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Converting her back to cock 10mins

This post is for the /r/dykeconversion subreddit and is for kink purposes only. Coercion and conversion are entirely unacceptable. I wholeheartedly reject and denounce rape, sexual assault, misogyny and homophobia outside of kink scenes and anyone who thinks otherwise can unkindly fuck off. It's a shame you and Amy had to break up, you girls were cute together and seemed like a solid couple. I'm in the flat while she's out of town so you take the opportunity to come pick up all your stuff (you practically lived here so it's A LOT). But seeing as it might well be the last time I ever see you, I decide to take my shot with you, lesbian or not.
If you are at all triggered by non-consent or R-pe, please stop reading now! For your sake this is not for you. You've been a frustrating subordinate to manage. Work has been sloppy and slow to be completed, you've been a bratty bitch with other members of the team, and you dress like you can get everyone to eat out of your hand on looks alone. Well it's about time someone put you back in your place. Please remember that this is a fantasy. One that is especially difficult to work out in reality. As with all kinks, consent is key.