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Q&a Audio Sex Stories

17 results
By ramoanerflowers 32 -42:13
- 03:55: If you saw someone stealing some beans from Tesco would you report them, confront them or just let them have their beans because frankly who wouldn't want free-beans on toast? - 05:05: Rice or pasta? And how do you like them best? - 05:55: What is your favorite movie, band/musician, and best concert you've ever attended? - 09:15: Do you have a favourite place to visit? - 10:18: How did you discover and get into making audio erotica? - 13:30: How much do people in your real life now about how much of an insatiable cum machine you are? - 15:00: What's the one sexual opportunity you had that you regret not taking? - 16:35: Do you get crushes on people you meet or know in real life? If you could have sex with your biggest crush, what would you like to happen? - 19:30: Have you ever had great sex? If so, what made it great? Describe it - 24:15: What toys do you have? Besides your audience? - 25:55: Annd do you have a favourite toy to use when recording your Ramblefaps - 35:00: Have you always been blessed with that beautiful gushing pussy or is it an acquired skill? If so, what's the secret?