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Elf Audio Sex Stories

124 results
By RuthieRen 366 21:38
Dark Elf: Greetings Human and welcome to the Pleasure House! I am the Dark Elf Mistress of this fine establishment and I do hope you are enjoying the immense pleasures we have to offer here. Do you enjoy the sight of my Slave here? Wearing nothing but a thick leather collar and chain around her neck while shamelessly showing off her toned Elven body for my guests to see. She used to be one of the most highly respected and proud High Eleven Sorceress in the land but with me she's found her true calling as my personal slave. Isn't that right Slut? High Elf: Yes that's right...I live to serve Mistress and make the clients of her establishment cum... Written by u/RainbowBloodUnicorn, Edited by u/Kilbeggan32 both of reddiT!
You REALIZE you're just a grunting primitive human and you should NOT have your hands on my perfect, elven body? Groping me like this...leaving bruises in the shape of your fingers where you grip me? I am an elf maiden, and you are a feral animal that happens to have the shape of an elf...AND really warm hands...and a really, really big cock. Script by u/ravishagirl
By Jfbette 12 22:36
This audio was challenging and incredibly fun to do. Script by u/Burwinkle_Hendershot Summary: Wait, is that present that Santa left under your tree TALKING? Turns out that a poor elf from Santa's workshop was shoved into a box by some mean elf-girls. She seems very nice, if a bit shy, and is interested in giving you some very nice gifts.
You venture into the woods again. Only, this time you go with a goal of your own in mind. You manage to meet your new friend once more. Them being an elf, they offer to teach you to use magic after explaining the differences between other intelligent species that have access to magic. And that was how your biggest and most improbable dream suddenly began to seem obtainable. You were entering a whole new chapter of your life.
You are out in the woods once more in order to listen to the voice of nature. Your elf friend joins you during your session. He shares even more secrets about magic with you and he ends it all by making a proposition you don’t even hesitate to accept. And thus, you turn the page on yet another complete chapter in your life before the beginning of a newer one.
By Lily-Danger 99 29:21
You have spent the past couple of months adventuring with your gorgeous elf companion and almost every night was filled with the most wild sex you have ever had in your life. As your journey continued, you couldn't help but fall deeply in love with her and wish to take your relationship to the next level. So your opportunity arises when you both stop for the night at an inn and you finally confess your feelings to her. She reciprocates your feelings but informs you that she cannot give you the traditional monogamy most humans seek. The sexual appetite of elves cannot be satisfied by elven or human cocks alone. So tonight, she has invited an orc, two goblins, and a lizardfolk to take her while you are forced to watch. After experiencing this, will you still want to be in a relationship with your beautiful elf companion? Summary and script by u/someone666999
By Lily-Danger 99 31:27
The Elf Princess is well aware of all your perversions and your obscene sexual fascination with her. But she also - reluctantly - admits how wonderful you are as a servant and is remarkably hesitant about firing you. As such, she decides after some thought to satisfy your perversions, to give you a new focus and single-minded purpose, with all your base human urges all satisfied. Script and synopsis by u/Enno_Zalenno
By WendysLostBoys 8 18:38
so to play safe Written by u/Icedrake402 in Reddit Editing and SFX by u/fallenrush17p in Reddit The elf wizard of your adventuring party has some criticisms of your performance in the dungeon...but she is also curious if everything she’s heard about the lustful, virile reputation of humans is really true. She always knew you lusted after her, unable to resist her beautiful elf body. Best to just get it over with now, right?
By summerskyshy 176 -13:57
You're so starved for cuddles and skinship that you've taken to writing a plea to Santa as a last resort. Even though it is nowhere near Christmas time, no less! As desperate as your plea is, it looks like your prayer has been answered? At least that's what the romantically obsessed elf who was watching you sleep would suggest.
By PixelCherry 27 11:14
Headphones recommended! Script by: u/RVNfairin The Council in the village has decided that elves must not help any visitors lost in the forest. Due to recent attacks on the village, they have decided this in order to protect their citizens. Cally, the village young elf, spends most of her day in the forest in order to pick up wood and other resources and materials that might be useful to the village. One day, she finds a lost visitor, hidden in a cave behind her usual rest place, they're hurt and unconscious. Cally, with her noble heart would have to decide: breaking the new law and help or run away to inform the situation?
By grinningpup 157 24:14
/ Bow To Me Lots of s DISCLAIMER - All recordings are a work of fiction and belong to user GrinningPup and the affiliated authors and performers. Please don’t distribute the work via any channels that I don’t approve directly. Sharing is caring but theft is not. All characters depicted are over the age of 18 and any semblance to characters either real or fictional is entirely coincidental.