mouth in other ways..... *chuckles into another kiss*
You have dinner reservations with Bucky, but are they really all that necessary? Contains: Kissing, Russian, Petnames (Doll, Sweetheart, Hon), Eating Out, Doggy Style Sex, Couch Sex, Bareback Sex, Dirty Talk, Mild Voice Kink, Mild Temperature Kink Woo! Date Night with Bucky.....that just ends in sex lol, but that's fine! This was a lovely commission that I actually had a lot of fun with, especially thinking/coming up with what I think Bucky would do when it comes to a date in the 21st Century and how things have changed and stuff! Also, more attempts at Russian lol. Hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky: *take a deep breath and exhales* *Lowly, to self* Don't fuck it up, Barnes. *knocking on door* *door opens* .....Hi...... It's good to see you.... *pause* Yes, I uh.....got you these......flowers.... *pause* I don't know is this even something people do anymore? Buy flowers for their partners? Foor good reasons I mean......I used to get flowers all the time back...before...and it was normal....like of course a guy like me would get flowers for his partner, now....the lady at the shop just joked that I must be trying to make up for something, like I did something to anger you and was just trying to appease you. Is what flowers signify now? Иисус Христос (Iisus Khristos) {Jesus Christ} I've been thinking about it the whole way over whether or not I should even give them to you, but they're actually real nice and they would go to waste if I didn't and-- *kiss* *pause* Oh......I'm glad.... Sorry...... *pause* Yeah.....go ahead.....Got all the time in the world...... *mumbles to self* Way to go, idiot. *sighs* Sit down…..breathe…...get it together….. *purposefully inhaling and exhaling* *pause* Yeah I'm just..... When I went to the shop, it really hit me with how many times I had done it before. I really used to like giving flowers to people and....it.....well it reminded me how..... all this....the relationship thing.....used to be..... *pause* Yeah, maybe I did have a proclivity of not staying with those relationships for long but.....it was so much to be in them and.....get them. I knew what to do and was never unsure about.....anything..... I couldn't be any further from that man than I am now and.......God I miss it.....there are some days I miss it so damn much.... *pause* I know I shouldnt cling to the past, so many people have told me that but......my past was taken away from me.....almost permanently, so whenever I do get glimpses of it back I.....I can't help but want to keep a stranglehold on them, in case the possibility of them getting taken away happens again......*lowly* damn fucking Hydra..... I'm sorry.....this is.....this is a terrible way to start a date.....all over some fucking flowers....... *pause* What? *pause* I mean yes....I....I did tell you about it.....what’s your point? *pause* Well.....yeah there was....I guess there was a time where I didn't before......back in the beginning.....when....when I was still more Him than I was me...... I don't mean for you to be a sounding board or anything it's.....you're easy to talk to......and you......*sighs through his teeth* You make more sense than anyone else sometimes...... If I ever start talking or complaining about things and you don’t want to hear them…..tell me to shut my mug, ok? *soft kiss* *pause* I love you…..you do know that, right? *chuckles* Sometimes I forget...literally…..so, I guess that’s why I say it so much, I’m afraid that I don’t tell you enough, and that you don’t know how much you really mean to me. *breathes* You smell nice…… No you….you smell like you and….that helps…..distinct smells and sounds and tastes help me anchor myself to the present to who I am now and where I am now…...and who with…. *soft kiss* *breathes out a soft chuckle* A shiver….just from that? I forget sometimes how sensitive your neck is….. *sighs softly* I wish we could stay just like this….. *pause* Well….we have dinner reservations and-- *pause* We don’t have to stay here just because of me….. *pause* You wanna stay? The flush on your neck leads me to believe that you do…...for some specific reason…. *lowly* Am I right to assume that, Doll? *pause* *chuckles* Well…...you only needed to say so… I’m serious if you are…...I would never pass up an opportunity to fool around with you if that’s what you want….. I don’t know if you honestly realize how crazy attractive you are to me, возлюбленная (vozlyublennaya) {beloved}..... So come on…..why don’t we get undressed, and forget the whole dinner thing….. *chuckles into a kiss* That’s my Sweetheart…. *Fade Out* *Fade In* Here…...get down on your hands and knees, it’ll be more comfortable….. Yeah…..like that, use the armrest for your forearms….. *pause* Иисус Христос (Iisus Khristos) {Jesus Christ}You look…..you’re a fuckin’ vision…… *pause* *chuckles* You’d be surprised…..not everyone in the ‘40’s were as prim and proper as you seem to think that they were…..*kiss* I mean…..take me for example…...you think I learned how to fuck recently? *chuckles* thought not…… Here…..grab onto the couch for a second…… *sucking kiss* *chuckles* *lowly* Yeah, so I can do that….. *kissing, licking and sucking* *chuckles* You’re shaking already…...almost makes me think that you’ve been wanting something like this real badly…...I can tell by the blush that’s all the way down your body too…...looks real sweet…..*kiss* could just eat you up….. *pause* So, how do you wanna do this, Sweetheart? Do you wanna lay back or--? *chuckles, a little dirty* Well…..look at you….just like this? *lowly* So I can drape myself over your back and whisper dirty things in your ear? And you can feel as much of my body over yours as possible? I think I can handle that just fine….. Doll, hey, listen for a second….I don’t have a condom…..are you ok with that or do you want me to-- *pause* *chuckles* Ok…..roger, comin’ in loud and clear…...I’m not goin’ anywhere….. *swallows* Raise your hips, just a little bit more…..There….. That feel alright? If it starts to not, tell me, ok? *kiss* Good…… Deep breath……. *shuddering moan* T-There we go…..Jesus…...hardly even a stutter…..you--*chuckles* You’re really keyed up, aren’t you? *chuckles* Roger that…… *panting and moaning with thrusts* *through moans and pants* You’re…..you’re kind of amazing, you know that, right? You don’t expect me to be normal…..you don’t figure that I should be ‘better’ after ‘all this time’ like some other people seem to think. They just want me to move on so that I’m more acceptable….but you…… *lowly* You genuinely care about me and…...Боже, это невероятно (Bozhe, eto neveroyatno) {God, that’s incredible). *more pointed thrusting, with pants and moans* *lowly, almost whispering* Is this what you wanted, Doll? Me draped over your body as I fucked you from behind? I can see the flush on your face, and how your eyes are squeezed shut, like you can’t even help the pleasure you’re feeling. I can get real good and deep like this, Sweetheart, nice. And. Hard. *chuckles, then a kiss* You make such nice noises, Hon. I’d love to hear more….. *pause* That’s it…..say my name….. *panting and moaning* You’re----you’re squeezin’ on me awful hard down here sweetheart…..you close to coming? *chuckles* Good…...how about…..just a little more to get you there….. That’s right…...with the metal hand…..I know how much you like it……right here…...just enough to drive you crazy. Don’t hold back, Doll…..give me everything you got….. *panting and moaning* кончи моя любовь (konchi moya lyubov') {come, my love} Yes….yes…..f-fuck……дерьмо (der'mo) {shit} Haaaa---aahhhhhh~! *groans loudly* *panting* Here…...relax…..just a second…….. *moans softly* There…… Here…...flip over….let me…… *shifts* There…...that’s much more comfortable, isn’t it? *chuckles* I’m basically a super soldier, Doll, you layin’ on me ain’t heavy at all….. *panting subsides* Well…..we’re definitely gonna miss our dinner reservations…… *chuckles* yeah, that’s fair…..this was far more fun…...although usually I do this after the date…...just so you know….. *kiss* Yes…...I feel better…..how about you? Not sore anywhere? *kiss* Good…..I’m glad…… *pause* I did…..usually left before they woke up though…… *hushes* You don’t got anythin’ to worry about, Doll…..I’m not going anywhere…… *kiss* I’ll stay as long as you want me to…… люблю вас... (lyublyu vas...) {love you…}
Attending a Christmas party hosted by Tony Stark isn't exactly Bucky's ideal, but he knows it means a lot to you, so he's going to try. Contains: Russian, Swearing, Fighting, Panic Attack, Warming, Comfort, Kissing, Hand Job, Petname (Doll). Hey there! It's Bucky! I was originally just going to write a cute little thing of Bucky going to a party and not having a good time and it just escalated to Bucky having a terrible time and needing to leave and the listener comforting him and also helping him forget some things for a bit. It didn't start out NSFW, but it ended that way lol. Also, I apologize as always for the butchered Russian, I try, I really do, but probably not as much as I should lol. Also, beware, there are some parts of this audio that get really loud and can be kind of surprising, so just be warned! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky: This is.......extravagant to say the least..... It's been.....well and nearly over seventy years since I've celebrated an actual.....Christmas..... Yeah well......going from little to nothing to.......what Stark does is.......a bit much, to be honest. Not that it's particularly bad..... The ummmm....consumerism aspect of this is all still kinda new to me.....way back when.....I mean, there was never really a time where it was.....this.....even after......all those years......this isn't something that was even remotely on my radar.... *deep, intentional sigh* *pause* Just…..gearing up to be around people I don’t know…..trying not to think about the ten ways I could kill them if I needed to while they yammer on about stuff I don’t particularly care about anyways….. *pause* *slightly self deprecating laugh* It was a joke….*softer* Kinda….. *intentionally breathes out* It's fine.....the metal is just cold, you know.....and it's.......I know a lot of it's mental.....we're inside and it's obstensively warm...это просто....(eto prosto....) {it's just}.....hard to forget.....sometimes..... .....I'm not going to bother Shuri about it......it doesn't matter. She and the rest of the Wakandan tech people already went through the trouble of making me this arm in the first place......it doesn't also have to be self warming.....It’s not like I can even feel the actual cold on it anyways....more of a radiating kind of thing…... *breathes out* It's fine.....I promise...... *pause* Yeah…..I’ll let you know if it…...if it get’s too much…. *longer pause* At least they’re playin’ Christmas music I know…...glad Stark hasn’t given in to the whole, ‘retail holiday pop’ thing……. *pause* I’ve heard enough to know that I don’t like it….. I’m sure you wanna go mingle or somethin’…..go ahead……I’ll just be here…. *softly* Hey, Doll….I gotta be able to do it sometime…..everything is gonna be fine…...go ahead…..go and talk with your friends, you don’t gotta hold my hand all night, as much as I’d like you to….. *soft kiss* I swear…..now go….. *Fade out* *Fade in* *Huge Crash* Я клянусь всемогущим Богом! Если вы скажете еще одну плохую вещь о них, я вырву вам конечность из конечности! (YA klyanus' vsemogushchim Bogom. Yesli vy skazhete yeshche odnu plokhuyu veshch' o nikh, ya vyrvu vam konechnost' iz konechnosti!){I swear by almighty God! If you say one more bad thing about them I will rip you limb from limb!} *growls and a bang with a scuffle* *gasp* I don’t….I don’t…there’s no…..no gun….I…….О Боже {O Bozhe) {Oh God…..} I….I’m so sorry they,.....they were just...He…..he said such terrible things about you and I just….I----*almost starts to hyperventilate*..... *whispering furiously* Please….I’m sorry…...please---Вытащи меня отсюда (Vytashchi menya otsyuda){Get me out of here….} *While Fading Out* I’m sorry….I’m so sorry……. *Fade In* прости меня (prosti menya){I’m sorry}…..I thought…..I thought that I could…..that I could handle it but….just…...слишком много ..... слишком много (slishkom mnogo ..... slishkom mnogo) {Too many…..too much…) I--I swore to you that it would be alright and I just….I completely lost control…..he….I don’t know…..something about the way he talked and the things that he said…..it just….something inside me snapped…..and I was nearly back…..I was….. *shuddering, quietly* I was nearly the Winter Soldier again….. N-no don’t! Please…..please don’t….don’t touch me right now…...just yet….. *pause* I don’t...I don’t know….I don’t know if there even ever is 100% Bucky….. There’s….there’s always going to be some part of me that isn’t….that’s… его. (yego.) {him.} *long pause* I’m sorry that…..I’m sorry that I ruined the night…… *pause* *shouting* Well sometimes trying doesn’t feel good enough!! *pause* О Боже (O Bozhe){Oh God….} F-fuck…I---I…. *almost starts to hyperventilate* P-panic attack? I-I don’t get--I…. *pause* I---O...Ok…. *deliberately breathes* Y-Yeah….sit….sitting…..I can do that…… *more deliberate breathing* *pause* D-doing better….. *pause* Y-You should be safe now…...if you…..if you wanted to sit…. *pause* Alright….yes….I-I would like you to sit next t-to me please…… *pause* S-SSometimes when…..when stuff like…..what happened at the party….happens….when I….when I come out of it I just…...I always feel so f-fucking cold….. Wait…..here…..l-let me move s-so you can hold my other hand…..the metal one is still really…… Cold….. *beathes out a huge sigh* *long pause* God….I’m so sorry…..first I’m incredibly awkward, then I tried to kill some guy….and then I yelled at you and…...God you were only trying to help me and I was being such an ass…...panic attack….Jesus Christ…….. Прости, любимый. (Prosti, lyubimyy.){I’m sorry, Love}. *pause* *sighs* All things considering…..yeah I….I do feel better…. I did…..I did come out of it faster….. You’re to thank for that….. *clears throat* H-hows the arm? Does it….feel any warmer? I--I can’t really…..it’s more of a pressure than anything….. The rest of me? Y-Yeah…..it feels warmer…. *grunts/moans softly in surprise* W-wait…..after that you…..you want to…. *pause* *chuckles weakly* So me going all Russian weapon on someone….kinda turned you on? *pause* I’m not even gonna try to think about what he said about you…...just know that…..I may have threatened to tear him limb from limb….. *moans softly* T-that’s me, Doll…..your emotionally unstable man…… *pause* S-sorry it’s….it’s hard to get rid of the self deprecating voice sometimes….the one that tells me that I don’t deserve this and to run away…...cause I’m just gonna end up hurting you…. *gasps softly* It’s uh….good….definitely good…..yet….unexpected…… It’s…...it’s helping calm that voice down…… *moans softly* J-Jesus your hand is warm…… *gasps* W-wait! S-Sorry…..медленно (medlenno){Slowly)…..just slowly please…. *soft, almost gentle panting and moaning* *soft laugh* *through gentle moans* I...I have to say…..I think this is…..much better than that party…… I’d rather be with you anywhere…… H-here…..d-do you want me to? *moans sharply* W-what? *swallows* A-about me? *breathes* Alright…. *quiet-ish panting and moaning* I….*swallows* to be honest I didn’t expect anything like this when we went to the party….. *chuckles softly through a moan* I had other things on my mind surprisingly, Doll…… *moans and pants* Иисус. Приятно (Iisus. Priyatno){Jesus. Feels good} *chuckles* Even the language gets you all hot and bothered…..doesn't it? *moans softly* Well then…..I’ll just have to talk in it more….. и скажу, как сильно я хочу тебя трахнуть. (i skazhu, kak sil'no ya khochu tebya trakhnut'.){and tell you how much I want to fuck you} *chuckles weakly, through pants* Well….you’ll just have to find out later, won’t you? *panting and moaning* Oh…..возлюбленная (vozlyublennaya) {Sweetheart or Beloved)..... *tightly* собирается кончить (sobirayetsya konchit'){gonna come}..... *slightly rougher panting* Yes…..yes…..Да, моя любовь (Da, moya lyubov'){Yes, my love} *sharp gasp* *shaky exhalation through a moan* *soft panting* *kiss* Y-yes….I…..*swallows* I definitely feel better…… *pause* *chuckles* Yes...definitely warmer…. *kiss* Hey…...how about I make good on my promise? *chuckles* That’s the ticket…..