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That Audio Sex Stories

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By Kinkradio 160 16:59
You have dinner reservations with Bucky, but are they really all that necessary? Contains: Kissing, Russian, Petnames (Doll, Sweetheart, Hon), Eating Out, Doggy Style Sex, Couch Sex, Bareback Sex, Dirty Talk, Mild Voice Kink, Mild Temperature Kink Woo! Date Night with Bucky.....that just ends in sex lol, but that's fine! This was a lovely commission that I actually had a lot of fun with, especially thinking/coming up with what I think Bucky would do when it comes to a date in the 21st Century and how things have changed and stuff! Also, more attempts at Russian lol. Hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky: *take a deep breath and exhales* *Lowly, to self* Don't fuck it up, Barnes. *knocking on door* *door opens* .....Hi...... It's good to see you.... *pause* Yes, I uh.....got you these......flowers.... *pause* I don't know is this even something people do anymore? Buy flowers for their partners? Foor good reasons I mean......I used to get flowers all the time back...before...and it was normal....like of course a guy like me would get flowers for his partner, now....the lady at the shop just joked that I must be trying to make up for something, like I did something to anger you and was just trying to appease you. Is what flowers signify now? Иисус Христос (Iisus Khristos) {Jesus Christ} I've been thinking about it the whole way over whether or not I should even give them to you, but they're actually real nice and they would go to waste if I didn't and-- *kiss* *pause* Oh......I'm glad.... Sorry...... *pause* Yeah.....go ahead.....Got all the time in the world...... *mumbles to self* Way to go, idiot. *sighs* Sit down…..breathe…...get it together….. *purposefully inhaling and exhaling* *pause* Yeah I'm just..... When I went to the shop, it really hit me with how many times I had done it before. I really used to like giving flowers to people and....it.....well it reminded me how..... all this....the relationship thing.....used to be..... *pause* Yeah, maybe I did have a proclivity of not staying with those relationships for long but.....it was so much to be in them and.....get them. I knew what to do and was never unsure about.....anything..... I couldn't be any further from that man than I am now and.......God I miss it.....there are some days I miss it so damn much.... *pause* I know I shouldnt cling to the past, so many people have told me that but......my past was taken away from me.....almost permanently, so whenever I do get glimpses of it back I.....I can't help but want to keep a stranglehold on them, in case the possibility of them getting taken away happens again......*lowly* damn fucking Hydra..... I'm sorry.....this is.....this is a terrible way to start a date.....all over some fucking flowers....... *pause* What? *pause* I mean yes....I....I did tell you about it.....what’s your point? *pause* Well.....yeah there was....I guess there was a time where I didn't before......back in the beginning.....when....when I was still more Him than I was me...... I don't mean for you to be a sounding board or anything it's.....you're easy to talk to......and you......*sighs through his teeth* You make more sense than anyone else sometimes...... If I ever start talking or complaining about things and you don’t want to hear them…..tell me to shut my mug, ok? *soft kiss* *pause* I love you…..you do know that, right? *chuckles* Sometimes I forget...literally…..so, I guess that’s why I say it so much, I’m afraid that I don’t tell you enough, and that you don’t know how much you really mean to me. *breathes* You smell nice…… No you….you smell like you and….that helps…..distinct smells and sounds and tastes help me anchor myself to the present to who I am now and where I am now…...and who with…. *soft kiss* *breathes out a soft chuckle* A shiver….just from that? I forget sometimes how sensitive your neck is….. *sighs softly* I wish we could stay just like this….. *pause* Well….we have dinner reservations and-- *pause* We don’t have to stay here just because of me….. *pause* You wanna stay? The flush on your neck leads me to believe that you do…...for some specific reason…. *lowly* Am I right to assume that, Doll? *pause* *chuckles* Well…...you only needed to say so… I’m serious if you are…...I would never pass up an opportunity to fool around with you if that’s what you want….. I don’t know if you honestly realize how crazy attractive you are to me, возлюбленная (vozlyublennaya) {beloved}..... So come on…..why don’t we get undressed, and forget the whole dinner thing….. *chuckles into a kiss* That’s my Sweetheart…. *Fade Out* *Fade In* Here…...get down on your hands and knees, it’ll be more comfortable….. Yeah…..like that, use the armrest for your forearms….. *pause* Иисус Христос (Iisus Khristos) {Jesus Christ}You look…..you’re a fuckin’ vision…… *pause* *chuckles* You’d be surprised…..not everyone in the ‘40’s were as prim and proper as you seem to think that they were…..*kiss* I mean…..take me for example…...you think I learned how to fuck recently? *chuckles* thought not…… Here…..grab onto the couch for a second…… *sucking kiss* *chuckles* *lowly* Yeah, so I can do that….. *kissing, licking and sucking* *chuckles* You’re shaking already…...almost makes me think that you’ve been wanting something like this real badly…...I can tell by the blush that’s all the way down your body too…...looks real sweet…..*kiss* could just eat you up….. *pause* So, how do you wanna do this, Sweetheart? Do you wanna lay back or--? *chuckles, a little dirty* Well…..look at you….just like this? *lowly* So I can drape myself over your back and whisper dirty things in your ear? And you can feel as much of my body over yours as possible? I think I can handle that just fine….. Doll, hey, listen for a second….I don’t have a condom…..are you ok with that or do you want me to-- *pause* *chuckles* Ok…..roger, comin’ in loud and clear…...I’m not goin’ anywhere….. *swallows* Raise your hips, just a little bit more…..There….. That feel alright? If it starts to not, tell me, ok? *kiss* Good…… Deep breath……. *shuddering moan* T-There we go…..Jesus…...hardly even a stutter…..you--*chuckles* You’re really keyed up, aren’t you? *chuckles* Roger that…… *panting and moaning with thrusts* *through moans and pants* You’re…..you’re kind of amazing, you know that, right? You don’t expect me to be normal…..you don’t figure that I should be ‘better’ after ‘all this time’ like some other people seem to think. They just want me to move on so that I’m more acceptable….but you…… *lowly* You genuinely care about me and…...Боже, это невероятно (Bozhe, eto neveroyatno) {God, that’s incredible). *more pointed thrusting, with pants and moans* *lowly, almost whispering* Is this what you wanted, Doll? Me draped over your body as I fucked you from behind? I can see the flush on your face, and how your eyes are squeezed shut, like you can’t even help the pleasure you’re feeling. I can get real good and deep like this, Sweetheart, nice. And. Hard. *chuckles, then a kiss* You make such nice noises, Hon. I’d love to hear more….. *pause* That’s it…..say my name….. *panting and moaning* You’re----you’re squeezin’ on me awful hard down here sweetheart…..you close to coming? *chuckles* Good…...how about…..just a little more to get you there….. That’s right…...with the metal hand…..I know how much you like it……right here…...just enough to drive you crazy. Don’t hold back, Doll…..give me everything you got….. *panting and moaning* кончи моя любовь (konchi moya lyubov') {come, my love} Yes….yes…..f-fuck……дерьмо (der'mo) {shit} Haaaa---aahhhhhh~! *groans loudly* *panting* Here…...relax…..just a second…….. *moans softly* There…… Here…...flip over….let me…… *shifts* There…...that’s much more comfortable, isn’t it? *chuckles* I’m basically a super soldier, Doll, you layin’ on me ain’t heavy at all….. *panting subsides* Well…..we’re definitely gonna miss our dinner reservations…… *chuckles* yeah, that’s fair…..this was far more fun…...although usually I do this after the date…...just so you know….. *kiss* Yes…...I feel better…..how about you? Not sore anywhere? *kiss* Good…..I’m glad…… *pause* I did…..usually left before they woke up though…… *hushes* You don’t got anythin’ to worry about, Doll…..I’m not going anywhere…… *kiss* I’ll stay as long as you want me to…… люблю вас... (lyublyu vas...) {love you…}
By Kinkradio 160 13:00
Bucky of all people asked you out? And dancing? Contains: Music, Dancing, Confessions, Memories, Talking about PTSD, Talking about Trauma, Comfort, Kissing Music from: Bensound.com Bucky's back! I asked for suggestions on this one, and the suggestion where they go dancing really inspired me, so I made this! I also added some comfort angles and kind of like, "Bucky asked the listener on a date without really realizing he did". I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Bucky:*breathes* Oh...good….. *pause* I may have been…..worried…..that the only people that would be here would be…...people my age I guess….. Well…..I didn’t want you to…...feel left out….. *pause* I mean, I probably can't do swing dancing that much anymore...... It's not.....it's not really much about remembering the steps.... I've found....Well I've found most things like dancing to be muscle memory, it's mostly just the.....the energy.....it takes a lot of passionate energy from both parties and well......*sighs* I'm doing that thing again where I talk myself out of something before I even try it......Sam says I have a bad habit about that......so......maybe....maybe someday just.....I think I have better energy with just.....some slow dancing tonight.....if that's.....if that's alright..... *pause* I know you've been having a hard time recently.....and well.....*exhales* Sam and Steve have been nagging---well..... me to.....to well get out and .....try out some of the things that I used to do.....again.....see if anything well.....sticks..... The two of them are insistent that I find a hobby, and well......this seems as good as any, doesn't it? Like I said.....it doesn't take much on the memories part, I just guess.....we should let our bodies do the talking? Sounds like they put on some more relaxed music......so.....shall we? *long pause* *breathes sharply* N-nothin…..I mean--*sighs*--I just......I'm just......having flashes......uh---good ones.....of all the times that I went to dance halls when I was…..younger.....back in the day........this--uh club.....kinda reminds me of 'em......it's not like dancing now...... Not that....dancing now is terribly bad I just.....don't know the rules....or if there are any...... It's.....nice that there are others who still enjoy the type of music that we liked.....all those years ago...... Right....yeah.....the memories.....I....well....I used to take a lot of girls around.....and.....*chuckles* there were also some secret clubs.....where.....you could dance with other fellas and....nobody would look at ya twice....Stevie and I used to go sometimes--yes, before you ask, Steve--.....and at first it was cause, well I wanted to make sure that it wasn't a ruse and no one was gonna try to kick his ass, but then it kinda hit me that....dancing with fellas was just as nice as dancing with women....and it's.....it's nice that now......people like that----well I guess now.....people like 'us' is the right word---have the freedom to do that...... There are a lot of things about the future that I don't hate....the more Sam and Steve keep forcing me to try---Natasha too, she's relentless---the more I'm starting to come around. You too, dollface. *pause* Jesus Christ, I'm sorry, that was....completely.....a--a fluke....I just.....*chuckles softly* muscle memory....... Yeah.....here....I can kinda teach you how to move, I think.....here.....you wanna lead, or? *chuckles* Alright, sounds good.....so......a real easy step, is to just to the opposite of what I do.....so....if I step forward with my right foot, like this.....you step back with your left foot....and.....so on.....kinda moving in a circular motion....if ya can......*chuckles* It's ok if you don't get it right away.....just standin' and swayin' is alright too.....I've had plenty of dances like that......as long as you don't mind holdin' each other close? Good....yeah.....here.....like this.....take my hand like.....this......and then put ya other hand here......There......... *long pause* *softly* I also invited you here cause......well.....I know you're havin' some struggles of your own.....and.....well I'm not doin' this just ‘cause I pity you or anything.....It's.....*sighs shortly*--sorry I get...tongue tied....trying to articulate sometimes..... *pause* Thank you..... *pause* *takes a breath* I invited you here cause I wanted to go out dancing with you....that was the primary reason.....but also ‘cause.....like me....I know you're having some struggles....and.....well....not to be a broken record, but....Sam and Steve and....the recovery group have been encouraging me to....go out.....do the things that used to make me happy and see if they make me happy still..... things from my past with.....people who weren't there.....try to remember....unpack those memories.....see if there are any good ones in there.....also....it's a healthy distraction.... You.....you've been there too.....helping along with everyone else....and.....this isn't me trying to pay you back or anything but.....I just thought.....maybe....it would help.....and.....I wanted to kind of show you some stuff from my past that was.....good..... What we've been working on in the group is.....positive association......while....some of the memories can be painful....and can kind of trap us in ourselves.....sometimes it's up to us to try to create good memories to associate with instead....instead of trying to lock ourselves up so we don't......try to hurt anyone else....or ourselves...... Isolation can be helpful in the right circumstance.....and I'm sure that you know that.....but sometimes you gotta put on your adult pants and go out and do something where there's other people......or you ain't gonna get better.....I mean.....don't try to force yourself if you're not in the right headspace of course, but it---*sighs* It's complicated...... You're doin' a real good job too....you know that? What you've gone through....I can't say I've gone through exactly myself.....but I think that there are similarities.....in all trauma....that people can empathize with.....and well.....we help each other.....we work.....together....and it's nice.....having someone who's not afraid of me going off on them any second..... Well....someone who isn't also Captain Fucking America.....*chuckles* You're putting the work in, just as much as everyone else.....and I know it's hard.....God knows I know it's hard.....to not just let yourself go adrift.....to be in the moment......to try not to dwell on the bad things of the past.....but you're doing it.....and I'm.....doing better at it too.....and we're allowed to have bad days.....remember that, yeah? Think about it now.....are you having a good time? Dancing here......with me? Well then…..that’s…..a good memory to have…..right? It is…...form me…… If you want…..we could come back….sometime? I looked and….they usually try to do this at least once a month…..and I thought…..maybe….. *pause* *chuckles softly* Ok…..alright, yeah…..we can try…...and….even if this doesn’t work out…..maybe we can find something else to do? *pause* I---well…...if it wasn’t completely obvious….I like spending time with you and…..I’d like to spend more of it together…..making good memories…..instead of…...well…..the days that aren’t so great…..even though we help each other during those so they aren’t so much as bad but--- *soft kiss* *embarrassed* I--right….I’ll…..*clears throat* I’ll shut up now…..sorry…...at first I didn’t even really talk all that much, at least what Steve told me….but now….sometimes it all comes pouring out and I can’t stop it…..see? I said I’d shut up and--- *soft kiss* *chuckles* Right….right….yeah--no, that’s….that might not be such a bad way to get my thoughts back on track…..I….thank you….for coming out with me…...I appreciate it…..and….despite what it might seem like I having a good time…… *pause* Can I? *chuckles into a kiss*
By Kinkradio 160 23:42
If you called it a date, Muriel probably wouldn't have come with you, especially if he knew what you have planned. But simply asking him to come with you? Well.....he'd do anything for you, really. Contains: Slight Dancing, Romance, Stargazing, Skinny Dipping, Confessions, Frottage, Kissing. It's Muriel! I literally cannot tell you how hard this audio was for me to pick a character with, hence the need for more time this month, but I think I got it out in the end! But whew! Voicing Muriel is definitely different! I wanted to make him different when it comes to other gravelly-voiced characters, so I did his voice with one side of my top and bottom canines touching at all times, so it was definitely different. It was also different because with the dialogue and the character, Muriel carries so much tension with him that I was starting to feel it too, and I had to take breaks so I wouldn't cramp up my muscles lol. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! ~Audio Transcript Below~ Muriel: I do have to admit.....tonight is far nicer than it has been in a long while.....a momentary lapse of peace.....perhaps....even the universe has seen how much turmoil there's been....and....realizes we've needed some respite...... Are we going somewhere in particular? You seem.....determined......very....specific in your walking...... Yes.....there are hills that overlook certain parts of the forest that way......why do you ask? Alright....lead the way.....be careful however.....it's.....still a forest..... *sputters softly* Me being here with you......doesn't make it any less dangerous...... *long pause* So you were directing us up the hills.....is there a reason as to--- W-what? What are you---why do you---? This is what you brought us up here for? *pause* W-why? *pause* Because....you thought....it would be nice? I......*swallows* *softly* Y-you will.....have to show me how....... No.....it's not something.....someone like me would ever....do...... I.....so I put my hand....here? And.....what of my other one? *swallows* Y-Your waist.....right......y-yes..... *pause* Like this? I don't know if....I'll able to do any steps....what if I.....I don't want to step on your feet...... Swaying? I.....I suppose I can do that....... *long pause* This is......pleasant..... *pause* I am....stiff because....I am extremely out....of my element...... *pause* Yes but......trying hard....keeps you safe..... Just....close me eyes.....and breathe? *softly* A-Alright......... *Breathes softly* *long pause* Yes.....it is nice....to....feel your warmth.....it.... Hm? Look up at the stars? I've already seen them-- *pause* A-Alright.....f-for you.... *breathes* *long pause* W-what am I thinking? Y-you....you don't want to hear my--- *sighs softly* G-give me a moment..... *pause* I....I've walked through this forest.....more times than I care to count......have seen the stars.......have wanted to count them......to dwell in them.....but.....here.....right now.....they have never been more......meaningful.....more.....breathtaking.....than they are now......here......with you..... *softly* It almost feels like we're.....in our own world.....where......nothing bad can happen..... *softly laughs, deprecating* Foolish to believe.....isn't it? *gasps softly into kiss* I....I.....You....we......what..... *gasps into kiss again* *shudders a breath* W-wait.....f-follow you.....? *Fades Out* *Fades In* So the....dancing under the stars wasn't your only plan? You..... The creek? Why the....... What do you mean by? *chokes softly* You....what.....?! Please....put your....put your clothes back on! *pause* That's the point? *pause* If you don't want to get your clothes wet, then why go into the water at all?? *pause* *groans softly, embarrassed* If this was your aim the entire time…… *swallows* You…..it…...does look…..inviting….. *sighs deeply* You’re going to persist until I come in as well…..aren't you? *sighs again* *pause* *clothing shuffling* *wades slowly into the water* *groans softly* *clears throat, as if caught* I uh.....it's....warmer......than I thought..... N-No dont!......don't come near me.....just.....just yet.... *long pause* A-alright....I......*swallows and inhales, then exhales* Y-you can......if you wish..... *breathes softly* I.....I look away because you......it's different...... that you're here.......that you're.....we're......like this....... Yes.....naked..... *pause* Y-Yes......I.....I am quite a bit larger than you...... I…...I…….you….my skin? Is….warm? *breathes softly* *gasps* I---I…..Forgive me….I….. *moans softly* N-No....we can't.....just because.....just because I'm like this.....doesn't mean......you don't have to.... *pause* .....What? That was....the......entire reason you wanted....to get in the water *swallows* naked? I….I…… O-Oh….. Y-you? A-As well? I…… *soft moans* I…..you’re so…...oh…... *panting softly* We can't.....we can't...I'm.....I'm too big for you right now.....I won’t....not with---not without proper......*swallows* preparations.... *breathes, slightly helpless* I know....I..... *kiss* I just won't hurt you.....I can't.....please.......please understand......it.....it doesn't mean that I don't want you.....I just..... *kiss* ......Alright...... I....*breathes* I have an idea...... Just.......carefully.....like this..... *lifts listener out of the water* Wrap your legs.....like this....I'm going to hold you up.....against the rock...... Tell me if it gets uncomfortable.....alright? *pause* *kiss* I know.....I want to avoid.....hurting you.....even.....in the midst of.....pleasure..... Adjust, just slightly.....bring your leg here....? *moans softly* Y-yes.....like that..... *soft moans and pants* *gasps* S-Slow! Slow....please.....just....... *panting* Y-your eagerness.....is.....slightly hard to believe...... *pause* I never thought.....that.....with me..... *moans and pants* *tightly* I....I know I'm holding back.....I......*desperately* I'm so afraid of hurting you...... *kisses* It.....it's so hard to.....to forget what I've done.....how.....how dangerous I feel.....how for so long....I did not.....could not have something like this.....like....like you......and now that I have you it is......I don't think I could bare to lose you...... *stutters with a moan* Y--yes.....yes you have me...... *pants and moans* I'm so afraid that with everything happening around us that.....that if I get close to you....that something bad will happen, and I don't think I would be able to survive that so.....so I try to be distant.....but it's so hard..... *pause* Because I you so much..... *soft kisses interspersed with moans* You are........beyond words.......the only thing running through my head is......how breathtaking you are...... *lowly, almost whisper* You mean............. *moans and pants* Y-Yes.....me....too......close..... *pants and moans* Going-----going to……*quick gasp* *closed mouth moan* *soft panting* C-come now…..let’s…..get out of the water……. It’s a warm night…..so it won’t be too…… *pause* I….*clears throat* I don’t think…….. *pause* If it…...helps…..you stay warm….I suppose we can…..lay together….. *long pause* L-Like this? Oh-oh…..alright….. *long pause* It's hard to believe that we're here......that this.....isn't a dream that I've made up.....that I'm not going to wake up and.....find myself alone....... *breathes* If it is......would it be selfish of me.....wanting to never wake up? Even though the you in real life would be in danger? *pause* *soft kiss* You don't have to......*swallows* It will......take some getting used to.....you....being here.....with me.......like.....*embarrassed* this...... I enjoyed it.....thoroughly.....all of it…..not just the…….…….that's not.....*clears throat* in question....... *pause* I--I......don't know if I could do this all the time....it.....was a lot.....but.......if that doesn't anger you I.....would not be....opposed to trying this again? *kiss* *breathes* Thank you......for everything.......This was.....good…...
Summary: When your partner notices that you seem to be upset, he proposes you both try your new favourite activity: you using his cock as your own. You sit on his lap on the couch naked and the two of you touch each other gently. All the while, he tells you that the cock between your legs right now is your cock. That's *your* cock you're stroking. That's *your* big, hard cock. *Your* cock that you're going to make shoot all over you.
By FlowLikeTea 18 25:11
Let me Scramble Your Brain Away (Cube Puzzle Trance) My dear, I'm sure you've heard the idea of being a "plaything". A toy to serve the amusement of another. I do so love my toys. I love to twist and turn their minds to my whims. Turn their minds way so that they can't string together even a single coherent thought. It's so fun, and so intimate really. I want to just mindlessly scramble your mind away and enjoy your helplessness. Won't you let me, dear? This file is designed to scramble and twist your brain around, literally. It has a focus on confusion and interrupting your thoughts so you can't think properly, and as a result, has some light intelligence drain elements. Light elements of being a toy, a plaything as well, and plenty of times where I ask you to picture specific scenes. I also encourage that letting your brain get so confused feels good, and that you enjoy being helpless to me and my control. Hope you enjoy! Hello all! I've been gone for a while, but I'm happy to be making and posting now! This is an improv file of an idea I had for a themed trance that I thought was both unique, super fun, and pretty high concept! Feels good to get these uploads out! It's definitely a fairly intimate experience simply in the way I recorded and approached it, I don't hide any little speaking mishaps. It's me mindlessly shuffling around the little mind of yours, just like the name brand cube puzzle (ignore the fact I do say the actual name brand in the file). Thank you for listening, and here's to more files to come!
By kinkyshibby 788 58:06
Not your butt, you greedy pervert! My butt. I happen to enjoy anal sensations as well. Sadly, no anal sex for me since I've become a Dominatrix- there is so much stigma that the person taking it in the ass is automatically submissive that I need to make sure I have complete control of the situation. Hypnosis is good for that. :)
So, sometimes - I write a little part of a script that I have no idea where to put, and then I record it because why not? This little tenta-number here was born from sudden sinspiration (yes that's what I'm calling it). It's something that popped into my mind while thinking of a different script and wanted to do just for fun. I have no story for this whatsoever, though maybe if I think about it enough - I'll make a full thing. Most likely not. Anyways! Have fun hearing me struggle<3
Ba dum tsh. Get it? Because a Full Load is a film magazine with a fresh reel of film and you're giving me your full loa...never mind. GWU has one of the top film schools in the world. Why is that? It's Professor BBG. She puts student satisfaction right up there with quality pornographic films. Now, it's time for your lesson...Come in. Come in. Don't be shy. We both know how desperately you want that A. This audio is part of the Gone Wild University Lab. Follow the Full Collab link on my GWA post to find a timetable of the other Professor's works.    
By organ_donor86 91 12:19
not necessarilybut preferablyDaddy is theyou are the teasing yourDaddy showingNOW you cansqueezingDaddy losingDaddyDaddy ownsmake This is another of my homage audios. The female VA's that inspired me, so many years ago. u/PumpkinPlz is another of those women. She claims this wasn't her original idea, but I had to do due diligence to ask permission. Her voice, in all of her audios, drips with excitement and dedication to the craft. I already know, my version falls short of hers. Primarily, because I am an unapologetic man, that despite my want of restraint, I have to have my baby girl. I can try to tease, but ultimately, my primal instincts take over. Somehow, I have more restraint in real life, than in my audios. However, that alone, is an insight to Your Daddy.
By Sweetlilkitten 10 -17:12
so it's Because for some reason you asked your girl friend to let you sleep with her, it could be because you can't cope with your neighbors doing parties every days or because your roommate have throw you out, I don't know, but a thing sure is that we are getting really close this night. You discover her body, you wander on her belly and breasts almost friendly, but you can't take it anymore. She is your crush for a long time, and it's enough for you. You decides to take things further. She end up squirting in your hand, and then she gives you oral, and even if you are not fountain yourself, you gave her a salty rain. She comes back up to let you taste your little naughty pee as you tell her you're actually aren't fountain, you wet her bed so much, and her mouth too, all of that on purpose. She don't seems bothered by that at all.
By Sweetlilkitten 10 -25:17
Also but then you you're certainly of a long day at work so you finally are home to you on me at some point, also also mentions of sometimes and being called and certainly I certainly was in or something because I felt I sounded so childish when I edited, so certainly but I didn't said anything about that so maybe not, also asking because I You come home after a long day at work, that is usually enough for make you have to make the stress out in a certain way, and you come home when your girlfriend is playing piano. She don't often plays as it mostly triggers her dyspraxia, so when you come by you stopped by the door slightly opened and you watched your love rambling on the keyboard, you appreciated this little moment because you really think she plays nicely enough and should not be self conscious about it. She didn't heard you coming by, but then she is too shy to continue. You asked her to play a little something for her and she complied. Turns out that kind of thing will certainly help her forget about any sadness of her life. You really are a sweetheart... I tried to not mention body parts too much, just said touching I think, I just said I had sensitive nipples so maybe I have breasts, but I could be whatever you want anyway.
By Akolmfi 330 31:39
(He Lied) After hearing you fuck yourself silly in your room for the 400th time since moving in. Your Roomie decides to check what's up as you leave. Only to find no other person. Just your ruined panties and... a toy?? This couldn't be what's making you moan out like you're in heat right? Well.. curiosity never really killed the cat. Only one way to find out... By proving it~ Names Used: Dear, Princess, Good Girl, Sweet Names, Slut a few times, Needy Puppy. Consider joining my Patreon! Gets you Exclusive as well as Early Access audios and much more! Also helps me continue creating more audios :3
By projektsonata 38 24:01
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this script! I’m so happy to have you my dears! Remember that your support is very important to me, if you comment and send your feedback that would help me a lot! Script by u/Fredriting
By TheSoupNotSee 18 19:17
You and your long term best friend just finished watching a film, you begin reminiscing on your long time friendship and you finally decide to take the leap and show him how you feel... it turns out much better than you expected! Well, once he believes you aren't pulling a joke on him! "You- You can't just say shit like that to me. You can't say shit like that to your friends... Why? Because... Because it's weird. I mean- Why... Why are you moving closer to me?" "baby, good girl, daddy, beautiful
Script by u/CapableCat737 Summary: You asked your best friend's husband to pick you up at the airport and you'd also like to redeem another coupon from your birthday present, the one which loans him out to you. He's done a little scouting around and found just the perfect place to be private in public… Copyright 2022 u/misterblissful. All rights reserved. Do not rehost or reupload without creator's permission. This is a work of fiction and does not represent the creator's views. SFX are all originally made or sourced from freesound.org
written by u/ElbyWritesAgain Shh, don't let our friends know I'm sucking your dick!!
By Akolmfi 330 07:06
For the Full 31 Min Audio (He Lied) After hearing you fuck yourself silly in your room for the 400th time since moving in. Your Roomie decides to check what's up as you leave. Only to find no other person. Just your ruined panties and... a toy?? This couldn't be what's making you moan out like you're in heat right? Well.. curiosity never really killed the cat. Only one way to find out... By proving it~ Names Used: Dear, Princess, Good Girl, Sweet Names, Slut a few times, Needy Puppy. Consider joining my Patreon! Gets you Early Access audios like these on release, Exclusive content and more!