A man wearing a ghost-face mask calls you from somewhere... You can figure out what happens next.
Thank you u/Honest-Boysenberry-3 for this script.
Sound effects form Pixabay.
Listener and her masked stalker, Narrator, have a strangely flirty relationship, with both interested in each other sexually. Unable to restrain himself anymore, Narrator masturbates in the alley across from Listener's apartment while calling her and letting her watch.
THIS script was written by the amazing u/softlikestatic
Summary: Listener and her masked stalker, Narrator, have a strangely flirty relationship, with both interested in each other sexually. Unable to restrain himself anymore, the Narrator masturbates in the alley across from Listener's apartment while calling her and letting her watch.
Script by: softlikestatic
The listener is a very talented theatre actor, so talented he wins the admiration on the Phantom. Now, after years of whispering in his ears, Erik finally decides to show himself..
Terms used for listener's genitals: clit, drenched
Terms used for the listener: angel, child, boy, beautiful, gorgeous, love
SFX Pack: @LehornySFX3D
Script can be found here:
Summary: You corner this cute girl in an an angel consume and well she thinks you're her little boyfriend. Why not have a little bit of fun making her yours without her knowing?
Also psst if you want more go