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20:00~ Erotic Audio Sex Stories

14 results
The Ultimate Oral Treat collab with /u/iplaythelarynx Jane and Aidan are a couple and pretty open-minded about sex. While Aidan is openly bi, Jane hasn't really tried out things with another girl, although she's curious. She has a crush on her female best friend (the listener). They haven't seen each other in a long time but now the friend is passing through town on a work trip and they invited her to their home. Aidan hasn't met her yet and isn't aware of the crush the girls have on each other. Not that it would bother him... quite the contrary, in fact ;-)
By birdland 28
Life got in the way of my masturbation habits, so it was nice to sit back and let porn take me away for a while. Please enjoy me doing some old fashioned edging before cumming really hard. You gotta take time for self-case, and for me that means edging for thirty minutes and then biting my pillow case so hard I may need to start looking for a new one. Happy listening! Tags:
Oh man, I don't even know if I can write out a fucking thesis right now, ya boi is so sleepy, but-I'll try, because I need to drill into you guy's heads that I'm needy, as if that wasn't apparent from my entire identity here. I know I was kinda going back and forth between fucking in bed and the under-the-desk stuff, but I'm just opening your minds to new ideas and possibilities, y'know? Although I'm sure you've already thought of fucking me in more ways than I can even fathom :) Bottom Another reminder that if you want a face to put the voice to, there's pictures of me on my profile, which you should totally go check out if you wanna listen to my other audios <3 And with that, I'm nodding off, so why don't you get a load of this fuckin' audio while I go to sleep thinking about you holding me against your chest And, y'know, remember to give feedback, I eat that shit up
By MommySammys 64
We continue down this road together. You can DROP more easily than before and you have developed LUSTful feelings... Now, you feel particularly desperate for my appreciation... So much, that you'd do just about anything~ WARNING: My files feature true hypnotic trance. I sometimes play with themes of addiction, memory modification, permanent changes, and extreme kinks. Take what you want and leave what you don’t. Proceed with CAUTION if you are highly susceptible.